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Title:Podjetniške priložnosti v lesni industriji
Authors:ID Škrinjar, Enej (Author)
ID Rus, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Skrinjar_Enej_2021.pdf (597,39 KB)
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/67516d3f-0b9e-4268-b2ee-3c155b4dfd87
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Diplomsko nalogo sestavljata dva dela, teoretičen in praktičen. V teoretičnem delu smo razdelali poslovno okolje podjetja in predstavili njegovo pomembnost za podjetje. Našteli smo nekaj lastnosti poslovnega okolja in pojasnili načine odzivov nanj. Nato smo predstavili lesno industrijo v Sloveniji in jo za lažje preučevanje razdelili na lesnopredelovalno, pohištveno in gradbeno. Da smo zajeli čim več dejavnikov zunanjega okolja, ki so politični, pravni, ekonomski, socialni, kulturni in tehnološki, smo se odločili pojasniti in kasneje uporabiti PEST-analizo okolja podjetja. PEST-analizo smo opredelili, podali praktične primere in pojasnili pozitivne in negativne vplive na podjetje. Nismo preučevali le zunanjega okolja, ampak tudi notranje. V ta namen smo izbrali SWOT-analizo, s katero preučimo prednosti in slabosti notranjega okolja ter priložnosti in nevarnosti zunanjega poslovnega okolja. SWOT-analiza omogoči primerjanje notranjih in zunanjih dejavnikov. V praktičnem delu smo se odločili za izvedbo PEST in SWOT-analize. Za lažje razumevanje smo izbrali tri podjetja, ki predstavljajo pohištveno, lesnopredelovalno in gradbeno industrijo. PEST-analiza je združevala zunanje dejavnike vseh treh podjetij. Nobeno izbrano podjetje v obdobju svojega poslovanja ni opravilo analize poslovnega okolja. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se vsa obravnavana podjetja srečujejo s podobnimi težavami. Izpostavljajo pomanjkanje delovne sile, slabo izobraženost obstoječe delovne sile (kar kaže na razkorak s srednješolskim izobraževalnim sistemom). Pestijo jih tudi nihajoče cene materiala. Navajajo malo priložnosti zunanjega okolja, ker imajo polno zasedenost proizvodnje in razpoložljiva sredstva namenjajo v povečan obseg proizvodnje. Ugotovitve smo na kratko povzeli v tabelah. SWOT-analiza je bila lažje izvedljiva, ker so podjetja lažje navajala notranje dejavnike poslovnega okolja. Za boljšo preglednost smo obravnavali vsako podjetje posebej. Ugotovili smo, da vsa tri podjetja posvečajo veliko več pozornosti notranjemu okolju. Ko pride do poslabšanja stanja v zunanjem poslovnem okolju, jih skušajo odpraviti čim hitreje brez vzbujanja posebne pozornosti. Podjetje Adego, d.o.o., ki je predstavljalo pohištveno industrijo, kot svoje prednosti navaja kakovostne izdelke, tehnološko dodelano proizvodnjo in lojalne kupce. Noah, d.o.o. smo izbrali kot predstavnika gradbene industrije. Zaradi nihajočih cen materiala so preučili možnost lastne proizvodnje, ki bi bila sicer mogoča, a so se cene materiala dovolj umirile, da so idejo opustili. So edino podjetje, ki je navajalo dvig povpraševanja med pandemijo. Podjetje Ruševec, d.o.o., smo obravnavali kot lesnopredelovalno podjetje. V podjetju poudarjajo pomen tradicionalnih postopkov predelave, lokalnih dobaviteljev in kakovosti proizvodov. V sklepu smo preučeno teoretično znanje smiselno povezali s praktičnim delom diplomske naloge. Ugotovili smo, da se podjetja soočajo s podobno problematiko, kot smo zapisali v teoretičnem delu. Štiri predpostavljene hipoteze smo potrdili. Zavrgli smo hipotezo, ki predpostavlja, da je za konkurenčnost in vstop na trg v lesni industriji potrebna visoka tehnološka opremljenost. Razlog je, da podjetja ne proizvajajo tako zahtevnih produktov, da bi potrebovala tehnološko dovršeno opremo. Izkazalo se je, da starost opreme ni ključnega pomena. V slovenski lesni industriji se je SWOT-analiza izkazala za primernejšo.
Keywords:lesna industrija v Sloveniji, poslovno okolje podjetja, PEST-analiza, SWOT-analiza.
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:E. Škrinjar
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-80376 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:82649347 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.10.2021
ŠKRINJAR, Enej, 2021, Podjetniške priložnosti v  lesni industriji [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : E. Škrinjar. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=80376
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Title:Business opportunities in lumber industry
Abstract:This dissertation consists of a theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part of this dissertation, we elaborated the business environment and presented its importance for the given company. We listed some business environmental properties and explained way to respond to it. Then we presented the lumber industry in Slovenia and divided it into: wood processing, furniture and construction industry, to facilitate its study. We used the PEST analysis in order to cover as many factors of external environment as possible. The factors that were used are: political, legal, economic, social, cultural and technological. We defined the PEST analysis, gave practical examples and explained the positive and negative impacts on the company itself. We studied the outer as well as the internal environment. For this purpose, we chose the SWOT analysis which examines the advantages and disadvantages of the internal environment as well as the opportunities and threats of the external business environment. The SWOT analysis also makes it possible to compare internal and external factors. In the practical part we decided to use both PEST and the SWOT analysis. For easier understanding we selected three companies where each represents wood processing, furniture and construction industry. The PEST analysis combined the external factors of all three companies. None of the selected companies carried out an analysis of the business environment during their period of operation. We found out that the selected companies face similar problems. They point out the shortage of labor, undereducated workforce, which indicates a lower quality of the second education system, they are also plagues by fluctuating prices of the materials. They also cite few opportunities for the external environment because they have full occupancy of production and devote the available resources to the volume of production. The findings are briefly summarized in the tables. It was easier to carry out the SWOT analysis because the companies found it easier to describe internal factors of the business environment. For better transparency we researched each company separately. We found that all three companies pay much more attention to the internal environment. When the situation in the external business environment deteriorates, they try to eliminate it as quickly as possible without attracting additional attention. Adego, d.o.o., represents the furniture industry, citing quality products, technologically advanced production and loyal customers as its advantages. For the representative of the construction industry, we chose Noah, d.o.o. Due to fluctuating prices of the materials they explored the possibility of self-production, but the fluctuation of prices calmed down so they discarded the idea. They are the only company to cite rising demand during the pandemic. The company Ruševec d.o.o. was chosen to represent the wood processing industry. Ruševec d.o.o. emphasizes the importance of traditional processing, local suppliers and product quality. In the conclusion we linked the theoretical knowledge with the practical part of this dissertation. We found out that the companies confront with similar problems as we wrote in the theoretical part of the dissertation. The four hypotheses were confirmed. We rejected the hypothesis that assumes that high technological equipment is required for entering the market and being competitive in the lumber industry. The reason for that is that companies do not produce such complicated products that they would need technologically advanced equipment. It turned out that the age of the equipment was not crucial. The SWOT analysis proved to be more appropriate in the Slovenian lumber industry.
Keywords:lumber industry in Slovenia, business environment of the company, PEST-analysis, SWOT-analysis.


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