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Title:Proces nastajanja nove gledališke predstave v koprodukciji
Authors:ID Botonjić, Samir (Author)
ID Urh, Benjamin (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Botonjic_Samir_2021.pdf (1,01 MB)
MD5: 5F549353CB80AF684493A9829FFC3822
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/f7404617-b742-4172-9e1d-8b231be5718c
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Namen diplomskega dela je predstavitev procesa nastajanja nove mladinske gledališke predstave v koprodukciji med Cankarjevim domom in zunanjimi producenti, pri tem pa pokazati na nekatere pomanjkljivosti ter navesti specifične sugestije, s pomočjo katerih bi racionalizirali in optimizirali procese. V prvem delu se dotikamo teorije gledališča, v nadaljevanju pa preidem na kronološki pregled delovanja Cankarjevega doma, pri čemer izpostavljam konstitutivno vizijo te kulturne ustanove, ter za zaključek podam predstavitev področja delovanja pri lastni produkciji in koprodukciji. V drugem delu se sprehodimo skozi obstoječe stanje na področju realizacije koprodukcijske predstave in spoznamo na kakšen način pride do vabila o sodelovanju, kako je sestavljena pogodba o sodelovanju, kako in na kakšen način se predstava uvrsti v urnik, kakšna je vloga trženja in kakšne so metode trženja predstav. Proti koncu drugega dela spoznamo samo nastajanje predstave, udeležence pri njenem nastajanju ter način dela pri ponovitvah in gostovanjih, zaključimo pa ga s primerom v praksi, pri gledališko-glasbeni predstavi Tesla in težavami s katerimi se pogosto srečujemo. Zadnji, sklepni del diplomske naloge, je posvečen predlogom za izboljšavo pri nastajanju gledaliških predstav, do katerih smo prišli na podlagi pogovorov z različnimi ustvarjalci, ter izhajanju iz lastnih dolgoletnih izkušenj pri koprodukcijskih predstavah kot so Prosto po Prešernu, Veliki pok, iCankar, Hlapec Jernej in njegova pravica, Afriški živalski raj, ter še nekatere preostale, pri katerih sem participiral tudi sam.
Keywords:produkcija, koprodukcija, gledališka predstava
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-80724 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:86891523 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.11.2021
BOTONJIĆ, Samir, 2021, Proces nastajanja nove gledališke predstave v koprodukciji [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=80724
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Secondary language

Title:The process of staging a new youth theatre performance in co-production
Abstract:The purpose of the diploma thesis is to present the emergance of a new youth theater play in co-production between Cankarjev dom and external producers; to point out some shortcomings and to suggest certain improvements that would lead to better performance and realization. In the first part we shall give a short overview on the theory of theatre, on its services and its consumers. It will be followed by a historical overview and vision of Cankarjev dom, its field of work, and the field of operation in its own production and co-production. In the second part we shall present the current situation and functioning in the field of co-production, in the sense of how to get an invitation to participate, how the cooperation agreement is made, how and in what way the show is included in the schedule, what is the role of marketing and how and on what way we market the show. Towards the end of the second part I shall present the creation of the play itself, the participants in its creation and the way of working on replays and guest appearances, concluding with an example in practice, the theater-music play Tesla and the problems it has often encountered. In the last and concluding part of the thesis I shall propose some possible improvements in the creation of theater performances, which I came to on the basis of conversations with various creators and based on my own longtime experiences in co-production performances such as Prosto po Prešernu, Veliki pok, iCankar, Hlapec Jernej in njegova pravica, Afriški živalski raj, and many others in which I have participated myself.
Keywords:production, co-production, theatre performance


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