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Title:Centralnobančna digitalna valuta
Authors:ID Aždajić, Davor (Author)
ID Taškar Beloglavec, Sabina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Azdajic_Davor_2022.pdf (870,04 KB)
MD5: 8E7D4F5165A5260388F14A1D482D854C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/380bd1ba-52b8-4cf9-ae6e-93cf3487c3fc
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V diplomskem projektu je obravnavan pomen kriptovalut in digitalnih valut. Kriptovalute so učinkovit in transparenten plačilni sistem naše prihodnosti s pomočjo katerih lahko odpravimo številne pomankljivosti denarja. Centralne banke po potrebi pošiljajo v obtok večje količine denarja, FIAT valut, kar lahko pripelje do razvrednotenja vrednosti valut in posledično inflacije. Večina verjame, da s pomočjo kriptovalut rešimo takšne težave, saj kriptovalut ni mogoče tiskati, počasi dobivajo status hranilcev vrednosti in za mnoge predstavljajo zanimivo obliko naložbe z velikim potencialom rasti. Klasične FIAT valute so valute držav kot je npr. EUR, USD, HRK, ipd in so vezane na določeno geografsko območje ter so centralizirane in nadzorovane s strani finančnih institucij, borz in bank znotraj posamezne države. ECB (Evropska centralna banka) razmišlja o uvedbi digitalnega evra. Kriptovalute so spodbudile države po svetu na ustvarjanje lastnih digitalnih valut, substitutov fizičnemu denarju, saj verjamejo, da bi s pomočjo centralnobančne digitalne valute lahko razvili fleksibilen, standardiziran in učinkovit način plačevanja. O digitalizaciji lastne valute razmišlja vse več svetovnih bank, nekatere so že uvedle lastno digitalno valuto, kot je Bahamska banka s peščenim dolarjem. Kitajska centralna banka prav tako resno razmišlja o uvedbi digitalnega juana, kot tudi švedska centralna banka o uvedbi digitalne krone. Centralne banke želijo uvesti digitalne valute komplementarne gotovini in tako spodbuditi digitalizacijo gospodarstva. Digitalizacija valute lahko pripomore k digitalni preobrazbi finančnih storitev, ki lahko vodi k boljšim in cenejšim transakcijam ter lažjemu pristopu denarja.
Keywords:: kriptovalute, bitcoin, centralna banka, centralno bančna digitalna valuta, digitalni evro
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:D. Aždajić
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-81788 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:115363587 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.07.2022
AŽDAJIĆ, Davor, 2022, Centralnobančna digitalna valuta [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : D. Aždajić. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=81788
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Secondary language

Title:Central bank digital currency
Abstract:The diploma project deals with the importance of cryptocurrencies and digital currencies. Cryptocurrencies are an efficient and transparent payment system of our future with the help of which we can eliminate many shortcomings of money. Central banks, if necessary, send larger amounts of money, FIAT currencies, into circulation, which can lead to a devaluation of the value of currencies and consequent inflation. Most believe that cryptocurrencies solve such problems, as cryptocurrencies cannot be printed, are slowly gaining the status of custodians and, for many, are an interesting form of investment with great growth potential. Classic FIAT currencies are the currencies of countries such as EUR, USD, HRK, etc. and are tied to a specific geographical area and are centralized and controlled by financial institutions, stock exchanges and banks within each country. The ECB (European Central Bank) is considering the introduction of the digital euro. Cryptocurrencies have encouraged countries around the world to create their own digital currencies, substitutes for physical money, as they believe that a central, digital currency could be used to develop a flexible, standardized and efficient way of paying. More and more global banks are considering digitizing their own currency, and some have already introduced their own digital currency, such as the Bahamian Bank with the Sand Dollar. China’s central bank is also seriously considering the introduction of the digital yuan, as is Sweden’s central bank about introducing the digital crown. Central banks want to introduce digital currencies complementary to cash and thus stimulate the digitalisation of the economy. Currency digitization can contribute to the digital transformation of financial services, which can lead to better and cheaper transactions and easier access to money.
Keywords:cryptocurrencies, bitcoin, central bank, central banking digital currency, digital euro


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