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Title:Marketinško komuniciranje na družbenem omrežju Instagram v slovenskih podjetjih
Authors:ID Jemenšek, Lucija (Author)
ID Milfelner, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Družbena omrežja že nekaj časa ne predstavljajo samo digitalnega prostora za deljenje vsebin iz vsakdanjega življenja, temveč so mnoga podjetja v njih prepoznala odlično priložnost za nov marketinško komunikacijski kanal. Ta vizualno privlačen kanal prinaša nove možnosti komuniciranja z odjemalci in s svojimi značilnostmi omogoča tako manjšim, kot večjim podjetjem, hitrejšo rast in pridobivanje prepoznavnosti. Z naraščanjem popularnosti družbenih omrežij, narašča na njih tudi število podjetij in posledično je vse težje doseči večje število odjemalcev. V diplomski nalogi sem raziskovala predvsem kako podjetja komunicirajo na družbenem omrežju Instagram. Glavni namen je bil ugotoviti, kako oblikujejo korake komuniciranja za doseganje ciljev. Z izvedbo intervjujev v štirih slovenskih podjetjih, ki imajo na profilih najmanj 1000 sledilcev, sem prišla do ugotovitev, da so Instagram in nekatera druga družbena omrežja edini marketinško komunikacijski kanal treh od štirih podjetij, pri čemer respondenti menijo, da so njegove poglavitne prednosti predvsem v možnosti velikega dosega, v njegovi interaktivni naravi, brezplačni uporabi in vizualni privlačnosti. Podjetja korake komuniciranja na Instagramu prilagajajo glede na svoje cilje ter samo osebnost blagovne znamke, pri čemer pa se vsa podjetja zavedajo pomena dvosmerne komunikacije z odjemalci ter interaktivnosti, ki podjetjem omogoča, da gradijo na odnosih s sledilci in jih približajo blagovni znamki, z namenom večjega zaupanja podjetju, kar posledično vodi do uresničitev zastavljenih ciljev.
Keywords:Marketinško komuniciranje, družbena omrežja, Instagram, digitalni marketing.
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:L. Jemenšek
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-81816 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:118480131 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.08.2022
JEMENŠEK, Lucija, 2022, Marketinško komuniciranje na družbenem omrežju Instagram v slovenskih podjetjih [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : L. Jemenšek. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=81816
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Secondary language

Title:Marketing communication on the instagram social network in slovenian companies
Abstract:For some time now, social networks have not only been a digital space for sharing content from the everyday lives of users, but many companies have recognized them as an excellent opportunity for a new marketing and communication channel, and Slovenian companies are no different. This relatively new, visually appealing channel brings new opportunities to communicate with customers and, with its features, enables both smaller and larger companies to grow faster. With the growing popularity of social networks, the number of companies on them is also growing, and as a result, it is becoming increasingly difficult to reach a larger number of users. In my diploma, I mainly researched how companies communicate on the social network Instagram. The main purpose was to find out how they design communication steps to achieve objectives. By conducting interviews with four Slovenian companies with at least 1,000 followers on their profiles, The research results showed that Instagram and some other social networks are the only marketing communication channel of three of the four companies, with its main advantages in its interactive nature, free use, and visual appeal. Businesses are adapting their communication steps on Instagram according to their objectives and the brand personality. All companies are aware of the importance of two-way communication with customers and interactivity, which allows companies to build on relationships with followers and bring them closer to the brand, trust in the company, which in turn leads to the achievement of set objectives.
Keywords:Marketing communication, social media, Instagram, digital marketing.


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