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Title:Digitalna transformacija v zdravstvu
Authors:ID Cigler, Lara (Author)
ID Sternad Zabukovšek, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Cigler_Lara_2022.pdf (1,98 MB)
MD5: B1611D32B4492E4529AAB2A52C619C18
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/eab85ac1-f72b-4de2-8150-aed129e4ed45
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Nenehen razvoj tehnologije sili različne industrije in gospodarske sektorje k razvoju ter uvedbi različnih tehnoloških rešitev, ki organizacijam prinašajo številne izzive, hkrati pa omogočajo tudi možnost pridobitve konkurenčnih prednosti, kar je v današnjih časih ključnega pomena, če želimo naše organizacije dolgotrajno obdržati na trgu. To pa od organizacij ne zahteva zgolj zunanje preobrazbe organizacije, temveč predvsem notranje preoblikovanje. Da bi se organizacija pravilno odločila, v kaj se morajo usmeriti, potrebujejo jasno zastavljen cilj in vizijo. Pripraviti in izbrati morajo ustrezen pristop ter kasneje tudi negovati svojo odločitev, saj preoblikovanje organizacije ni zgolj kratkoročen in enkraten proces, ampak ga moramo tudi spremljati, prilagajati ter izboljševati v prihodnosti. Zato smo se v magistrskem delu osredotočili na digitalno transformacijo, predstavili, kaj ta pojem pomeni, zakaj je prišlo do digitalne transformacije organizacij in katere tehnologije omogočajo le-to, kaj vse ter katera področja zajema. Predstavili smo poslovni model, ki postaja vse bolj priljubljen med organizacijami in brez katerega le-te ne morejo več dobičkonosno poslovati. Ker ne vemo in si niti ne moremo predstavljati, kako daleč lahko pripelje razvoj tehnologije ter kako lahko spremeni in olajša človekov vsakdan, smo raziskali tudi trende, ki napovedujejo, da se bodo pojavili na tem področju. Ker že nekaj časa živimo v »covid« časih, če le-te lahko tako imenujemo, smo se odločili, da se osredotočimo na transformacijo organizacij v zdravstveni industriji. Zanimalo nas je, kakšne priložnosti in izzive prinaša tehnologija v tej industriji, kakšen vpliv ima na organizacijo samo, kakor tudi na potrošnika te storitve, kakšne prednosti ter slabosti prinaša itd. Ogledali smo si tudi primer digitalne transformacije mednarodno priznane organizacije Philips, ki jo v večini poznamo kot organizacijo, usmerjeno k proizvajanju in ponujanju različnih vrst produktov, od gospodinjskih ter kuhinjskih aparatov, do bele tehnike in še bi lahko naštevali. Mi pa vam bomo predstavili organizacijo Philips kot organizacijo, ki je razvila številne zdravstveno-informacijske rešitve (angl. Healthtech), z namenom izboljšanja in sodelovanja pri prihodnosti svetovnega zdravstvenega varstva.
Keywords:digitalna transformacija, Philips, Healthtech, zdravstveno varstvo, umetna inteligenca, strojno učenje.
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:L. Cigler
Year of publishing:2022
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-81342 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:111086339 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.06.2022
CIGLER, Lara, 2022, Digitalna transformacija v zdravstvu [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : L. Cigler. [Accessed 31 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=81342
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Licensing start date:02.03.2022

Secondary language

Title:Digital transformation in healthcare
Abstract:The constant evolution of technology is forcing various industries and economic sectors to develop and implement different technological solutions that bring many challenges for companies, but also allow them to gain competitive advantages, which is crucial in today's times if we want to keep our businesses on the market for the long term. This requires not only an external transformation of the company, but above all an internal transformation. To make the right choice about where to focus, companies need a clear goal and vision. They need to develop and choose the right approach and then nurture their decision, because transforming a business is not just a short-term and one-off process, but also one that needs to be monitored, adapted and improved in the future. Therefore, in this master thesis we focus on digital transformation, what it means, why digital transformation of companies has happened, which technologies enable it, what it covers and which areas it covers. We have introduced a business model that is becoming increasingly popular among organizations and without which they can no longer operate profitably. Because we don't know, and probably can't imagine, how far the development of technology can take us, and how it can change and make people's everyday lives easier, we have also explored the trends that are predicted to emerge in this area. As we have been living in very "special" times, if you can call them that, for some time now, we have decided to focus on business transformation in the healthcare industry. We wanted to know what opportunities and challenges technology brings to the industry, what impact it has on the organization itself as well as on the consumer of the service, what advantages and disadvantages it brings, etc. We also saw an example of the digital transformation of the internationally renowned Philips, which most of us know as a company focused on producing and offering a wide range of products, from household and kitchen appliances and the list goes on. We will introduce you to Philips as the company that developed the Healthtech IT solutions to improve and collaborate on the future of global healthcare.
Keywords:Digital transformation, Philips, Healthtech, healthcare, artificial intelligence, machine learning.


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