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Title:Ugotavljanje tekočnosti branja učencev pri glasnem branju neumetnostnega besedila
Authors:ID Klar Zadravec, Saša (Author)
ID Pulko, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Klar_Zadravec_Sasa_2021.pdf (4,25 MB)
MD5: A1956E6C4C3C503F8D792BA9778D0230
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/0feaea18-3fc1-4659-aed8-c8edeef80102
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti tekočnost branja učencev tretjega razreda pri glasnem branju neumetnostnega besedila in spodbude učiteljev 1. in 3. VIO pri glasnem branju učencev glede natančnosti, ritma, izraznosti in hitrosti. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene tri komunikacijske dejavnosti, ki pomembno vplivajo na razvoj bralnih spretnosti in s tem tudi na tekočnost branja: poslušanje, govorjenje in branje. Opisan je otrokov govorni razvoj in dejavniki, ki vplivajo nanj, kot so genetski dejavnik, spol, družina, izobrazba staršev in vrtec. Predstavljeni so tudi dejavniki, ki pomembno vplivajo na proces začetnega opismenjevanja in s tem na bralno sposobnost. Na področju tekočnosti branja so predstavljeni kriterij in strategije za razvijanje tekočnosti branja po Sonji Pečjak (2012). Opisani so dejavniki, ki vplivajo na otrokovo besedišče, kot sta družina in izobrazba staršev, saj je bilo veliko otrok iz raziskave priseljencev. Omenjena je tudi problematika vključevanja učencev tujcev oziroma priseljencev v šolski proces. V empiričnem delu je predstavljen preizkus glasnega branja učencev 3. razreda pri branju neumetnostnega besedila, pri čemer so bili predmet opazovanja čas branja, ritem, izraznost in število napak. Po glasnem branju so učenci odgovarjali na vprašanja nižje in višje ravni, ki so zahtevala prepoznavanje podatkov iz besedila in sklepanje na podlagi predznanja. Za namen analize in interpretacije rezultatov sta bili oblikovani dve skupini: S1, v kateri je bilo več učencev tujcev in S2, v kateri je bilo manj učencev tujcev. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali so med učenci omenjenih dveh skupin razlike v času glasnega branja, v ritmu in izraznosti branja, v storjenem številu napak pri glasnem branju in razumevanju vprašanj nižje in višje strani. Na koncu sledita še analiza in interpretacija ankete, ki je bila izvedena med učitelji prvega in tretjega VIO o uporabi strategij in kriterijev tekočnosti branja pri pouku ter o upoštevanju didaktičnih priporočil za področje branja v skladu z Učnim načrtom za slovenščino. Anketi sta bili izvedeni z namenom ugotoviti, ali učitelji obeh vzgojno-izobraževalnih obdobij v enaki meri vključujejo strategije in dejavnosti za razvoj tekočnosti branja pri pouku in njihovo mnenje tudi mnenje o tem, ali menijo, da se je bralna pismenost v primerjavi s preteklimi leti poslabšala ali izboljšala.
Keywords:poslušanje, govorjenje, branje, tekočnost branja, glasno branje, neumetnostno besedilo, učenci tujci
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Klar Zadravec]
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79274 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:70968579 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.07.2021
KLAR ZADRAVEC, Saša, 2021, Ugotavljanje tekočnosti branja učencev pri glasnem branju neumetnostnega besedila [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : S. Klar Zadravec. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=79274
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Secondary language

Title:Determining pupils' reading fluency in reading a nonfiction text aloud
Abstract:The purpose of the master's thesis is to determine the fluency of the third-grade pupils in reading a nonfiction text aloud and the incentives of the 1st and 3rd educational period teachers in encouraging their pupils to read aloud in terms of accuracy, rhythm, expressiveness and speed. The theoretical part presents three communication activities that significantly affect the development of reading skills and thus also the reading fluency: listening, speaking and reading. The child’s speech development and factors influencing it, such as genetic factor, gender, family, parental education, and kindergarten, are described. Factors that significantly influence the initial literacy process and thus the reading ability are also presented. In the field of reading fluency, criteria and strategies for developing reading fluency according to Sonja Pečjak (2012) are presented. Factors influencing children’s vocabulary, such as family and parental education, are described, as many children in our research were foreign immigrants. The issue of including foreign pupils or immigrants in the school process was also addressed. The empirical part presents a test of reading aloud a nonfiction text of 3rd grade pupils, observing the reading time, rhythm, expressiveness and number of errors. After reading aloud, pupils answered lower- and higher-level questions that required recognizing data from the text and reasoning based on prior knowledge. For the purpose of analysis and interpretation of the results, two groups were formed: S1, in which there were more foreign pupils and S2, in which there were fewer foreign pupils. The purpose of the research was to determine whether there were differences between the pupils of the two groups in the time of reading aloud, in the rhythm and expressiveness of reading, in the number of errors made in reading aloud and in the understanding of the lower- and higher-level questions. In the end, there is an analysis and interpretation of a survey conducted among teachers of the first and third educational period on the use of strategies and criteria for reading fluency in the lessons and on the implementation of didactic recommendations for reading in accordance with the Curriculum for Slovene. The aim of the survey was to find out whether teachers of both educational periods equally include strategies and activities for the development of reading fluency in teaching process as well as their opinion on whether they believe that reading literacy has deteriorated or improved compared to previous years.
Keywords:listening, speaking, reading, reading fluency, reading aloud, a nonfiction text, foreign pupils


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