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Title:Psiho-fizični kriteriji za sprejem v policijo in preizkus telesnih zmogljivosti policistov : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Kešpert, Sara (Author)
ID Krope, Srečko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Kespert_Sara_2021.pdf (1,69 MB)
MD5: 67A192DE3F18911CE377B32062FCD35C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d0f4ce88-bdae-4382-8afa-d5807a4ec947
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Policijski uslužbenci so v okviru policijskega dela izpostavljeni stresnim in fizično zahtevnim situacijam, na katere morajo biti pripravljeni in nanje reagirati na način, ki bo zanje in za družbo najbolj sprejemljiv z minimalnimi posledicami, zato je njihova psihofizična pripravljenost zelo pomembna. Z dobrimi predispozicijami in primerno telesno pripravljenostjo lahko policisti svoje delo opravijo profesionalno in z največjo skrbnostjo ter s tem v prvi vrsti zaščitijo sebe in ostale udeležence v postopkih policijskega dela. Na začetku diplomske naloge smo natančneje opredelili temeljne pojme, ki se bodo pojavljali tekom naloge in opisali Slovensko policijo, ki je sestavni organ Ministrstva za notranje zadeve. Njeno delovanje je osnovano na spoštovanju in uveljavljanju pravnega reda in upoštevanju človekovih pravic ter temeljnih svoboščin. Poleg tega pa temelji na etičnosti in spoštovanju evropskih konvencij in priporočil. Policijsko delo je poslanstvo z bogatim ciljem, saj ravno oni skrbijo za varnost ljudi v družbi ter pomagajo ljudem v nesreči (Kolenc, 2002). V nadaljevanju smo opisali Slovensko policijo, njeno organiziranost in naloge, kako je izobraževanje policistov potekalo nekoč in danes ter kadrovanje v policijo. Glavna tema proučevanja je bil potek procesa selekcije pri sprejemu v policijo. Ta vključuje preizkus telesnih zmogljivosti, selekcijski intervju, psihološki in zdravniški pregled ter varnostno preverjanje. Opravili smo štiri intervjuje z glavnimi izvajalci izbirnih postopkov in s pomočjo strokovne literature ter letnih poročil o delu policije odgovorili na zastavljene hipoteze in problematiko, ki smo jo obravnavali. Primerjali smo fizične kriterije z dvema članicama EU in sicer Hrvaško in Španijo. Ugotovili smo, da imajo Hrvati po obsegu in zahtevnosti nam najbolj podobno bazo preizkusov. Skoraj vse evropske policije imajo v svoji bazo Cooperjev test, sicer pa imamo pri nas kriterije za sprejem postavljene kar visoko. Osredotočili smo se na probleme, kako pridobiti kvalitetni kader in čemu bi bilo potrebno posvetiti največ pozornosti pri sami selekciji. Trenutno je največji problem v policiji pomanjkanje kadra, predvsem kvalitetnega kadra, ki bi bil naravnan v skrb za varnost ljudi in bi se zavedal, da biti policist ni le poklic, temveč poslanstvo.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, policija, policist, policijska akademija, psihofizična usposobljenost, kriteriji za sprejem
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Kešpert]
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:XI, 59 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-80900 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:86258947 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.11.2021
KEŠPERT, Sara, 2021, Psiho-fizični kriteriji za sprejem v policijo in preizkus telesnih zmogljivosti policistov : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : S. Kešpert. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=80900
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:10.11.2021

Secondary language

Title:Psycho-physical criteria for police admission and testing of officers physical abilities
Abstract:While working, police officers are often exposed to very stressful and physically hard situations, for which they must be prepared and react in a way, that is the most acceptable and leaves as little consequences as possible. That is why their psychophysical readiness is very important. Police officers can with good genetic background and maintaining good physical shape commit their job and perform professionally and with the utmost care and thus primarily protect themselves and other participants in police work procedures. At the beginning of the thesis, we defined in more detail the basic concepts that will appear during the thesis and described the Slovenian Police, which is an integral body of the Ministry of the Interior. Its operation is based on respect and enforcement of acquis and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. In addition, it is based on ethics and respect for European conventions and recommendations. Police work is a mission with big goals, as they are taking care of people’s safety in society and helping people in accident (Kolenc, 2002). How the training of police officers took place in the past and today, and their staffing process. The main topic of the study was the selection process for admission to the police. That includes fitness tests, selection interview, health checks and eligibility and background checks. We have completed four interviews with the people in charge of selection processes and together with a professional literature and annual reports on the work of the Police, we answered given hypothesis and issues, that we have discussed. We compared physical criteria with two members of the EU – Croatia and Spain. We found out, that Croatians run the most similar tests compared to us. Almost every European police has the Cooper test, nevertheless our criteria for the admission is set very high, compared to others. We also focused on the issue of getting a quality staff and the things, we should focus on the selection process. Currently, the biggest problem in the police is the lack of staff, especially quality staff, who would be focused on caring for the safety of people and would be aware that being a police officer is not just a profession, but a mission.
Keywords:police, police worker, police academy, psychophysical ability, criterion for acceptance


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