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Title:Prostočasne dejavnosti mladih : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Smonkar, Helena (Author)
ID Javornik, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Smonkar_Helena_2022.pdf (2,21 MB)
MD5: 6E0BC91790756DCD2796ED48B310EF69
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/1dd2b8c9-97d8-440f-b44f-e69a6744f01f
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na preživljanje prostega časa v obdobju mladostništva. Raziskave na področju prostega časa so pokazale, da je izbira dejavnosti odvisna od okoljskih in finančnih dejavnikov, veliko vlogo pri izbiri ima posameznikova osebnost, prav tako pa tudi interesi. Nekatere prostočasne dejavnosti se pri otrocih in mladostnikih odvijajo v okviru šole, druge si otroci izberejo izven okvirov šole. V obdobju mladostništva so dejavnosti v prostem času še posebej pomembne, saj se tekom obdobja intenzivno razvijata osebnost in identiteta posameznika. Do neke mere je potrebno, da so dejavnosti, ki se jih mladostniki udeležijo v prostem času, organizirane ter vodene s strani odrasle osebe. V empiričnem delu smo predstavili rezultate raziskave, v kateri je sodelovalo 250 mladostnikov iz različnih srednjih šol po Sloveniji. Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili anonimni vprašalnik, vzorec je bil priložnostno izbran. Primerjali smo aktivnosti v prostem času med mladostniki, ki v času šolanja živijo doma, in tistimi, ki živijo v dijaškem domu. Ugotovili smo, da imajo dijaki iz dijaških domov statistično značilno bolj organiziran prosti čas v primerjavi z dijaki, ki živijo doma. Slednji več prostega časa preživijo na elektronskih napravah kot dijaki v dijaških domovih. Po rezultatih naše raziskave se dijaki, ki živijo v dijaških domovih, v prostem času bolj pogosto družijo z vrstniki, v primerjavi z dijaki, ki bivajo doma. Dijaki iz dijaških domov imajo večjo izbiro aktivnosti v prostem času kot dijaki, ki živijo doma. Potrdili smo tudi hipotezo, da je ukvarjanje z več aktivnostmi v prostem času pri vseh dijakih statistično povezano s slabšim učnim uspehom. Dijaki si prosti čas organizirajo na podlagi ostalih obveznih aktivnosti in notranje motivacije.
Keywords:prosti čas, prostočasne aktivnosti, obdobje mladostništva, dijaški domovi
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[H. Smonkar]
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (IX, 64 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-81884 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:117493763 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.08.2022
SMONKAR, Helena, 2022, Prostočasne dejavnosti mladih : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : H. Smonkar. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=81884
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Secondary language

Title:Leisure acitvities of adolescents
Abstract:The studies conducted in the field of leisure activities, have shown that choosing one’s activity is depended on environmental, as well as financial factors. An individual’s personality and interests, play a prominent role in choosing the preferred activity. Some leisure activities of adolescents are organized by the schools, others are not. The activities in which an individual takes part during the adolescent period are of significant importance, since the personality and identity of an individual develops exponentially during this period. Up to a certain level, there is a need for the activities to be organized and supervised by an adult. The empirical part of this thesis presents the results of a study which included 250 adolescents from various secondary schools across Slovenia. The collection of data was done via an anonymous questionnaire with random sampling. The questionnaires were distributed by an online platform called »1ka«, the collected data was analysed in the SPSS program. We have compared the leisure activities among adolescents who live at home during schooling and adolescents who live in a dormitory. Results show that leisure time of adolescents living in a dormitory is statistically significantly more organised than of those, who live at home. The latter spend more time using electronic devices, compared to their peers who live in dormitory. The results of this study show that adolescents who live in dormitory spend more of their free time socialising with their peers, as opposed to the adolescents who live at home. We have confirmed the hypothesis that participating in more activities during the adolescent’s free time correlates to a lower performance in school. Based on the results of this study, we conclude by reporting our findings and offer possibilities for further research in this field.
Keywords:leisure time, leisure activities, adolescents, dormitory


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