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Title:Vpliv izbranih mehkih dejavnikov na družinsko podjetje
Authors:ID Podbregar, Aneja Urška (Author)
ID Štrukelj, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Rožman, Maja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Podbregar_Aneja_Urska_2022.pdf (1,82 MB)
MD5: 4D34289C33A75CA81DCC91296B7BBA65
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Kar razlikuje družinska podjetja od drugih podjetij, je sam vpliv, ki ga ima družina na podjetje. Vsaka družina zase je edinstvena in ima različne cilje, preference, sposobnosti in predsodke. Bistvena sestavina notranje delovne sile v družinskem podjetju so po večini tudi nedružinski člani, ki so zaposleni v družinskem podjetju. Ti se lahko srečujejo s kompleksom manjvrednosti, kar privede do zmanjšanja motivacije in posledično slabega počutja v delovnem okolju. Družinska podjetja lahko kot svojo prednost pri trženju uporabijo svojo družinsko naravo in oblikujejo neponovljivo blagovno znamko. Vključno z mnogimi dejavniki, ki vplivajo na družinska podjetja, je eden izmed takih tradicija, ki se prenaša iz roda v rod in podjetjem pomaga, da se skozi čas ohranijo. Pomembno je, da se podjetje razvija in deluje s podporo družine, ki ima odločilno vlogo npr. pri doseganju poslovnih ciljev. Prav tako je v družinskem podjetju pomembna tudi rutina, ki se razlikuje glede na razsežnost komunikacije. Na podjetniške odločitve in etično vedenje vplivajo še trije mehki dejavniki, in sicer vrednote, religija ter duhovnost. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretični del smo vključili opis družinskih podjetij, njihove značilnosti in razlike med družinskim ter nedružinskim podjetjem. Opredelili smo tudi neenakost nedružinskih zaposlenih v družinskem podjetju in trženjem v družinskem podjetju. Prav tako smo opredelili mehke dejavnike, ki vplivajo na razvoj in poslovanje družinskega podjetja, kot so tradicija, etika, religija, duhovnost ter vrednote, in predstavili njihov pomen v družinskem podjetju. -Teoretični del zajema tudi opis pomena podpore družine v družinskem podjetju in rutine, ki je nasprotni pol ustvarjalnosti, a jo v podjetjih prav tako potrebujejo. Empirični del diplomskega dela sestavljajo ugotovitve, ki so rezultat opravljene anketne raziskave, ki je zasnovana na poudarku vpliva mehkih dejavnikov na družinsko podjetje. S pomočjo rezultatov, pridobljenih iz anketnega vprašalnika, smo oblikovali sintezo spoznanj, ki se nanašajo na družinska podjetja v Sloveniji, ter podali predloge za prakso.
Keywords:družinsko podjetje, družina, religija, vrednote, etika, marketing
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:A. U. Podbregar
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-82818 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:127929347 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.11.2022
PODBREGAR, Aneja Urška, 2022, Vpliv izbranih mehkih dejavnikov na družinsko podjetje [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : A. U. Podbregar. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=82818
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of selected soft factors on family business
Abstract:What differentiates family businesses from other companies is the influence that a family has on a business. Each family is unique and has different goals, preferences, abilities and preconceptions. An essential component of the internal workforce in a family business are also non-family members who work there. They can develop an inferiority complex, which can lead to a decrease in motivation and result in an unwell feeling in the workplace. Family businesses can use their family nature in marketing and create an inimitable brand. One of the many factors that have an influence on family businesses is the tradition that is handed down from generation to generation and helps to sustain businesses over time. It is important for a company to develop and function with the support of the family, which plays a crucial role in, for example, achieving business goals. Another important element within a family business is the routine, which varies depending on the amount of communication. Business decisions and ethical behavior are influenced by three soft factors, namely values, religion and spirituality. The present thesis consists of a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part includes a description of family businesses, their characteristics as well as the differences between family and non-family businesses. Furthermore, the inequality of non-family employees within a family business and the marketing of a family business were defined. Soft factors such as tradition, ethics, religion, spirituality and values that have an influence on the development and operations of a company were characterized and their significance within a family business illustrated. Additionally, the meaning of family support in a family business as well as the routine, which is the opposite of creativity, but also needed within companies, were described in the theoretical part. The empirical part consists of findings resulting from a survey, which emphasized the influence of soft factors on a family business. Based on the results from the questionnaire a synthesis of findings concerning family businesses in Slovenia was created and suggestions for a practical approach were offered.
Keywords:family business, family, religion, values, ethics, marketing


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