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Title:Povezava med pozicijo korporativne blagovne znamke glede na okoljsko sprejemljive značilnosti in izbiro trgovca na drobno
Authors:ID Vindiš, Maruša (Author)
ID Milfelner, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Vindis_Marusa_2021.pdf (2,07 MB)
MD5: FA47F3FA0B856318BF129ADBEA2870B7
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/5bbd8642-9c17-420a-ae88-fe67c6a47bb8
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Odjemalci so vse bolj zavedni do okolja in želijo kupovati ter uživati izdelke, ki se skladajo z njihovimi nazori, hkrati pa se tudi podjetja začenjajo zavedati številnih koristi, ki jim jih lahko prinaša zasledovanje trajnostnih poslovnih praks. V tuji znanstveni literaturi s področja marketinga so se v zadnjih letih vse pogosteje začeli pojavljati termini »zeleni izdelki«, »zelena blagovna znamka«, »zeleni marketing«, »zeleno pozicioniranje« ipd. V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge smo naredili pregled znanstvene literature, ki proučuje omenjene koncepte, ter ugotovili, da bodo podjetja morala trajnost čim prej vpeljati v svoje poslovanje, če želijo v prihodnosti še preživeti in biti uspešna. V empiričnem delu pa smo se osredinili na okoljsko učinkovitost trgovcev na drobno, ki poslujejo v Sloveniji. Osredotočili smo se na 4 trgovce ¬¬¬ Mercator, Spar, Hofer in Lidl. Naredili smo pregled aktivnosti za varovanje okolja, ki jih trgovci izvajajo in predstavljajo na svojih spletnih mestih. Nato smo s pomočjo raziskave preverjali, kakšno je pozicioniranje z vidika okoljske učinkovitosti izbranih trgovcev pri slovenskih odjemalcih in kakšna je povezava med zaznano pozicijo korporativne blagovne znamke in izbiro trgovca, pri katerem bo odjemalec kupoval. Izbrani trgovci so bili ocenjeni po več dimenzijah okoljske učinkovitosti ter ugleda in ugotovili smo, da pri trgovcih, ki dosegajo boljše pozicije glede okoljske učinkovitosti, odjemalci kupujejo pogosteje, hkrati pa takšna podjetja uživajo tudi večji ugled. Oblikovali smo priporočila, po katerih dimenzijah trgovci lahko izboljšajo svoje pozicije z vidika okoljske sprejemljivosti, in zaključili, da morajo podjetja aktivno vlagati v izboljševanje svojih trajnostnih naporov.
Keywords:trajnostni marketing, pozicioniranje, zeleni izdelki, okolju prijazno, korporativna blagovna znamka, trgovec na drobno
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:M. Vindiš
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-80762 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:90742531 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.12.2021
VINDIŠ, Maruša, 2021, Povezava med pozicijo korporativne blagovne znamke glede na okoljsko sprejemljive značilnosti in izbiro trgovca na drobno [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : M. Vindiš. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=80762
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Secondary language

Title:Relationship between corporate brand position based on environmentally friendly attributes and retailer selection
Abstract:Consumers are increasingly environmentally conscious and want to purchase and consume products that are in line with their views. Companies are also becoming aware of multiple benefits that pursuing sustainable business practices can bring. In recent years, the terms "green" products, "green" brand, "green" marketing, "green" positioning, etc. have started to frequently appear in scientific literature in the field of marketing. In the theoretical part of the master thesis, we have reviewed the scientific literature concerning such concepts and can conclude that companies will need to introduce sustainability into their business as soon as possible if they want to survive and be successful in the future. In the empirical part, we focused on the environmental performance of retailers operating in Slovenia. We focused on 4 retailers  Mercator, Spar, Hofer, and Lidl and made an overview of the environmental activities that retailers present on their websites. Then, we examined the positions regarding environmental efficiency that selected retailers have concerning the consumers. We have also examined the relationship between the perceived position of the corporate brand and the choice of retailer. Selected retailers were evaluated on several dimensions of environmental performance and reputation. Results show that retailers who achieve better environmental performance are more frequently visited by consumers and at the same time, such companies also enjoy a higher reputation. We formulated recommendations on the dimensions on which retailers can still improve their position and concluded that companies need to actively invest in improving their sustainable efforts.
Keywords:sustainable marketing, positioning, green products, environmentally friendly, corporate brand, retailer


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