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Title:Spletno postopanje študentov pri opravljanju študentskega dela : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Lemajić, Dunja (Author)
ID Markelj, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Lemajic_Dunja_2022.pdf (2,12 MB)
MD5: 9C0269415F3875B13809D6B7F62FB362
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Spletno postopanje bi lahko opredelili kot skupek dejanj, pri katerih se uporabljajo službene ali osebne naprave, da se med delovnim časom izvajajo aktivnosti, ki niso povezane z delom. Empirične raziskave ugotavljajo, da je spletno postopanje treba razumeti kot enoten pojav, ki organizacijam prinaša tako prednosti kot slabosti. Ko spletno postopanje organizacijam predstavlja finančne izgube, kibernetske grožnje in škodo na področju informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije, ga lahko vrednotimo kot deviantno ravnanje. Za odpravljanje negativnih posledic spletnega postopanja je treba ugotoviti njegove pojavne oblike, razloge in vplive nanj ter možne ukrepe za preprečevanje najhujšega. V ta namen nas je zanimala razširjenost spletnega postopanja med trenutnimi študenti, ki imajo določena informacijska znanja, obenem pa predstavljajo bodoči zaposlitveni kader. V spletni raziskavi je sodelovalo 342 študentov, ki spletno postopajo okoli 5 % delovnega časa oz. približno do 20 minut glede na osemurni delavnik. Študenti v splošnem spletno postopajo redko oz. do približno trikrat mesečno. Pri tem najpogosteje izvajajo naslednje aktivnosti spletnega postopanja: pošiljanje ali prebiranje elektronske pošte ter naključno brskanje po spletu, najredkeje pa igrajo igrice in iščejo nepremičnine. Ugotovitve analize pokažejo, da študenti za spletno postopanje pogosteje uporabljajo osebne kot službene naprave ter da obstajajo razlike glede na pogostost spletnega postopanja in zaposlitveni sektor. Problematiko smo aktualizirali z analizo pomembnosti informacijsko-varnostnih ukrepov in učinka nadzora na spletno postopanje. Obe spremenljivki imata pozitiven vpliv na spletno postopanje. Študenti so pri opravljanju študentskega dela najpogosteje deležni nadzora s strani nadrejenih ter nadzora v obliki elektronskega beleženja prihodov in odhodov. Kot najpomembnejša varnostna ukrepa znotraj organizacij študenti smatrajo protivirusne programe in redno posodabljanje sistemov. Magistrsko delo zaključujemo s smernicami in predlogi za nadaljnje raziskovanje tega pojava.
Keywords:študenti, zaposlitev, svetovni splet, študentsko delo, spletno postopanje, informacijska varnost, magistrska dela
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Lemajić]
Year of publishing:2022
Year of performance:2022
Number of pages:X f., 87 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-82228 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:119720451 New window
Publication date in DKUM:31.08.2022
LEMAJIĆ, Dunja, 2022, Spletno postopanje študentov pri opravljanju študentskega dela : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : D. Lemajić. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=82228
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:03.08.2022

Secondary language

Title:Student cyberslacking in performing student work
Abstract:Cyberslacking could be defined as a set of actions during working hours, where corporate or personal devices are being used to perform activities, which are not work-related. Empirical researches find that cyberslacking needs to be understood as a single event, which has both advantages and disadvantages for organisations. When cyberslacking causes financial loses of organisations, cyber threats and damages in the field of information-communication technology, we can evaluate it as deviant. To address the negative consequences of cyberslacking, it is necessary to determine its forms, reasons and impacts and possible measures to prevent the worst. In this manner, we wanted to determine the prevalence of cyberslacking among current student, who have certain information knowledge and at the same time present future employees. In the online research participated 342 students, who cyberslack approximately 5% of their working hours or approximately 20 minutes during their eight-hours shift. In general, students cyberslack rarely or approximately three times a month. By doing so, they mostly perform the following activities: sending or reviewing email and random web browsing, and most infrequently they play games and search for real-estate. The findings of the analysis show that for cyberslacking students more often use personal then corporate devices and that there are differences in the frequency of cyberslacking regarding the employment sector. We actualized the issue with an analysis of the importance of information security measures and the effect of control on cyberslacking. Both variables have a positive impact on cyberslacking. In performing student work, students are most often subjected to control of their superiors and control in the form of monitoring their arrivals and departures. As the most important measures within organisations they perceive antivirus software and regular system upgrades. The Master’s thesis concludes with directions and suggestions for further research of this phenomenon.


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