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Title:Management poslovnih ter privatnih dogodkov
Authors:ID Klančnik, Alin (Author)
ID Potočan, Vojko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Klancnik_Alin_2022.pdf (1,43 MB)
MD5: A557668EB8965F4BED61D7601EF5286B
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Vsak od nas se je v svojem življenju že vsaj enkrat udeležil dogodka, ki nam bo za vedno ostal nekje v mislih in nas spominjal na lep dogodek. Pa naj bo to zaradi njegove lokacije, okrasitve, posebnih aktivnosti, pogostitve s hrano in pijačo, glasbe ali česa popolnoma drugega. Ne zavedamo pa se, da za vsako od teh lastnosti stoji velik sistem ljudi, nabavnih in distribucijskih kanalov, tehničnega, tržnega in kreativnega znanja, katerih delovanje literatura označuje s pojmom management dogodkov oziroma »Event management«. Človek že od nekdaj teži k temu, da poudari in na poseben način zaznamuje najpomembnejše dogodke svojega življenja, npr.: rojstvo, smrt, poroko, spremembo družbenega stanu, napredek, menjavo letnih časov in podobno. Svet prireditvenega turizma in managementa dogodkov pa danes zajema širok spekter načrtovanih poslovnih, političnih, komercialnih, športnih, kulturnih, dobrodelnih in privatnih dogodkov. Zraven toliko posebnih vrst dogodkov se zdi, da se vsak teden pojavljajo novi. Njihova posebna privlačnost pa delno izhaja iz omejenega trajanja in prirojene edinstvenosti vsakega dogodka. Sama se v diplomski nalogi zraven osnovne opredelitve dogodkov, njihovega opravljanja ter opisa dela in spretnosti managerja, podrobneje osredotočam na raziskavo področja in primerjavo poslovnih in privatnih dogodkov, s podrobnejšim vpogledom na primere konferenc in porok. Ob tem je skozi celotno delo možno zaslediti še obravnavanje vpliva vpeljave tehnologije v proces organizacije dogodkov kot podporne storitve, ki danes predstavlja vedno večji segment same dejavnosti. Analiza organizacije dogodkov temelji na intervjujih z dvema uspešnima slovenskima managerkama organizacije dogodkov, ki nudita vpogled v prakso poslovanja na tem področju. Na podlagi obravnavane teorije in opravljenih intervjujev lahko zato ugotovim, da je za uspeh dogodka potrebna dobra in podrobna organizacija, ki zajema časovne okvirje, finančno upravljanje in doseganje ciljev ter mnoge druge dejavnosti.
Keywords:management dogodkov, poslovni dogodek, privatni dogodek, organizacija porok, organizacija konferenc
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:A. Klančnik
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-82590 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:130817283 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.11.2022
KLANČNIK, Alin, 2022, Management poslovnih ter privatnih dogodkov [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : A. Klančnik. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=82590
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Secondary language

Title:Event management of corporate and private events
Abstract:Every one of us has at least once in our lifetime attended an event that will always remain consciously somewhere in our minds and evoke a sweet memory. Whether it's because of its location, decor, special activities, catering, music guests or something entirely else. What we don't realise is that behind each of these features is a vast system of people, procurement and distribution channels, technical, marketing, and creative proficiencies, collectively in literature referred to as “Event Management". Since beginning of time, man has always been inclined to highlight and mark in a special way, the most important events in his life, such as birth, death, marriage, change of social status, progress, change of seasons, etc. The world of event tourism and event management covers a wide range of planned corporate, political, commercial, sporting, cultural, charity and private events. These days, there are so many specific types of events, that new ones seem to pop up every week. Their special appeal stems in part from the limited duration and innate uniqueness of each event. In my thesis, in addition to a basic definition of events, how they are managed and a description of the manager's required knowledge and skills, I focus on the detail research and comparison of corporate and private events, with a closer look at their examples of conferences and weddings. In addition, the impact of the introduction of technology in the process of event organisation as a support service, which nowadays represents a growing segment of the industry itself, can be traced throughout the work. The analysis of the event management is later based on the interviews with two successful Slovenian event managers, who provide insight into a more practical picture of the business practice in this area. Based on the reviewed theory and conducted interviews, I can therefore conclude that a good and detailed organization is necessary for the success of the event, which includes time frames, financial management and the achievement of goals and many other activities.
Keywords:event management, corporate event, private event, wedding planning, conference organising


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