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Title:Analiza in nadgradnja uporabe socialnih omrežij za turistične namene na primeru nacionalnega laboratorija za zdravje, okolje in hrano
Authors:ID Božičko, Lana (Author)
ID Deželak, Zdenko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Bozicko_Lana_2021.pdf (2,08 MB)
MD5: 7D00F84698B39192FA20BB5F1515956D
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/007a41a7-b554-4cd7-bea2-b41f0b2ac2bc
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Vsak od nas dnevno uporablja internet ter s tem povezane socialna omrežja. Socialna omrežja so z nami že vsaj dve desetletji, njihova uporaba pa se je skozi leta spremenila. Prvotno smo jih uporabljali za ohranjanje stikov s prijatelji in sorodniki, ki so od nas oddaljeni ali pa za vzpostavljanje novih kontaktov. Z leti so se tehnološke značilnosti znatno nadgradile, saj lahko danes delimo fotografije, video posnetke, glasbo, članke ter razna druga obvestila. Podjetja so zasledila veliko priložnost ter ta prostor namenila oglaševanju storitev in izdelkov publiki, ki so si jo določili za ciljno skupino. Ker se je to zelo obneslo, so se razvila orodja oz. pripomočki za natančno izpeljavo oglaševalskih kampanj na socialnih omrežjih. V tem delu bomo obravnavali digitalni marketing in socialna omrežja ter kako sta povezana s turizmom. Turistična podjetja so morala zelo hitro zagrabiti priložnost digitalizacije poslovanja in stopiti korak bližje svojim (potencialnim) kupcem. V zadnjem času je veliko govora o novem socialnem omrežju TikTok. Ker v Sloveniji še ni dosegel svojega maksimuma, smo se odločili, da ga bomo v tem diplomskem delu predstavili. Profil smo ustvarili s sodelovanjem z Nacionalnim laboratorijem za zdravje, okolje in hrano. V teoretičnem delu smo opisali najpomembnejše lastnosti digitalnega marketinga. Z njim se uporabniki interneta redno srečujemo. Tako smo našteli vrste aktivnosti, ki zajemajo digitalni marketing ter kako lahko merimo uspešnost izpeljanih aktivnosti. Predstavili smo aktivnosti digitalnega marketinga v svetu turizma ter kako poteka v Slovenski turistični organizaciji. Nato sledi poglavje o socialnih omrežjih; te smo razdelili na poslovna in splošna. Predstavili smo strategije in načine uporabe. Prav tako smo opredelili komuniciranje različnih osebkov, ki jih najdemo na socialnih omrežjih in primerjavo med tradicionalnimi in sodobnimi kanali komuniciranja. Pri opisovanju načinov komuniciranja javnega podjetja, zasebnega podjetja in vplivneža smo ugotovili, da najbolj izstopa sporočanje javnih podjetij, vključno z našim obravnavanim podjetjem. Pogledali smo, kako potujejo turistične informacije po socialnih omrežjih. Ugotovili smo, da je prisotnost podjetja na socialnih omrežjih nujno, saj prispeva k širjenju prepoznavnosti podjetja. V praktičnem delu se osredotočamo na prisotnost NLZOH na socialnih omrežjih ter na vzpostavitev novega kanala komuniciranja preko TikToka. Opisali smo NLZOH, kot javnozdravstveno podjetje ter kako pripomore k razvoju nadaljnje turistične infrastrukture. Ugotovili smo, da brez storitev in javnih nalog, ki jih zavod opravlja, Slovenija ne bi imela zadostnih zdravstvenih in okolijskih pogojev za turistično dejavnost. TikTok je socialno omrežje sedanjosti in prihodnosti, saj njegova uporaba bliskovito narašča, sploh med mlajšo generacijo. Predvidevamo, da se bo TikTok uporabljal v Sloveniji v vedno večji meri ter da bomo lahko opazili nove načine oglaševanja na tej platformi.
Keywords:digitalni marketing, socialna omrežja, turizem, komuniciranje, TikTok, NLZOH.
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:L. Božičko
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79753 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:81206019 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.10.2021
BOŽIČKO, Lana, 2021, Analiza in nadgradnja  uporabe socialnih omrežij za  turistične namene na primeru  nacionalnega laboratorija za  zdravje, okolje in hrano [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : L. Božičko. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=79753
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis and upgrade of the use of social networks for tourism purposes; the case of the national laboratory of health, environment and food
Abstract:Each of us uses the internet and with it related social networks on a daily basis. Social networks have been with us for at least two decades and their use has changed over the years. We originally used them to keep in touch with friends and relatives who are away from us or to make new contacts. Over the years, the technological features have been significantly upgraded, as today we can share photos, videos, music, articles and various other notices. Companies seized a great opportunity and dedicated this space to advertising their services and products to an audience, which they set as their target group. As this worked out very well, tools for accurate execution of advertising campaigns on social networks were developed. In this paper, we will discuss digital marketing and social networks and how they are related to tourism. Tourism companies had to seize the opportunity to digitize their business very quickly and take a step closer to their (potential) customers. There has been a lot of talk lately about the new social network TikTok. As it has not yet reached its maximum in Slovenia, we decided to present it in this diploma work. We created the profile in collaboration with the National Laboratory for Health, Environment and Food. In the theoretical part we have described the most important features of digital marketing. Internet users encounter it regularly. Thus, we listed the types of activities that include digital marketing and how we can measure the success of the activities carried out. We presented the activities of digital marketing in the world of tourism and how it takes place in the Slovenian Tourist Board. This is followed by a chapter on social networks; we divided these into business and general social networks. We presented strategies and uses. We also defined the communication of different individuals found on social networks and the comparison between traditional and modern communication channels. When describing the ways in which a public company, a private company and an influencer communicate, we found that the communication of public companies, including our company in question, is the most complex. We looked at how information in tourism travels through social networks. We found that the company's presence on social networks is necessary, as it contributes to spreading the company's visibility. In the practical part, we focus on the presence of NLZOH on social networks and on the establishment of a new channel of communication through TikTok. We described NLZOH as a public health company and how it contributes to the development of further tourism infrastructure. We found that without the services and public tasks performed by the institute, Slovenia would not have sufficient health and environmental conditions for tourism. TikTok is a social network of the present and the future, as it's use is growing rapidly, especially among the younger generation. We anticipate that TikTok will be used in Slovenia to an increasing extent and that we will be able to see new ways of advertising on this platform.
Keywords:digital marketing, social networks, tourism, communication, TikTok, NLZOH.


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