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Title:Pridobitno ustarjanje igričarskih pretočnih vsebin v živo
Authors:ID Gracej, Alja (Author)
ID Perko, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Primec, Andreja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Gracej_Alja_2022.pdf (1,69 MB)
MD5: 812839E05058898ADA7A3B1D0A0FAEF7
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/711e8374-d6fc-42ee-b859-c1ef22f9434e
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Streamanje različnih vsebin v živo je razmeroma nova dejavnost, ki v svetu še ni tako prepoznana – sploh med starejšimi generacijami. Z razumevanjem profitnosti te dejavnosti pa imajo težave tudi mlajše generacije, saj je princip njenega delovanja nov. Gre namreč za dejavnost, kjer občinstvo prostovoljno plačuje streamerju, ki to dejavnost izvaja na spletni platformi, da npr. igra video igre, jih zabava in z njimi komunicira. Za marsikoga se to sliši preveč preprosto in nerealno. Streamanje je lahko zgolj zabava, lahko pa je tudi resen posel. To je odvisno od tega, kakšne cilje ima streamer pri opravljanju te dejavnosti, kako ga podpre občinstvo, na to pa lahko vplivajo še drugi dejavniki. Ko ta dejavnost postane dobičkonosna jo je potrebno primerno obravnavati, da postopamo v skladu z veljavno davčno zakonodajo določenega območja. Problem pri streamanju je, da je potrebno upoštevati več različnih zakonov iz zelo različnih območij hkrati. Povrhu pa gre za novejšo dejavnost, kar zahteva še toliko bolj poglobljeno obravnavo. Magistrsko delo preko poglobljenih intervjujev streamerjev predstavlja streamanje v živo kot pridobitno dejavnost. Za področje Slovenije pa obravnava tudi načine, s katerimi se lahko to dejavnost prijavi pri davčnem uradu. Poleg tega tudi samo streamanje zahteva izvedbo po določenih smernicah in pravilih, ki jih določa platforma za streamanje. K temu jih v nekaterih primerih obvezuje določena zakonodaja, v nekaterih primerih pa se zaradi različnih vzgibov zanje odločajo sami. Streamer mora tako zelo dobro raziskati vse predpise in pravila, da jih lahko razume in upošteva. Tu sta problematični predvsem področji varstva osebnih podatkov in pravic intelektualne lastnine, saj so s pojavom interneta prišla tveganja in slabosti, ki jih do takrat niso poznali. Magistrsko delo širše obravnava ukrepe in aktivnosti za varstvo pravic osebnih podatkov in pravic intelektualne lastnine na platformah za streamanje v živo.
Keywords:Davčna zakonodaja, osebni dohodek, streamanje v živo, varstvo osebnih podatkov, varstvo pravic intelektualne lastnine
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:A. Gracej
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-81459 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:111103235 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.06.2022
GRACEJ, Alja, 2022, Pridobitno ustarjanje igričarskih pretočnih vsebin v živo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : A. Gracej. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=81459
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Secondary language

Title:Game live streaming for profit
Abstract:Live streaming of various content is a relatively new digital activity that is starting to be recognised, especially by the younger generations. Even they have difficulties seeing it as a profitable business model. It is an activity where the audience voluntarily pays the streamer, who does his work on an online streaming platform to e.g., play video games, entertain, and communicate with them. Many find this idea too simple and unrealistic. Live streaming success – the number of followers - depends on the streamer’s goals, audience support and other factors. When the streamer starts to generate income, it must adhere to regulations that comply with the applicable tax legislation of a particular area. The problem with streaming is that it is not consolidated to the social interaction norms standards, including the taxation system, thereby several different laws from very different regions need to be followed at the same time. On top of that, streaming is a newer activity and thereby a more detailed consideration is required to make it socially responsible. With the help of in-depth interviews with streamers, this research examines the income part of live streaming. In the case of Slovenia, it also discusses the how this activity can be conformed with the taxation system. In addition, streaming itself needs to follow certain guidelines and rules set by the streaming platforms. In some cases, streaming platforms are bound by law. In other cases, they decide for themselves due to various motives. Streamers need to thoroughly research obligations and regulations in order to understand and follow them. The area of personal data protection and intellectual property rights are particularly problematic. With the rise of the internet came risks and disadvantages that were unknown until then. This research goes into an in-depth portrayal of obligations and activities concerning the protection of personal data rights and intellectual property rights on live streaming platforms.
Keywords:Live streaming, Personal income, Fiscal policy, Intellectual property rights, Personal data protection


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