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Title:Poučevanje naravoslovja na daljavo v času epidemije covid-19: učinkovitost video metode in samostojnega dela z besedilom
Authors:ID Ovčar, Alen (Author)
ID Špernjak, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf EMAG_Ovcar_Alen_2021.pdf (2,93 MB)
MD5: DA21CD845BA52103F05605F7D01988EA
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/75a2f9af-ef99-40be-88eb-92df6208148b
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Abstract:Med epidemijo covida-19 se je bistveno povečal obseg izobraževanja na daljavo, kar bo najverjetneje pustilo posledice na znanju učencev in njihovi socializaciji, ki je bila v tem času skrajno omejena, a je nujna za razvoj posameznika, zlasti pri osnovnošolskem izobraževanju. Veliko več odgovornosti in samostojnega dela je na ramenih učencev, saj imajo bistveno manj stika z učitelji, veliko učne vsebine pa morajo predelati sami. Situaciji so se morali prilagoditi tudi učitelji, ki so bili primorani uporabljati prilagojene metode in oblike dela ob uporabi informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT). Pojavlja se vprašanje, kako se s poučevanjem na daljavo z IKT čim bolj približati učinkovitosti, ki jo ima poučevanje z neposrednim stikom z učiteljem v razredu. Ključnega pomena je poučevanje prilagajati in ga ves čas nadgrajevati. Težko si predstavljamo poučevanje med epidemijo brez sodobne IKT. V magistrskem delu smo z raziskavo želeli ugotoviti, ali učenci, ki znanje usvajajo z videometodo, pridobijo več vsebinskega znanja kot učenci, ki isto učno vsebino usvajajo samostojno z besedilom. Zanimalo nas je tudi, katera metoda je za usvajanje znanja pri učencih bolj zaželena in kakšno je njihovo mnenje o urah usvajanja znanja pri delu z besedilom in pri delu z videoposnetkom. V štirih osnovnih šolah smo v sedmem razredu predstavili učne vsebine: Bakterije, Pipalkarji in stonoge ter Žuželke in raki, vsako z dvema metodama: metodo dela z besedilom in videometodo. Nato smo učencem poslali vprašalnike, ki so v prvem delu preverjali usvojeno znanje učencev, v drugem delu pa njihovo mnenje o načinu predstavitve učne vsebine. Iz rezultatov raziskave lahko sklepamo, da so učenci uspešnejši pri obravnavi vsebine z videometodo kot pri obravnavi iste vsebine s samostojnim delom z besedilom. Učenci si glede na raziskavo bolje predstavljajo organizme, kar pomeni boljšo vizualizacijo organizmov, če si ogledajo posnetek. Poleg tega jim je tako podana vsebina bolj privlačna, saj si posnetek lahko ogledajo kadar koli in ga po želji tudi ustavijo. Iz komentarjev učencev lahko razberemo, da jim je učna vsebina razumljivejša po izvedeni uri prek videokonference. Tako namreč dobijo vsaj malo nepogrešljivega stika z učiteljem. Slednje, glede na raziskavo, potrjuje tudi izpostavljeno mnenje učencev, da se v šoli naučijo več kot pri delu na daljavo. Ugotovimo lahko tudi, da imata obe preučevani metodi dela na daljavo prednosti in slabosti. Kljub temu da učenci dosegajo nekoliko višje rezultate pri delu po videometodi, moramo biti zaradi različnih dejavnikov pri izbiri metode za poučevanje na daljavo še posebej previdni in izbirati premišljeno.
Keywords:poučevanje v času covida-19, metoda dela z besedilom, videometoda
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Ovčar]
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79448 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:71441667 New window
Publication date in DKUM:09.08.2021
OVČAR, Alen, 2021, Poučevanje naravoslovja na daljavo  v času epidemije covid-19:  učinkovitost video metode in  samostojnega dela z besedilom [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : A. Ovčar. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=79448
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Secondary language

Title:Distance teaching science during the covid-19 epidemic: the effectiveness of the video method and individual work with text
Abstract:In the time of the covid-19 epidemic, the share of distance learning increased significantly, which is likely to have an impact on students' knowledge and socialization. The latter was immensely limited, however, also necessary for the development of individuals, especially during primary education. There is considerably more responsibility and independent work on the shoulders of students, as they have significantly less contact with their teachers, and they have to process a lot of learning content by themselves. Teachers, who were forced to use adapted methods and forms of work with the help of the information and communications technology (ICT), also had to adjust to the situation. The question arises as to how to bring distance learning, with the help of ICT, as close as possible to the level of effectiveness that teaching with direct contact with teachers in the classroom has. It is absolutely essential to adapt the teaching methods and to upgrade them all the time. In times of the epidemic, it is hard to imagine teaching without modern ICT. In the master's thesis, we wanted to determine whether students who acquire knowledge through the video method acquire more content knowledge than students who acquire the same learning content independently via text. We were also curious to find out which method is more eligible for students to acquire knowledge and what is the opinion of students about the knowledge acquisition when working with text and when working with video. In 4 different primary schools, we presented the following contents in the 7th grade: Bacteria, Chelicerata and Myriapods, and Insects and Crustaceans. Each content was presented using the method of working with 2 methods: the method of working with text and the video method. Afterwards some questionnaires were sent to the students, which in the first part tested the acquired knowledge, and in the second part their opinion on the way the learning content is presented. From the results of the research, we can conclude that students are more successful in learning the content with the help of the video method than with independent work with text. According to the research, students have a clearer picture of organisms, which means a better visualization of organisms, if they look at the video. Additionally, the content is much more interesting to the students in this way, as they have the chance to watch and stop the video at any time. The comments of the students indicate that the learning content is more understandable to them after the lesson via videoconference. Like that they come at least slightly closer to the indispensable contact with the teacher. The exposed opinion of the students also confirms that they learn more in school than they do with distance learning. According to the results of the research, we can conclude that both methods of distance learning have advantages as well as disadvantages. Although the students achieve slightly better results in the video method due to several reasons, we must be particularly careful and wise when choosing a method for distance learning.
Keywords:teaching during covid-19, method of working with text, video method


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