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Title:Zadovoljstvo medicinskih sester z izvajanjem triaže v odvisnosti z njihovo profesionalno usposobljenostjo
Authors:ID Fekonja, Urška (Author)
ID Strnad, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Fekonja_Urska_2021.pdf (2,15 MB)
MD5: B49DCE2C6495C5786A4D8BBE9F546E5F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/dfe1949c-adc8-462e-9f6b-01b4d39b8d27
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Uvod: Triaža je kompleksen proces, ki sloni na sprejemanju odločitev v prid bolnika in njegovega zdravljenja. Profesionalna usposobljenost je v zdravstveni negi nujna za zagotavljanje bolnikove varnosti, zadovoljstva in kakovostne oskrbe. Neizogiben del zadovoljstva in psihološke trdnosti na delovnem mestu sta čustvena stabilnost in trdnost. Metode: V raziskavi smo uporabili metodologijo mešanih metod. Pridobivanje podatkov je potekalo s pojasnjevalnim načrtom raziskovanja. Instrument raziskovanja v kvantitativnem delu je bil anketni vprašalnik, v kvalitativnem delu pa delno strukturiran intervju. Za izvedbo opisne in sklepne statistične obdelave kvantitativnih podatkov raziskave smo uporabili program IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0. Za obdelavo kvalitativnih podatkov smo uporabili tematsko analizo besedila. Kvantitativni in kvalitativni rezultati so bili integrirani z uporabo procesa stebrne integracije. Rezultati: Izpostavili smo šest glavnih tem: sposobnosti in karakteristike, organizacija dela, varnost je ključna, oteževalne okoliščine, usposobljenost in samoevalvacija. Medicinske sestre z več kot tremi leti delovnih izkušenj v triaži so dosegle višje ocene v vseh domenah zadovoljstva (p < 0,05). Ugotovili smo zmerno pozitivno korelacijo med domenama zadovoljstva in profesionalne usposobljenosti (r = 0,211**; p < 0,01). Razprava in sklep: Na podlagi rezultatov študije smo ugotovili, da poklicna usposobljenost vpliva na zadovoljstvo pri delu. Zato bi bilo treba poskrbeti za uvedbo potrebnih sprememb v doseganju zadovoljstva in razvoja profesionalne usposobljenosti, obenem pa dati poudarek na že usposobljene in kompetentne triažne sestre, saj bodo le-te verjetneje ostale v instituciji dlje, če bodo zadovoljne na svojem delovnem položaju.
Keywords:triaža, medicinska sestra, urgenca, zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu, profesionalna usposobljenost
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[U. Fekonja]
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-80853 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:87697923 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.12.2021
FEKONJA, Urška, 2021, Zadovoljstvo medicinskih sester z izvajanjem triaže v odvisnosti z njihovo profesionalno usposobljenostjo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : U. Fekonja. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=80853
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Secondary language

Title:Nurses ‘Job Satisfaction with the Implementation of the Triage Process Depending on their Professional Capability
Abstract:Introduction: Triage is a complex process that relies on making decisions in favor of the patient and his treatment. Professional training in nursing is essential to ensure patient safety, satisfaction and quality care. An inevitable part of job satisfaction is emotional stability and strength, which represent the psychological strength of a nurse. Methods: In the following research we used the mixed methods methodology. Data acquisition was carried out with an explanatory research plan. The leading research instrument was a questionnaire in the quantitative part, and a semi-structured interview in the qualitative part of the research work. IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0 was used to perform descriptive and concluding statistical processing of survey data. For the processing of qualitative data, we followed the methodology of thematic analysis of the text. Quantitative and qualitative results were integrated using a pillar integration process. Results: During integration process, six pillar of intergration have been exposed: skills and characteristics, work organization, safety, aggravating circumstances, professional capability and self-evaluation. Triage nurses with more than three years of work experience in triage achieved higher scores in all domains of satisfaction (p < 0,05). A moderate positive correlation has been found between the domain of job satisfaction and professional capability (0.211 **; p
Keywords:triage, nurse, emergency, job satisfaction, professional capability


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