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Title:Samosprejemanje homoseksualne spolne orientacije pri moških
Authors:ID Gavez, Karmen (Author)
ID Poštuvan, Vita (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Lavrič, Meta (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Gavez_Karmen_2021.pdf (2,83 MB)
MD5: 9A22CB04768C45B6261D86438A23E288
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/97e1e564-af76-4e3e-8d53-540931cee461
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:V magistrskem delu smo s kvalitativno metodologijo raziskovali proces samosprejemanja homoseksualne usmerjenosti pri moških. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 6 homoseksualnih moških, s katerimi smo izvedli poglobljene intervjuje. Raziskava temelji na principih kvalitativnega raziskovanja, in sicer po načelih utemeljene teorije. Po tem principu smo analizirali vse izvedene intervjuje. Na podlagi analize smo pridobili 55 kod, ki smo jih najprej združili v 12 konceptov. Te smo nato po osnem kodiranju združili v štiri kategorije. Na podlagi pridobljenih konceptov in kategorij smo oblikovali model oziroma utemeljeno teorijo. Model »Iskanje zaklada – iskanje sebe« je sestavljen iz 5 delov, ki razlagajo proces samosprejemanja homoseksualne usmerjenosti pri moških in identitetno integracijo. Model prikazuje individualne in družbene dejavnike, ki so vzajemno odvisni in ki usmerjajo potek procesa samosprejemanja homoseksualne usmerjenosti, hkrati pa povzročajo nihanje v stopnji identitetne integracije, kar vpliva na nedokončanost procesa. Komponente modela so med seboj vzajemno povezane in jih ni moč preučevati posamično, saj se medsebojno prepletajo, promovirajo in degradirajo občutke homoseksualnih moških. Z našo raziskavo smo ugotovili, kako vpliva družbena sfera na proces samosprejemanja homoseksualne usmerjenosti in stopnjo identitetne integracije; kako pomembno je odraščanje v sprejemajočem okolju in vključevanje izobraževanja glede spolnih usmerjenosti/identitet v izobraževalne sisteme. Pri samosprejemanju lastne usmerjenosti imajo veliko vlogo internet in socialna omrežja.
Keywords:homoseksualni moški, utemeljena teorija, poglobljeni intervju, družbeni vidiki, samosprejemanje homoseksualne usmerjenosti
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Gavez]
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79669 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:75903747 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.10.2021
GAVEZ, Karmen, 2021, Samosprejemanje homoseksualne spolne orientacije pri moških [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : K. Gavez. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=79669
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Secondary language

Title:Self-acceptance of homosexual orientation in men
Abstract:In the master 's thesis, we used a qualitative methodology to investigate the process of self - acceptance of homosexual orientation in men. The study involved 6 homosexual men with whom we conducted in-depth interviews. The research is based on the principles of qualitative research, namely on the principles of grounded theory. We analyzed all conducted interviews according to this principle. Based on the analysis, we obtained 55 codes, which we first combined into 12 concepts. These were then grouped into four categories through the axial coding. Based on the acquired concepts and categories, we formed a model or a grounded theory. The model "Searching the Treasure – Searching Myself" consists of 5 parts, which represent the process of self-acceptance of homosexual orientation in men and identity integration. The model shows individual and social factors that are interdependent and that guide the course of the process of self-acceptance of homosexual orientation, while causing fluctuations in the level of identity integration, which affects the incompleteness of the process. The components of the model are closely related to each other and cannot be studied individually, as they intertwine, promote and degrade the feelings of homosexual men. Through our research, we identified the power of the social sphere on the process of self-acceptance of homosexual orientation and the degree of identity integration; how important it is to grow up in a host environment and to integrate sexual orientation / identity education into education systems. The Internet and social networks play an important role in self-acceptance of one's own orientation.
Keywords:homosexual men, grounded theory, in-depth interview, social sphere, self-acceptance of homosexual orientation


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