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Title:Vodenje zaposlenih na daljavo
Authors:ID Simonič, Luka (Author)
ID Šarotar Žižek, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Simonic_Luka_2022.pdf (860,83 KB)
MD5: 0F7B8F2449EEDAB7170CFF3593B7F907
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Diplomsko delo temelji o vodenju zaposlenih na daljavo in o delu v Covid času v podjetju X. To temo smo izbrali na podlagi vse večjega trenda, da se tudi v Sloveniji uveljavi delo od doma kot redna praksa. Pomembno je, da se že kot posameznik in družba začnemo zavedati, da se bo delo in oblika dela v naslednjih 10 letih korenito spremenila in brez dela na daljavo podjetja ne bodo morala nuditi konkurenčnega delovnega mesta, ki ga ponujajo sosednje države. Delo na daljavo pa predstavlja vse večje izzive, tako za posameznika in celotno družbo kakor tudi podjetja. Mnoga, predvsem večja, podjetja, so se morala na vodenja na daljavo prilagoditi v karantenskem času med pandemijo Covid-19 zato je tranzicija iz klasičnega dela v pisarnah in dela iz domačega doma postalo še bolj problematična. Vodje in zaposleni so se naenkrat znašli v situaciji v kateri so ostali prepuščeni svojemu znanju. V sklopu dela na daljavo je COVID-19 povzročila ponovno osredotočenost na interno komunikacijo, saj so morale številne organizacije uvesti nove delovne prakse, odpustiti zaposlene in obravnavati nenadna odpuščanja. To je ustvarilo edinstvene izzive za organizacije, ko se prilagajajo novim operativnim, poslovnim in javno političnim okoljem. Posledično so dosledne, točne in zanesljive informacije ključnega pomena za zagotavljanje, da se lahko zaposleni učinkovito odzovejo na krizo in hkrati ohranijo produktivnost. V drugem, aplikativnem, delu smo preučili dela na daljavo v podjetju X. Svoja raziskovalna vprašanja smo razdelili v več delov, in sicer po posameznih aktivnosti, ki jih podjetje oziroma vodja uporabljata, ki vodijo zaposlene na daljavo. Naprej smo preučili, kakšna je struktura oddelka v podjetju X. Nato pa smo se navezali na vodenje, kakšen pristop izbira direktor X, kako odreagirajo zaposleni, če prosijo za pomoč, kako nadzira svoje zaposlene. Na koncu pa smo še na vezali na komunikacijo in motiviranje zaposlenih v podjetju X. Podjetje X se zaveda, da je delo na daljavo pomembno in, da je to trend, ki se bo nadaljeval tudi po Covid-19 krizi zato je direktor podjetja X dober vzgled vodje, ki z inovativnimi in modernimi pristopi delo od doma delo privlačno in produktivno za vse zaposlene.
Keywords:management človeških virov, vodenje zaposlenih, modeli vodenja, Covid-19, delo na daljavo, prilagoditev delovnega mesta, motivacija zaposlenih na daljavo, koordinacija zaposlenih na daljavo
Place of publishing:[Maribor]
Publisher:L. Simonič
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-82400 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:125934083 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.10.2022
SIMONIČ, Luka, 2022, Vodenje zaposlenih na daljavo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : L. Simonič. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=82400
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:18.08.2022

Secondary language

Title:Leading employees from afar
Abstract:The diploma work is based on remote management of employees and work in the Covid era at company X. We chose this topic based on the growing trend of working from home as a regular practice in Slovenia as well. It is important that we, as individuals and as a society, begin to realize that work and the form of work will change radically in the next 10 years, and without remote work, companies will not have to offer competitive workplaces offered by neighboring countries. Remote work presents increasing challenges, both for individuals and the entire society as well as companies. Many, especially larger, companies had to adapt to remote management during the quarantine period during the Covid-19 pandemic, so the transition from classic work in offices and work from home became even more problematic. Managers and employees suddenly found themselves in a situation where they were left to their own devices. As part of remote work, COVID-19 has resulted in a renewed focus on internal communication as many organizations have had to implement new work practices, lay off employees and deal with sudden layoffs. This has created unique challenges for organizations as they adapt to new operational, business and public policy environments. As a result, consistent, accurate and reliable information is critical to ensuring that employees can respond effectively to a crisis while maintaining productivity. In the second, applied, part, we examined remote work in company X. We divided our research questions into several parts, namely according to individual activities used by the company or the manager, who manage remote employees. Next, we examined the structure of the department in company X. Then we related to management, what approach director X chooses, how employees react when they ask for help, how he supervises his employees. In the end, we focused on communication and motivation of employees in company X. Company X is aware that remote work is important and that this is a trend that will continue even after the Covid-19 crisis, so the director of company X is good the example of a leader who, with innovative and modern approaches, makes work from home attractive and productive for all employees.
Keywords:human resource management, employee management, leadership models, Covid-19, remote work, workplace adaptation, remote employee motivation, remote employee coordination


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