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Title:Digitalno oglaševanje oblačil na družbenih omrežjih
Authors:ID Križanec, Tjaša (Author)
ID Završnik, Bruno (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Krizanec_Tjasa_2022.pdf (1,50 MB)
MD5: D122502AA6B15AF98E6AB88A494C53B7
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/73cb05a5-e676-4d15-9a72-f5c28d97e69c
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Družbena omrežja dandanes uporabljajo skoraj vsi, od rosno mladih otrok pa tudi do upokojencev. In na družbenih omrežjih dan za dnem vidimo, opazimo, preskočimo oglase, ki nam jih le-ta ponujajo. Naloga podjetij je, da svoje napore vlagajo v digitalno oglaševanje na družbenih omrežjih. Tako postajajo prepoznavni in s pomočjo različnih naprednih funkcij, ki jih ponujajo platforme družbenih omrežjih, ustvarjajo konkurenčno vrednost. Tudi glede oblačil obstaja mnogo predpisanih oblik oglaševanj. Pomembno je, da podjetje za določeno ciljno skupino uporabi pravilno orodje oglaševanja. Ne smemo pa pozabiti na modne vplivneže, ki lahko nevede zelo pomagajo pri prepoznavnosti podjetja in njegove blagovne znamke. Ljudem so modni vplivneži bližje, bolj domači in pogosteje zaupajo raje njim kot pa samim podjetjem. Pomembno je tudi, da je vplivnež oseba, ki pozna podjetje in njegov izdelek ter je vešča vseh orodij, ki jih ponujajo družbena omrežja. S pomočjo raziskave smo ugotovili, da ljudje, kljub temu da ne sledijo vplivnežem, verjamejo, da postavljajo trende v sodobni družbi. Ugotovili smo tudi, da velika večina preživi na družbenih omrežjih od 2 do 3 ure na dan. Zato je resnično pomembno, da so ljudje pozorni na vsebino, ki jo gledajo, podjetja pa, da v množici informacij naredijo oglas, ki bo atraktiven in privlačen za uporabnike družbenih omrežij.
Keywords:digitalno oglaševanje, oblačila, družbena omrežja, modni vplivneži, potrošniki
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:T. Križanec
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-81633 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:115114243 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.07.2022
KRIŽANEC, Tjaša, 2022, Digitalno oglaševanje oblačil na družbenih omrežjih [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : T. Križanec. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=81633
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Secondary language

Title:Digital clothing advertising on social media
Abstract:Today social networks are used by almost everyone, from very young children to retirees. And on social networks, day after day, we notice and skip the ads offered to us by social networks. The task of companies is to invest their efforts in digital advertising on social networks. In this way, they will become recognizable and will create competitive value with the help of various advanced features offered by social networking platforms. There are also many prescribed forms of advertising regarding clothing. It is important that the company uses the right advertising tool for a specific target group. However, we must not forget the fashion influencers, who can unknowingly help a lot in the recognition of a company and its brand. Fashion influencers are closer to people, domestic and trust them more often than companies themselves. It is also important that the influencer is a person who knows the company, its product and is skilled in all the tools offered by social networks. With the help of research, we found that people, despite not following influential people, believe that they are setting trends in modern society. We also found that the vast majority spend 2 to 3 hours a day on social media. Therefore, it is really important that people pay attention to the content they watch, and that companies make an ad in the mass of information that will be attractive and appealing to social media users.
Keywords:digital advertising, clothes, social media, fashion influencers, consumers


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