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Title:Programi cepljenja – primerjava med Slovenijo, Avstrijo in Hrvaško : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Bandur, Daša (Author)
ID Kraljić, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Bandur_Dasa_2022.pdf (1,07 MB)
MD5: 5CCD444D20A21B0728837C5BAB150EAC
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Cepljenje velja za enega najpomembnejših medicinskih napredkov vseh časov, saj se je s cepljenjem preprečilo več smrti kot s katerim koli drugim zdravstvenim ukrepom. Da preprečimo ponovni izbruh nekaterih nalezljivim bolezni, je potrebno vzdrževati precepljenost na 95 % ali več. Države se same odločijo, na kakšen način bodo pristopile k cepljenju, ali bodo določile obvezno cepljenje ali ga zgolj priporočile. Slovenija z Zakonom o nalezljivih bolezni določa obvezno cepljenje proti devetim nalezljivim boleznim − hemofilusu influence b, davici, tetanusu, oslovskemu kašlju, otroški paralizi, ošpicam, mumpsu, rdečkam in hepatitisu B. Na Hrvaškem imajo uzakonjeno obvezno cepljenje proti desetim nalezljivim boleznim. Sosednja Avstrija se je odločila za priporočeno cepljenje, zgolj cepljenje proti COVID-19 je bilo v vmesnem obdobju obvezno. V Sloveniji je možno opustiti cepljenje le v primeru alergije na sestavine cepiva, resnega nezaželenega učinka cepiva po predhodnem odmerku istega cepiva, v primeru bolezni ali zdravstvenega stanja, ki je nezdružljivo s cepljenjem. Na Hrvaškem je seznam bolj obširen ter je možno opustiti cepljenje tudi v primeru akutnih in vročinskih stanj. Kljub vsem koristim, ki jih prinaša samo cepljenje, pa vseeno nobeno cepivo ni stoodstotno varno in učinkovito, zato se vse več držav odloča za sistem objektivne odgovornosti države za škodo, ki nastane zaradi cepljenja, ki ga določa država.
Keywords:Cepljenje, COVID-19, nalezljive bolezni, priporočeno cepljenje, obvezno cepljenje, objektivna odgovornost
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Bandur]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (IV, 75 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-82802 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:126166275 New window
Note:Sistemske zahteve: Acrobat reader
Publication date in DKUM:18.10.2022
BANDUR, Daša, 2022, Programi cepljenja – primerjava med Slovenijo, Avstrijo in Hrvaško : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : D. Bandur. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=82802
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Secondary language

Title:Vaccination program − comparison between Slovenia, Austria and Croatia
Abstract:Vaccination is considered as one of the most important medical inventions of all time, as it prevented more deaths than any other medical intervention. In order to prevent the outbreak of some infectius diseases, it is necessary to maintain vaccination rate of 95 % or more. Countries decide for themselves how they will approach vacciantion, whether they will determine mandatory vaccination or just the recommended one. Slovenian Communicable Diseases Act stipulates mandatory vaccination against nine infectius diseases: haemophilus influenza b, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, measles, mumps, rubella and hepatitis B. Croatian law stipulates mandatory vaccination aganst ten infectious diseases. Neighbouring country Austria decided for recommneded vaccination, the only exception was vaccination against COVID-19 which was mandatory in the interim period. In Slovenia, it is possible to suspend the mandatory vacciantion only in case of being allergic to one of the vaccine components, a serious adverse effect of the vaccine after a previous dose of the same vaccine and a disease or medical condition incompatible with vaccination. In Croatia, it is also possible to abandon vaccination in case of acute or febrile conditions so the system there is less strict. Despite of all benefits that vaccination brings, no vaccine is hundred percent safe or effective, so more and more countries decide for no-fault compensation for damage caused by vaccation that is determined by the state.
Keywords:Vaccination, COVID-19, infectious diseases, recommended vaccination mandatory vaccination, no-fault compensation


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