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Title:Spoprijemanje s čustvenimi stiskami učencev s poudarkom na pomoči z umetnostjo : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Lašič, Kaja (Author)
ID Usenik, Janja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Lasic_Kaja_2022.pdf (1,45 MB)
MD5: 98CE50C9B987BEE8D5A0560FC172FAE7
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Namen magistrskega dela je povečati znanje o čustvih in njihovem razumevanju, poleg tega pa predstaviti nabor različnih pristopov in tehnik, ki bi tako otrokom kot odraslim lahko pomagale pri razbremenitvi njihovih stisk in vnesle v vsakdan posameznika več sproščenosti, navdihnjenosti, boljše komunikacije in pozitivne naravnanosti. V teoretičnem delu se seznanimo z definicijo in klasifikacijo čustev, čustvenim razvojem posameznika, proučen pa je tudi aspekt fizioloških in nevroloških osnov čustvovanja. V nadaljevanju se navežemo na stres in stresne dejavnike, ki čustva izzovejo. Omenimo tudi pomembnost opremljenosti učitelja s svetovalnimi spretnostmi. Poleg splošnih svetovalnih smernic in uporabnih strategij za obvladovanje stresa poudarjamo veliko vlogo pomoči z umetnostjo (angl. »Art therapy«). Slednja vključuje različna področja in variira med likovnimi, glasbenimi, dramskimi, gibalnimi in plesnimi dejavnostmi. Empirični del naloge se navezuje na kvantitativno raziskavo, izvedeno v študijskem letu 2021/22. S pomočjo vprašalnika, ki smo ga razdelili med 151 učiteljev razrednega pouka v državnih in zasebnih šolah, smo lahko razbrali, kako se soočajo z zaznanimi čustvenimi stiskami učencev ter v kolikšni meri so odprti do bolj alternativnih pristopov in tehnik na tem področju. Rezultati raziskave nakazujejo veliko naklonjenost učiteljev do inovativnih in kreativnih tehnik za spoprijemanje s čustvenimi stiskami otrok. Razbrali smo tudi, da veliko učiteljev že dandanes vključuje raznovrstne umetniške dejavnosti v šolski prostor, izmed vseh najraje glasbene in likovne. Velika večina sodelujočih se z zaznanimi čustvenimi stiskami pogosteje sooča sama ali v sodelovanju s starši otrok, nekoliko redkeje pa se problemi rešujejo na ravni celotnega kolektiva. Z vključenimi vprašanji odprtega tipa je pedagoški kader podal tudi osebne predloge tehnik za razbremenitev čustvenih stisk. Pri tem so predvsem navajali dodatne ideje likovnih in plesno-gibalnih dejavnosti.
Keywords:čustva, stiske, stres v šoli, pomoč z umetnostjo, tehnike razbremenitve
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Lašič]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XIII, 86 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-82061 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:120180995 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.09.2022
LAŠIČ, Kaja, 2022, Spoprijemanje s čustvenimi stiskami učencev s poudarkom na pomoči z umetnostjo : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : K. Lašič. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=82061
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Secondary language

Title:Dealing with the emotional distress of students, focusing on art therapy dealing with the emotional distress of students, focusing on art therapy
Abstract:The purpose of the thesis is to increase the knowledge of emotions and their understanding, while introducing a selection of different approaches and techniques that could help children as well as adults relieve distress and incorporate more easiness, inspiration, better communication and a positive disposition into the everyday life of an individual. In the theoretical section we become acquainted with the definition and classification of emotions, the emotional development of an individual, as well as the aspect of psychological and neurological basics of emotions. In the thesis, we pertain to stress and stressful factors that bring about emotions. We also mention the importance of equipping a teacher with consultation skills. Beside regular consultation guidelines and useful strategies for managing stress, we also point out the large role of art therapy. The latter includes different fields and variates between crafts, music, drama, motor and dance activities. The empirical section of the thesis pertains to a quantitative survey, carried out in the academic year of 2021/22. With the help of the questionnaire, which had been handed out to 151 generalist teachers in public and private school, we could gather how they face perceived emotional distress of children and to what capacity they are open to more alternative approaches and techniques. The results of the survey point at a large partiality of teachers towards innovative and creative techniques, where it is interesting that the years of service only play a minimal role when it comes to openness. It turns out that teachers with fewer years of service are a bit more open. We also gathered that many teachers today include various artistic activities in school spaces. Out of all of them, they prefer music and crafts. The majority of participants often face perceived emotional distress alone or in cooperation with the child’s parents, and less often the problems are solved at a collective level. With the inclusion of open-ended question, the staff also gave their personal suggestions of techniques for relieving emotional distress. They mostly listed additional ideas of crafts, dance and motor activities.
Keywords:Keywords: emotions, distress, stress in schools, help with art, relieving techniques


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