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Title:Skladiščenje naftnih derivatov
Authors:ID Kramberger, Aljaž (Author)
ID Lerher, Tone (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Lisec, Andrej (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Kramberger_Aljaz_2021.pdf (1,60 MB)
MD5: 0A69C9D2C78C1EB7D7D1998A554E50B4
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/2aa9c57f-43d1-4e63-b55e-eb33a70581dd
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Diplomsko delo smo zaradi lažje preglednosti razdelili na tri sklope: uvodni, teoretični in praktični del. V uvodnem delu opredeljujemo osnovne značilnosti pričujočega dela (obravnavano področje, cilje, teze, predpostavke/omejitve, kakor tudi uporabljene raziskovalne metode). V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela pojasnjujemo skladiščno poslovanje, kjer posebej izpostavljamo temeljne skladiščne procese in skladiščenje blaga. Prav tako opišemo naloge skladiščenja, transport in lokacijo skladišč, vrste skladišč ter tudi potrebno skladiščno evidentiranje, ki se pojavlja v skladiščnem procesu. Zajeli smo tudi posebnosti pri skladiščenju nevarnega blaga in snovi. Praktični del vsebuje analizo in ugotovitve, ki so narejene na primeru podjetja BS Petrol Lormanje AC d.d., ki smo ga proučevali. V izbranem podjetju se pojavlja več skladiščnih procesov, za različno vrsto blaga, a mi smo se osredotočili in podrobneje predstavili posebnosti procesa skladiščenja naftnih derivatov, z vso potrebno dokumentacijo. Na osnovi tega, smo podali tudi kritično analizo omenjenega skladiščnega procesa. Temu sledijo tudi predlogi rešitev, za izboljšavo obstoječega stanja skladiščenja naftnih derivatov v proučevanem podjetju.
Keywords:skladiščenje, blago, prevzem/shranjevanje blaga, naftni derivati, BS Petrol Lormanje AC d.d.
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[A. Kramberger]
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-80167 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:83646723 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.11.2021
KRAMBERGER, Aljaž, 2021, Skladiščenje naftnih derivatov [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Celje : A. Kramberger. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=80167
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Secondary language

Title:Storage of petroleum products
Abstract:For easier transparency, the diploma thesis was divided into three parts: introductional, theoretical and practical part. In the introductional part, we define the basic characteristics of the present work (we discuss areas, goals, theses, assumptions/limitations, and also used research methods). In the theoretical part of the diploma thesis, we explain warehousing operations, where we especially emphasize the basic warehousing processes and storage of goods. We also describe the tasks of storage, transport and location of warehouses, types of warehouses and the necessary warehousing records that occur in the warehousing process. We also covered the specifics of storage of dangerous goods and substances. The practical part contains an analysis and findings, that are based on the company GS Petrol Lormanje HWY JSC, which we have studied. In the selected company, there are several storage processes for different types of goods, but we focused and presented in details the specifics of storage procedures for petroleum products, with the necessary documentation. Based on this, we also made a critical analysis on the mentioned storage process. After all of this, we proposed solutions to improve the existing state of storage of petroleum products in the studied company.
Keywords:storage, goods, acceptance/storage of goods, petroleum products, GS Petrol Lormanje HWY JSC.


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