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Title:Izkoriščanje vetrne energije pri energetski oskrbi v sloveniji in svetu
Authors:ID Hedl, Primož (Author)
ID Medved, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Hedl_Primoz_2021.pdf (3,43 MB)
MD5: D00298B3BBC14F2EA9EC05E763DE25F4
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a65c8087-6ac1-4873-b6ef-a7542f996a19
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Energy Technology
Abstract:Diplomsko delo proučuje razvoj vetrne energije v Sloveniji in po svetu. Predstavi problematiko nizkih vrednosti inštaliranih moči in proizvodnje električne energije iz vetrnih elektrarn v Sloveniji. Primerjava je narejena z drugimi evropskimi državami, ki vlagajo ogromna sredstva v vetrno energijo in nas postavljajo na dno lestvice pri omenjenem viru proizvodnje električne energije. Diplomsko delo predstavi prvega investitorja in očeta prve vetrnice v Sloveniji ter vse težave, ki spremljajo realizacijo podobnega projekta. Skozi prikazane tabele in grafe, ki prikazujejo minule projekte in projekte v prihodnosti, v prihodnost ne moremo zreti optimistično, saj bo naš položaj, kar se tiče vetrne energije, dokler ne spremenimo zakonodaje in se približamo investitorjem, na repu EU. Prav tako v diplomskem delu obravnavamo zaveze OVE s strani EU. V tabelah je razvidno, v katerih sektorjih cilj izpolnjujemo in v katerih ga še ne dosegamo. Glede na visoke zahteve, ki so bile v zavezi sprejete, bodo potrebna velika vlaganja in subvencije s strani države, da izpolnimo zastavljene cilje OVE, predvsem slediti optimističnemu cilju, da do konca leta 2030 vse države EU dosežejo vsaj 32-odstotni delež iz OVE v bruto končni rabi energije.
Keywords:električna energija, obnovljivi viri, vetrne elektrarne, proizvodnja električne energije, podporna shema
Place of publishing:Velenje
Publisher:[P. Hedl]
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-80340 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:87382531 New window
Publication date in DKUM:01.12.2021
HEDL, Primož, 2021, Izkoriščanje vetrne energije pri energetski oskrbi v sloveniji in svetu [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Velenje : P. Hedl. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=80340
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Title:Utilization of wind energy in energy supply in slovenia and in the world
Abstract:The diploma thesis studies the development of wind energy use in Slovenia and around the world. It presents the problem of low installed power values and production of electricity from wind power plants in Slovenia. It features a comparison with other European countries, which invest huge funds in wind energy and thus put Slovenia at the bottom of the scale when it comes to this source of electricity production. The diploma thesis also presents the first investor and the founder of the first wind turbine in Slovenia, and all the problems that accompany the realization of similar projects. Based on the tables and graphs showing past and future projects, we cannot be optimistic about the future, because until Slovenia changes the legislation and goes hand in hand with investors, our wind energy position is going to be among the last in the EU. The diploma thesis also considers the RES commitments made by the EU. The tables show in which sectors Slovenia meets the goals and in which they have not yet been met. Given the high requirements adopted in the commitment, we can expect large investments and subsidies from the state to meet the set RES goals, and above all to follow the optimistic goal that by the end of 2030 all EU countries will achieve at least a 32 % share from RES in gross final energy consumption.
Keywords:electricity, renewable sources, wind power plants, production of electricity, support scheme


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