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Title:Razvoj modela ozaveščanja pacientov s pljučnim rakom
Authors:ID Frelih, Ema (Author)
ID Balantič, Zvonko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Marc Malovrh, Mateja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Frelih_Ema_2022.pdf (2,51 MB)
MD5: CB4E38F25DF7AFEF65D6902679263CD1
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:UVOD: Rak pljuč je v svetu zelo pogosta bolezen, tako po stopnji obolevnosti kot tudi umrljivosti. Bolezen se pogosto odkrije že v napredovalni fazi, saj pacienti znake in simptome opazijo pozno. Pacient mora o svoji bolezni prejeti informacije, ki jih razume, saj ima to velik vpliv na izid zdravljenja. Pacientom, ki kadijo, je potrebno tudi razložiti, kako pomembno je, da le-tega opustijo. METODE: Raziskava temelji na deskriptivni metodi kvantitativnega raziskovanja. Podatki so zbrani s pomočjo strukturiranega vprašalnika. Sodelovalo je 100 pacientov, ki so bili hospitalizirani v Univerzitetni kliniki za pljučne bolezni in alergijo Golnik, na oddelku za interventno pulmologijo. Razdelili smo jih v dve skupini. Eksperimentalna skupina je prejela individualno prilagojeno zloženko obravnave in zdravljenja, kontrolna skupina pa je bila deležna standardne obravnave. Anketiranje smo izvajali na treh stopnjah, in sicer na dan hospitalizacije, na dan odpusta in teden dni po končani hospitalizaciji. Uporabljena je bila opisna statistika. REZULTATI: Oblikovali in izdelali smo individualno prilagojeni zloženki obravnave in zdravljenja z naslovom Moja bolezen pljučni rak in Opuščanje kajenja. Na dan hospitalizacije skoraj polovica anketirancev v kontrolni skupini (41 %) meni, da so slabo ali zelo slabo ozaveščeni o pljučnem raku, na dan odpusta je 64 % vprašanih ozaveščenih dobro ali zelo dobro. En teden po končani hospitalizaciji jih je večina (74 %) ozaveščenih dobro ali zelo dobro. V testni skupini je na dan hospitalizacije o pljučnem raku prav tako zelo slabo ali slabo ozaveščena skoraj polovica vprašanih (n=24, 48 %). Na dan odpusta je dobro ali zelo dobro ozaveščenih o bolezni 68 % vprašanih, teden dni po končani hospitalizaciji pa kar 90 % vprašanih. 84 % vprašanih se popolnoma strinja ali se strinja, da jim je bila individualno prilagojena zloženka obravnave in zdravljenja v pomoč pri razumevanju bolezni, obravnave bolezni in zdravljenja. RAZPRAVA: Izobraževalni materiali bistveno izboljšajo učinkovitost podajanja informacij pacientom s pljučnim rakom. Več kot imajo ljudje razumljivih informacij, manj je duševnih stisk, bolj so obvladljivi simptomi bolezni in izboljša se kakovost življenja ter zadovoljstvo z zdravstveno obravnavo.
Keywords:Pljučni rak, ozaveščanje, izobraževanje pacientov, opuščanje kajenja.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-82930 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:142630147 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.02.2023
FRELIH, Ema, 2022, Razvoj modela ozaveščanja pacientov s pljučnim rakom [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=82930
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Secondary language

Title:Development of awareness model for patients with lung cancer
Abstract:INTRODUCTION: Lung cancer is a very common disease in the world, both in terms of morbidity and mortality. The disease is often detected as early as the advanced stage, as patients notice the signs and symptoms late. The patients must receive information about their disease that they understand, as this has a major impact on the outcome of treatment. Patients who smoke also need to be explained how important it is to quit. METHODS: The research is based on the descriptive method of quantitative research. Data were gathered with help of a structure questionnaire. 100 patients who were hospitalized at the University Clinic for Lung Diseases and Allergy Golnik, Department of Interventional Pulmonology participated in the research. We divided them into two groups. The experimental group received an individually adjusted treatment and treatment leaflet, and the control group received standard treatment. The survey was conducted in 3 stages. Namely on the day of hospitalization, on the day of discharge and one week after the end of hospitalization. Descriptive statistics were used. RESULTS: We designed and produced an individually tailored treatment and treatment leaflet entitled My Lung Cancer Disease and Smoking Cessation. On the day of hospitalization, almost half of the respondents in the control group (41 %) believe that they are poorly or very poorly aware of lung cancer, on the day of discharge 64 % of respondents are well or very well aware. 1 week after hospitalization, most (74 %) are well or very well aware. In the test group, on the day of hospitalization, almost half of the respondents were also very poorly or poorly aware of lung cancer (n = 24, 48 %). On the day of discharge, 68 % of respondents are well or very well aware of the disease, and one week after the end of hospitalization, as many as 90 % of respondents. 84 % of respondents fully agree or agree that IPZO / Z has helped them to understand the disease, treat the disease and treat it. DISCUSSION: Educational materials significantly improve the effectiveness of providing information to patients with lung cancer. The more people have understandable information, the less mental distress occurs, the more manageable the symptoms of the disease are and the better the quality of life and satisfaction with medical treatment is.
Keywords:Lung cancer, awareness, patient education, smoking abandonment.


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