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Title:Prepoznavnost podjetja Cer - Cvet na družbenem omrežju Facebook
Authors:ID Cer, Barbara (Author)
ID Završnik, Bruno (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Cer_Barbara_2021.pdf (2,24 MB)
MD5: 3F95D024FF510A9BDD8A467218DE769E
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/06525ee6-322e-4a75-aafc-9916be13c4d7
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Naša življenja se iz dneva v dan spreminjajo. Sledimo tehnološkim razvojem in posledično sledimo tudi novim in inovativnim marketinškim pristopom in strategijam. Tradicionalni marketinški pristopi se spreminjajo in le te vztrajno zamenjujejo avtomatizirane oblike sodobnega digitalnega marketinga. Tovrstna oblika marketinga podjetjem prinaša ne le prednosti iz stroškovnega vidika, temveč močno pripomore k prepoznavnosti blagovnih znamk, njihovem boljšem targetiranju, boljši konverziji in boljšem dosegu. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na teoretični in praktični del. V teoretičnem delu je na enem mestu zbranih veliko uporabnih in koristnih informacij o digitalnem marketingu. Opredelili smo digitalni marketing, njegove prednosti in slabosti, strategije in predstavili oblike digitalnega marketinga. Podrobneje smo predstavili tudi družbeno omrežje Facebook in kako lahko podjetje le to uporabi v svoj prid ter boljše rezultate svojega poslovanja. V praktičnem delu je podrobneje predstavljeno podjetje Cer – Cvet in njihova Facebook stran. Namen eksperimenta, ki je bil izveden v okviru diplomske naloge, je bilo dokazati, da lahko z doslednostjo in konsistentnimi objavami na Facebook strani, podjetje dosega pozitivne rezultate in učinke. Za obdobje enega meseca smo splanirali objave za dotično podjetje, jih redno objavljali na Facebook strani in analizirali dobljene rezultate. Na koncu smo na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov tudi preverili zastavljeni hipotezi.
Keywords:Facebook, družbeno omrežje, marketinško komuniciranje, digitalni marketing, Cer – Cvet, prepoznavnost podjetja
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:B. Cer
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-80580 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:88636419 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.12.2021
CER, Barbara, 2021, Prepoznavnost podjetja Cer - Cvet na družbenem omrežju Facebook [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : B. Cer. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=80580
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Secondary language

Title:Recognition of the company Cer - Cvet on social media Facebook
Abstract:Our lives change every day. We are monitoring technological developments, we are aiming towards new, innovative marketing approaches. Traditional marketing approaches are changing, what also changes is the marketing approach, which is becoming automated. This kind of marketing is making more profit for the companies, not just in terms of money, but it also contributes to recognizability of trademarks, better targeting , better conversion and greater success. My dissertation is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical part. In theoretical part there are a lot of useful information about digital marketing, it’s advantages, disadvantages, strategies. We presented different forms of digital marketing, we introduced social network Facebook in more detail and how the company can use it in it’s advantage. In practical part, we introduced company Cer-Cvet in more detail and it’s Facebook site. The intention of this dissertation was to show how company can achieve positive results with consistent publishing on Facebook site. We planned publishing for the period of one month for company Cer-Cvet, we were publishing regularly on their Facebook site, then at the end we analyzed the results to confirm our thesis.
Keywords:Facebook, social network, marketing communication, digital marketing. Cer-Cvet, recognizability of company


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