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Title:Medijska svoboda v EU in strateške tožbe proti novinarjem : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Galič, Tjaša (Author)
ID Hojnik, Janja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Galic_Tjasa_2022.pdf (749,89 KB)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Magistrska naloga raziskuje problematiko medijske svobode v EU ter strateških tožb proti novinarjem. Medijska svoboda je trenutno v EU izredno aktualna tema. Nad mediji se vršijo pritiski, ki pomenijo omejevanje medijske svobode. Ker medijska svoboda predstavlja človekovo pravico in temeljno svoboščino, kot tudi steber demokratičnih sistemov, ima EU obveznost, da jo zagotavlja. Gre namreč za vrednoto, ki je skupna vsem državam članicam EU in njihovim državljanom. Tudi države kandidatke, ki želijo postati članice EU, morajo spoštovati medijsko svobodo. Medijska svoboda tako predstavlja politični pogoj v okviru procesa širitve EU, na kar EU države kandidatke opozarja v pristopnih poročilih. V magistrski nalogi je kot eden izmed načinov omejevanja medijske svobode obravnavana tema SLAPP tožb. Pojem SLAPP tožbe se je razvil v ZDA, trenutno pa je fenomen aktualna problematika v EU. Za razvoj ustreznih mehanizmov za zaščito medijske svobode pred SLAPP tožbami je potrebna prepoznava njenih tipičnih lastnosti in ciljev, ki jih zasleduje. Ker je načeloma temeljni cilj SLAPP tožbe uporaba sodnega postopka za utišanje kritičnih glasov, je nujna določitev jasne ločnice med legitimnim pravnim postopkom in postopkom s SLAPP tožbo. Na podlagi obravnavanja tematike medijske svobode v EU in SLAPP tožb zaključujem, da je EU probleme medijske svobode prepoznala. Posledično je v zadnjem času EU sprejela vrsto aktov, katerih cilj je zaščita pravice do svobode medijev ter s tem ohraniti demokracijo. Pomembna akta, ki jih je sprejela EU, sta predvsem Akcijski načrt za evropsko demokracijo in Resolucija. V okviru Akcijskega načrta za evropsko demokracijo je Komisija predstavila Predlog Direktive. Zakonodajni predlog teži k zaščiti novinarjev in civilne družbe pred SLAPP tožbami. Prav tako je Komisija predstavila Priporočilo o zaščiti novinarjev. V prihodnosti EU predvideva sprejetje Evropskega akta o svobodi medijev. Na podlagi Predloga Direktive bo sprejet zakonodajni akt, namenjen varstvu pred zlorabljenimi sodnimi postopki. S sprejemanjem ukrepov za zaščito medijske svobode na ravni EU so tudi države članice primorane sprejeti ustrezne ukrepe na nacionalni ravni. Medijska svoboda kot politični cilj postaja torej vse bolj pravno opredeljen koncept v EU.
Keywords:pravo EU, temeljne človekove pravice, medijska svoboda, pogoj za vstop države kandidatke v EU, ukrepi EU, SLAPP tožbe
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Galič]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (52 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-82902 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:126250499 New window
Note:Sistemske zahteve: Acrobat reader
Publication date in DKUM:19.10.2022
GALIČ, Tjaša, 2022, Medijska svoboda v EU in strateške tožbe proti novinarjem : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : T. Galič. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=82902
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Secondary language

Title:Media freedom in EU and SLAPP suits against journalists
Abstract:The master thesis explores the issue of media freedom in the EU and strategic lawsuits against journalists. Media freedom is currently hot topic in the EU. The media is under pressure, which is restricting media freedom. As media freedom is a human right and a fundamental freedom, as well as a pillar of democratic systems, the EU has an obligation to guarantee it. It is a value shared by all EU Member States and their citizens. Candidate countries wishing to become EU members must also respect media freedom. Media freedom is thus a political condition in the context of the EU enlargement process, as the EU reminds candidate countries in accession reports. The master thesis deals with the topic of SLAPP suits as one of the manners of limiting media freedom. The concept of SLAPP suit was developed in the US but is now a current issue in the EU. The development of appropriate mechanisms to protect media freedom from SLAPP suits requires the identification of its typical characteristics and the goals it pursues. As the fundamental aim of a SLAPP suit is, in principle, to use the judicial process to silence critical voices, it is essential to draw a clear line between legitimate legal proceedings and a SLAPP suit procedure. By addressing the topic of media freedom in EU and SLAPP suits, I conclude that the EU has recognised the problems of media freedom. As a result, the EU has recently adopted a series of acts whose goal is to protect the right to freedom of the media and thus preserve democracy. Important instruments adopted by the EU are mainly the European Democracy Action Plan and the Resolution. Within the European Democracy Action Plan, the Commission has presented a Proposal for a Directive. The legislative proposal seeks to protect journalists and civil society from SLAPP suits. The Commission also presented a Recommendation on the protection of journalists. In the future, the EU is planning to adopt a European Media Freedom Act. The Proposal for a Directive will lead to the adoption of legislation to protect against abusive litigation. By taking action to protect media freedom at EU level, Member States are also obliged to take appropriate measures on a national level. Media freedom as a political goal is therefore becoming an increasingly legally defined concept in the EU.
Keywords:EU law, fundamental human rights, media freedom, condition for EU membership, EU measures, SLAPP suits


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