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Title:Samozaščita uporabnikov družbenih omrežij pred kibernetskim nadlegovanjem : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Peternel, Nika (Author)
ID Prislan Mihelič, Kaja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Mihelič, Anže (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Peternel_Nika_2021.pdf (778,48 KB)
MD5: 1C3C95DCDA132E32596C7BB92366E2B8
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/093f0214-dc67-41ed-95e2-8ac81341765f
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Družbena omrežja postajajo vedno bolj razširjena oblika komunikacije in interakcije z drugimi ljudmi, predvsem med mlajšo populacijo. Četudi imajo družbena omrežja za uporabnike številne koristi, pa lahko pri njihovi uporabi pride do viktimizacije z različnimi oblikami kibernetske kriminalitete, kot je kibernetsko nadlegovanje. Skladno s tem je pomembno, da se krepi preventivno ukrepanje, ki vključuje uporabo različnih samozaščitnih ukrepov ter zavedanje uporabnikov, katera dejanja so potencialno nevarna in lahko prispevajo k temu, da se znajdejo v položaju žrtve. V diplomskem delu smo raziskali kibernetsko nadlegovanje z vidika teorije rutinskih dejavnosti. Na tej osnovi smo oblikovali raziskavo in pri tem ugotavljali, kakšne navade imajo uporabniki družbenih omrežij na spletu ter njihovo samozaščito pred kibernetskim nadlegovanjem. Ugotavljali smo tudi, kako zaznavajo motivacijo storilcev, viktimizacijo s kibernetskim nadlegovanjem in kakšno vlogo imajo elementi teorije rutinskih dejavnosti z vidika samoporočane viktimizacije. Vlogo teorije rutinskih dejavnosti in njenih elementov smo preverjali s samonaznanjenim vedenjem na spletu in razlikah glede na to, ali so respondenti bili žrtve kibernetskega nadlegovanja ali ne. Raziskavo smo izvedli v obliki spletne ankete, ki jo je izpolnilo 150 respondentov, povezavo do ankete pa smo delili na družbenih omrežjih. Rezultati so pokazali dokaj pozitivne ugotovitve glede uporabe samozaščitnih ukrepov na družbenih omrežjih in da viktimizacija s kibernetskim nadlegovanjem ni pogosta. Najpomembnejša razlika med respondenti, ki so že bili žrtve kibernetskega nadlegovanja, in tistimi, ki niso bili, je ta, da žrtve delijo več osebnih podatkov na družbenih omrežjih. Na podlagi rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da se respondenti zavedajo nevarnosti kibernetskega nadlegovanja in skladno s tem pri uporabi družbenih omrežij delujejo preventivno.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, kibernetsko nadlegovanje, samozaščita, teorija rutinskih dejavnosti, družbeno omrežje
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Peternel]
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:V, 40 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-80472 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:82571011 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.10.2021
PETERNEL, Nika, 2021, Samozaščita uporabnikov družbenih omrežij pred kibernetskim nadlegovanjem : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : N. Peternel. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=80472
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Secondary language

Title:Self-Protection of social media users from cyberbullying
Abstract:Social networks are becoming an increasingly widespread form of communication and interaction with other people, especially among the younger population. Although social networks have many benefits for users, their use can lead to victimization through various forms of cybercrime, such as cyberbullying. Accordingly, it is important to strengthen preventive actions, including encouraging the use of various self-protective measures and users' awareness of which actions are potentially dangerous and may contribute to victimisation. In the diploma thesis, we researched cyberbullying from the perspective of routine activity theory, which states that for a crime to occur, there must be a suitable victim, a motivated perpetrator, and a proper guardian. On this basis, we designed the research and investigated the online habits of social network users and their self-protection against cyberbullying. We also analysed their perceptions of perpetrators' motivation, cyberbullying victimisation, and what role elements of routine activity theory have in self-reported victimisation. We tested the role of routine activity theory elements by looking at self-reported online behaviour and differences in whether users were victims of cyberbullying or not. The research, which included a sample of 150 respondents, was conducted in the form of an online survey shared on social networks. The results showed fairly positive findings regarding the use of self-protection measures on social networks and that victimization by cyberbullying is not common. The most important difference between respondents who have already been victims of cyberbullying and those who have not is that victims share more personal information on social media. Based on the results, we can conclude that the respondents are aware of the dangers of cyberbullying and accordingly act preventively when using social network.
Keywords:cyber bullying, self-protection, routine activitiy theory, social network


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