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Title:Izgorelost v zdravstveni negi
Authors:ID Holc, Aljaž (Author)
ID Šprajc, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Čuček Trifkovič, Klavdija (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Holc_Aljaz_2022.pdf (1,06 MB)
MD5: 3A56E7C8F8A4750F147F8CF8ACBE6EC7
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Uvod: Obremenitve na delovnem mestu v zdravstveni negi postajajo vse intenzivnejše, mednje štejemo tudi stres in pomanjkanje kadra, ki pogosto vodita v izgorelost in botrujeta fluktuaciji. Temelj raziskovalnega dela je bil ugotoviti povezavo med izgorelostjo in tendenco k zapustitvi organizacije ter poiskati najboljše načine preprečevanja tega pojava. Metode: Uporabljena je bila kvantitativna metoda, za zbiranje podatkov pa smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik, ki je bil prilagojen, sestavljen iz MBI vprašalnika in vprašalnika na temo preprečevanja izgorevanja. Razdeljen je bil med 30 zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi enega izmed socialnih centrov v Avstriji, ugotavljali pa smo stopnjo izgorelosti, stopnjo razmišljanja o zapustitvi organizacije in spraševali po najustreznejših načinih preprečevanja. Pridobljene podatke smo obdelali s pomočjo programov Microsoft Excel in IBM SPSS. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da so v povprečju zaposleni na čustveni ravni srednje do visoko izgoreli, doživljajo srednjo do visoko stopnjo depersonalizacije, svoje osebne dosežke pa vrednotijo od srednje do nizko. Ugotovili smo, da statistično pomembna povezava med stopnjo izgorelosti in verjetnostjo fluktuacije obstaja. Hkrati smo ugotovili, da je z vidika zaposlenih najučinkovitejši način preprečevanja fluktuacije t. i. spodbujanje dobrih odnosov in sproščenega vzdušja ter komunikacije kot tudi manjšanje naporov na delovnem mestu, kar vključuje manj telesnih naporov kot tudi več kadra. Diskusija in zaključek: Sklenemo, da se tudi v praksi kažeta naveličanost in izčrpanost zaposlenih, ki nekje v sebi iščejo boljše karierne možnosti, pri tem pa je realizacija le vprašanje časa. Zdravstvena nega, ki je v svojem bistvu zelo lep poklic, vendar je zaradi raznih pravnih zahtev zabredla v nepotrebno kompleksnost na več ravneh. Pretirane zahteve pa zaposleni doživlja kot balast, ki mu krade energijo in odvrača pozornost od glavnega cilja zdravstvene nege, to je človeka.
Keywords:stres, izčrpanost, fluktuacija.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Holc]
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-81726 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:126886147 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.11.2022
HOLC, Aljaž, 2022, Izgorelost v zdravstveni negi [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : A. Holc. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=81726
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Secondary language

Title:Burnout in nursing
Abstract:Introduction: Workload in nursing is becoming increasingly intense, including greater stress and employee shortage, which lead to burnout and turnover. The basis of the research was to determine the connection between burnout and the tendency to leave the organization and to find the best ways of preventing this phenomenon. Methods: A quantitative method was used supported with customized questionnaire (partly MBI questionnaire and a questionnaire on a topic of burnout prevention), being distributed among 30 nursing staff of one of the social centres in Austria, to determine the level of burnout, the consideration level of leaving the organization and to ask about the most appropriate ways of prevention. The obtained data was processed using Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS. Results: We found that, on average, employees are moderate to high burnout at emotional level, experience a medium to high degree of depersonalization, and value their personal accomplishments medium to low. There is an existing statistically significant association between the level of burnout and the likelihood of fluctuation. We also found out that the most effective way of preventing fluctuation is encouragement of good relations and a relaxed atmosphere and communication at workplace, as well as reducing workload, which also includes less physical strain as well as more staff. Discussion and conclusion: We conclude that fatigue and exhaustion exist among employees, who are silently considering better career opportunities. Nursing, essentially a very beautiful profession, got unfortunately stuck between mostly unnecessary complexity on several levels, due to various legal requirements. Excessive demands are often perceived by the employees as a ballast, that drains their energy and distracts them from the main goal of nursing, which is human being.
Keywords:stress, exhaustion, turnover


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