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Title:Sočasno opravljanje dela ob študiju zdravstvene nege in vplivi na študij
Authors:ID Simonič, Urška (Author)
ID Strauss, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 60390BBCDBD871630EF4A9167CB25E46
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Uvod: Študentsko delo je oblika dela, ki dijakom in študentom omogoča način pridobivanja finančnih sredstev. Veliko študentov pogosto ni opravičenih do prejemanja štipendija in jim pogosto druga ne preostane, kot pa da si poiščejo delo, ki ga lahko opravljajo poleg svojega študija. Pogosto študenti zdravstvene nege, ki študentsko delo opravljajo v bolnišnicah ali drugih zdravstveno-socialnih zavodih, pridobijo veliko izkušenj za prihajajočo redno zaposlitev. Metode: V zaključnem delu smo izvedli sistematičen pregled strokovne ter znanstvene literature, ki se je navezovala na temo sočasnega opravljanja študentskega dela s študijem zdravstvene nege. Uporabili smo tudi deskriptivno metodo dela. Izvedli smo tudi kritično analizo izbranih člankov ter naredili analizo in sintezo člankov. Članke smo iskali po različnih bazah podatkov, kot so: PubMed, Medline, Science Direct in Web of Science. Izvedena je bila tudi tematska analiza. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da študentsko delo vpliva tako pozitivno kot negativno na posameznika. Tisti, ki so delali v zdravstvu, so poročali, da jim je delo olajšalo prehod v redno zaposlitev. Drugi pa so poročali, da so potrebovali dlje časa, da so zaključili študij, in da so imeli večje težave pri opravljanju obveznosti. Razprava in sklep: Študentom, ki imajo težave s financami, je študentsko delo odličen način pridobivanja lastnega denarja in pridobivanja ustreznih delovnih navad ter izkušenj. Opravljanje dela ima tako pozitivne kot negativne vplive. Kako bo delo vplivalo na posameznika, kako se bo oseba znašla pod pritiskom in kako bo uspešno znala upravljati čas, je odvisno od vsakega posameznika.
Keywords:študent, študentsko delo, uspeh študija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[U. Simonič]
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-81733 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:112828931 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.08.2022
SIMONIČ, Urška, 2022, Sočasno opravljanje dela ob študiju zdravstvene nege in vplivi na študij [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : U. Simonič. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=81733
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Secondary language

Title:Simultaneous performance of student work while studying nursing and influences on study
Abstract:Introduction: Student work is a form of work that enables high school and university students to obtain funding. Performing student work while studying, has become a common feature of different students in various fields of education. Many students are often not entitled to receive a scholarship and they often have no choice but to look for a job that they can do during their studies. Often, nursing students who do student work in hospitals or other health and social care institutions, gain a lot of experience for upcoming full-time employment. Methods: We performed a systematic review of the professional literature, which was related to the topic of simultaneous performance of student work while studying nursing. We also used a descriptive method of work. We also performed a critical evaluation of the selected articles and did an analysis and synthesis of articles. We searched for the articles in various databases such as: PubMed, Medline, Science Direct and Web of Science. A thematic analysis was also performed. Results: The results showed that student work has both positive and negative effects on the individual. Student work helped most of the students to increase their self-confidence and improve their communication skills. Those who worked in health care, reported that student work made the transition to regular employment easier. Others reported that it took longer for them to complete their studies and that they had more difficulty fulfilling their obligations. Discussion and Conclussion: For students who have financial problems, student work is a great way to earn their own money and gain relevant work habits and experience. Doing student work has both positive and negative impacts. How the work will affect the individual, how the person will do under pressure and how they will be able to successfully manage time, depends on the individual.
Keywords:student, student work, study success


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