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Title:Državljanska aretacija : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Bogataj, Andrej (Author)
ID Žaberl, Miroslav (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Bogataj_Andrej_2021.pdf (936,55 KB)
MD5: F7BF41864976B403AF30218F42F74398
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/00da212c-666e-4846-85ae-cf11095582f1
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Osrednja tematika zaključnega dela je državljanska aretacija, ki je zapisana v 160. členu Zakona o kazenskem postopku. Institut državljanske aretacije je zapisan zelo splošno, saj vsebuje dosti ne obrazloženih pojmov, kateri otežujejo njegovo razumevanje. Institut je raziskovan kot poseg v osebno svobodo posameznika. Diplomska naloga opisuje tudi normativno ureditev državljanske aretacije, pojem flagrantnega prijetja, vrste kaznivih dejanj, pojem zadržanja, opisana pa je tudi garantna dolžnost uradnih oseb, ki varujejo življenja, osebno varnost in premoženje ljudi. Odvzem prostosti z državljansko aretacijo je tudi eden izmed razlogov za izključitev protipravnosti. Izključitev protipravnosti pri državljanski aretaciji je zato primerjana z izključitvijo protipravnosti pri silobranu in skrajni sili. Za boljšo ponazoritev državljanske aretacije v praksi so proti koncu zaključnega dela predstavljeni tudi sodni judikati. Izvedena je bila tudi primerjalno pravna analiza državljanske aretacije v Sloveniji s Kanado in Nemčijo. Iz ugotovitev je razvidno, da je državljanska aretacija v ZKP premalo določno in jasno zapisana. Republika Slovenija ima slabo samozaščitno ozaveščenost na tem področju, zaradi česar je državljanskih aretacij malo. Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da morajo osebe, ki delujejo na področju varovanja osebne varnosti in premoženja po uradni dolžnosti poseči v pravico do osebne svobode, če osebo zasačijo pri kaznivem dejanju. Iz primerjalno pravne analize med slovensko, nemško in kanadsko zakonodajo na področju državljanske aretacije je razvidno, da se pravna ureditev na tem področju med seboj razlikuje.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, državljanska aretacija, zadržanje, izključitev protipravnosti, aretacija, kazenski postopek
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Bogataj]
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:VI, 38 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79773 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:82313731 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.10.2021
BOGATAJ, Andrej, 2021, Državljanska aretacija : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : A. Bogataj. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=79773
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Secondary language

Title:Citizen's arrest
Abstract:The main theme of this thesis is citizen's arrest, which is written in Article 160 of the Criminal Procedure Act. The institute of citizen's arrest is written in a very general way, as it contains many unexplained terms that make it difficult to understand. The institute is researched as an interference with the personal freedom of the individual. Thesis also describes the normative regulation of citizen's arrest, the concept of flagrant arrest, types of crimes, the concept of detention, and also describes the guarantee duty of officials who protect lives, personal safety and property of people. Deprivation of liberty by citizen's arrest is also one of the reasons for excluding illegality. The exclusion of illegality in citizen's arrest is therefore compared to the exclusion of illegality in force majeure and extreme force. Judicial case law is also presented towards the end of the final work to better illustrate the citizen's arrest in practice. A comparative legal analysis of citizen's arrest in Slovenia with Canada and Germany was also performed. It is clear that the citizen's arrest is insufficiently and clearly recorded in the ZKP. The Republic of Slovenia has poor self-protection awareness about citizen's arrest, which is why there are few citizen's arrests. It has also been established that persons working in the jobs of protection of personal security and property must intervene ex officio in the right to personal liberty if a person is caught in a criminal offense. A comparative legal analysis between Slovenian, German and Canadian legislation in the field of citizen's arrest shows that the legal regulation in this area differs from each other.
Keywords:citizen's arrest, detention, exclusion of illegality


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