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Title:Povezovanje učencev razrednega pouka s šolsko svetovalno službo : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Caf, Sara (Author)
ID Vršnik Perše, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Caf_Sara_2021.pdf (2,19 MB)
MD5: 1FB0E3DB9AAF60D3E3FBF6DE400051B3
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/bca72210-69f9-4eeb-a52d-521d8bb06825
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V življenju vsakega posameznika so poleg vsega ostalega ključnega pomena tudi socialni odnosi in medosebno povezovanje. Pomembno je, da smo obdani z ljudmi, ki nas imajo radi, nas cenijo, spoštujejo, podpirajo, usmerjajo, nam stojijo ob strani ter nam po potrebi tudi pomagajo. Slednje je še posebej pomembno v obdobju otroštva, ko otroci potrebujejo osebe, ki jih bodo vodile skozi celoten razvoj in jim pri le-tem tudi pomagale. Ker otroci večji del svojega vsakdana preživijo v šolskem prostoru, je izjemnega pomena, da tudi v šoli čutijo varno zavetje ter se zavedajo, da so okoli njih osebe, ki so jim vedno na voljo. Te osebe so nedvomno učitelji, seveda pa tudi delavci šolske svetovalne službe. Ker je bilo v preteklosti narejenih izjemno malo raziskav, ki so podrobneje proučevale svetovalno delo in sodelovanje med svetovalnimi delavci in učenci, smo se odločili, da tovrstno tematiko podrobneje raziščemo. V prvem, teoretičnem delu, smo predstavili razvojno obdobje otrok od šestega leta do začetka pubertete (srednje in pozno otroštvo), področja razvoja in njihove razvojne naloge. Definirali smo besedno zvezo šolska svetovalna služba, predstavili njene strokovne profile, zgodovinsko ozadje in njeno delovanje (temeljna načela po Programskih smernicah, področja delovanja in delovne naloge). V nadaljevanju smo predstavili profil razrednika, njegovo delo in naloge, njegov odnos do učencev, razredno klimo, oddelčno skupnost in razredne ure. Na koncu pa smo se osredotočili še na ključno področje naše raziskovalne naloge – predstavili smo medsebojno sodelovanje in povezovanje različnih akterjev v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu (povezovanje učencev, učiteljev/razrednikov in šolske svetovalne službe). V drugem, empiričnem delu, smo predstavili rezultate raziskave, ki je temeljila na študiji primera izbrane osnovne šole v Mariboru. Anketiranih je bilo 277 učencev, 13 učiteljev razrednikov in 6 delavcev šolske svetovalne službe. Rezultati so sovpadali tudi z odgovori pedagoginje šole, s katero smo izvedli pol strukturiran intervju. Rezultati so pokazali, da je povezovanje učencev razrednega pouka s šolsko svetovalno službo zadovoljivo ter da je bilo njihovo dosedanje sodelovanje uspešno. Pomoč pogosteje poiščejo starejši učenci predvsem zaradi problemov z vrstniki in/ali težav na učnem področju. Učitelji razredniki svoje učence napotijo k šolski svetovalni službi predvsem zaradi disciplinskih težav in v primeru težjih socialno-osebnih stisk. Učitelji razredniki z delavci šolske svetovalne službe dobro sodelujejo, pogrešajo pa več vključevanja šolske svetovalne službe v sam proces učenja in aktivnosti na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja. Šolski svetovalni delavci so z odnosi, ki jih imajo z drugimi akterji vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa, zadovoljni, izpostavljajo pa problematiko prevelikega obsega dela.
Keywords:Razredna stopnja, učenci, šolska svetovalna služba, razrednik, povezovanje.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Caf]
Year of publishing:2021
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XII, 230 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79890 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:85019651 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.11.2021
CAF, Sara, 2021, Povezovanje učencev  razrednega pouka s  šolsko svetovalno  službo : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : S. Caf. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=79890
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Secondary language

Title:Cooperation of primary school students with the school counselling service
Abstract:In the life of every individual, social relationships, and interpersonal connections together with anything else are very crucial. It is important that we are surrounded by people who love us, appreciate, respect, support and guide us, stand by our side as well as help us when needed. The latter is especially important during childhood, when children need people to guide them through their entire development and to help them with it. As children spend most of their daily lives in the school environment, it is extremely important that they also feel safe in school and are aware that there are people around them who are always available for them. These people are undoubtedly teachers and, of course, school counsellors. As very little research has been done in the past that has examined counselling work and collaboration between counsellors and students, we have decided to explore this type of topic more in detail. In the first, theoretical part, we presented the developmental period of children from the age of six to the beginning of puberty (middle and late childhood), the areas of development and their developmental tasks. We defined the phrase school counselling service, presented its professional profiles, historical background, and its operation (basic principles according to program guidelines, areas of operation and work tasks). Further on, we presented the profile of the class teacher, his work and tasks, his attitude towards students, the class climate, the class community, and class hours. Finally, we focused on the key area of our research - we presented the cooperation and connection of different actors in the educational process (cooperation of students, teachers / class teachers and school counselling services). In the second, empirical part, we presented the results of a research based on a case study of a selected primary school in Maribor. 277 students, 13 class teachers and 6 school counsellors were interviewed. The results also coincided with the answers of the school pedagogue, with whom we conducted a semi-structured interview. The results showed that the connection of primary school students with the school counselling service is satisfactory and that their cooperation so far has been successful. Older students are more likely to seek help, mainly due to peer problems and / or learning difficulties. Class teachers refer their students to the school counselling service mainly because of disciplinary problems and in case of severe socio-personal distress. Class teachers work well with school counsellors, but they miss more involvement of the school counselling service in the learning process and activities in the field of education. School counsellors are satisfied with the relations they have with other actors in the educational process, but they point out the problem of excessive workload.
Keywords:Primary school, students, school counselling service, class teacher, cooperation.


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