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Title:Glasbeno ustvarjanje v vrtcu : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Petek, Katja (Author)
ID Denac, Olga (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Petek_Katja_2022.pdf (505,58 KB)
MD5: B2E49A8D599A77A29A5F84AE1B8F7B30
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V teoretičnem delu naloge smo podrobneje opisali pomen, cilje in naloge predšolske glasbene vzgoje, glasbeni razvoj otrok in glasbene dejavnosti. Posebno pozornost smo posvetili glasbenemu ustvarjanju oziroma ustvarjanju v glasbi in ustvarjanju ob glasbi. Pri ustvarjanju v glasbi smo se osredotočili na vokalno in instrumentalno ustvarjanje ter ju podrobneje opisali. Nazadnje smo omenili tudi Kurikulum za vrtce, v katerem ima tudi glasba svoj prostor, in sicer na področju umetnosti. V empiričnem delu smo s skupino otrok izvedli glasbene dejavnosti, ki smo jih pripravili v sklopu šestih didaktičnih enot. Namen empiričnega dela je bilo ugotoviti kvantiteto in kvaliteto glasbenega ustvarjanja otrok, starih od štiri do šest let, ter interes otrok do glasbenega ustvarjanja. Na koncu smo opravili analizo spremljanja aktivnosti otrok pri glasbenih dejavnostih. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da otroci izražajo interes za glasbene dejavnosti. Največ interesa izražajo za neusmerjene dejavnosti (glasbeni kotički) in dejavnosti instrumentalnega ustvarjanja. Nekaj odstopanj se pojavi pri doseganju ciljev vokalnega in instrumentalnega ustvarjanja.
Keywords:glasbena ustvarjalnost, vokalna ustvarjalnost, instrumentalna ustvarjalnost, predšolski otroci, vrtec
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Petek]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (X, 87 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-82460 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:123642627 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.09.2022
PETEK, Katja, 2022, Glasbeno ustvarjanje v vrtcu : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : K. Petek. [Accessed 19 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=82460
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Secondary language

Title:Musical Creativity In Kindergarten
Abstract:In the theoretical part of the paper, we described the meaning, goals and tasks of preschool music education, children's musical development and different musical activities in details. We paid special attention to musical creativity or creativity in music as well as creativity with music. In relation to creativeness in music we focused on vocal and instrumental creativity and described both in details. Finally, we also mentioned and focused on kindergarten curriculum, in which music also has its place, namely in the field of art. In the empirical part, we carried out several musical activities with a group of preschool children, which we performed as part of six didactic units. The purpose of the empirical part was to research the quantity and quality of musical creativeness by children aged four to six, as well as their interest in musical creativeness. At the end, we analyzed our observations of children's activities in targeted musical activities. Throughout the research, we found out that children express an interest in musical activities. They show the most interest in undirected activities such as music corners and instrumental activities. Some differences or deviations occur in achieving the vocal and instrumental creation goals.
Keywords:musical creativity, vocal creativity, instrumental creativity, preschool children, kindergarten


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