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Title:Analiza potreb po kompetencah in znanjih s področja kadrovskega managementa v času pandemije covid-19
Authors:ID Petrovič, Jan (Author)
ID Urh, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Petrovic_Jan_2021.pdf (1,60 MB)
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/5c0d6b86-ebd2-4456-a4e9-bb4cb0b67442
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na znanja in kompetence na področju kadrovskega managementa v času pandemije Covid-19. Sestavljena je iz dveh delov. V teoretičnem delu povzamemo pandemijo Covid-19 in njene posledice na gospodarstvo ter opišemo kadrovski management: navedemo funkcije, dejavnosti in področja, vpliv kadrovskega managementa na uspešnost organizacije ter plačilo za delo v kadrovskem managementu v Sloveniji. V drugem delu podrobneje predstavimo raziskavo, katera znanja in kompetence so v času pandemije najbolj iskana na osnovi objavljenih oglasov. Na koncu povzamemo naše ugotovitve. Imeti prava znanja in kompetence je ključno, da bi kadrovski manager uspešno opravljal svoj poklic in prispeval k učinkovitosti organizacije.
Keywords:kadrovski management, kadrovske funkcije, kompetence, znanja, pandemija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79145 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:73064451 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.08.2021
PETROVIČ, Jan, 2021, Analiza potreb po kompetencah in znanjih s področja kadrovskega managementa v času pandemije covid-19 [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 13 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=79145
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the needs for competences and knowledge in the field of human resource management at the time of the pandemiccovid-19
Abstract:The diploma thesis focuses on knowledge and competencies in the field of human resource management. It consists of two parts. In the theoretical part, we summarized the Covid-19 pandemic and its consequences for the economy and described personnel management: listed functions, activities and areas, the impact of personnel management on the organization's performance and remuneration for work in human resources management in Slovenia. In the second part, we investigated in more detail which knowledge and competencies are most sought after during a pandemic based on published advertisements. Finally, we summarized our findings. Having the knowledge and competencies is crucial for a human resources manager to successfully perform his profession and contribute to the efficiency of the organization.
Keywords:HR Management, HR Functions, competences, skills, pandemic


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