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Title:Analiza poslovnih kultur Južne Koreje in Južne Afrike s perspektive slovenskih mednarodnih tržnikov
Authors:ID Stojnšek, Melani (Author)
ID Korez Vide, Romana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Stojnsek_Melani_2021.pdf (1,46 MB)
MD5: 77EA488139B58F56453F286B3FB087E9
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/59984506-717e-4fbe-847a-4d206c10a0cf
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V času globalizacije vedno več podjetij postaja globalnih. Vedno več je novih distribucijskih poti in trgov, na katerih lahko poslujemo. Če želijo podjetja poslovati na tujih trgih in svoje prodajne ali nabavne trge razširiti, je neizogibno poznavanje poslovnih kultur teh trgov. Vsaka kultura se razlikuje od druge, kar privede do kulturnih razlik. V mednarodnem poslovanju morajo biti poslovneži občutljivi na prepoznavanje teh kulturnih razlik. Kakršnakoli napaka, narejena zaradi pomanjkljivega poznavanja tuje kulture oziroma načina poslovanja na tujem trgu, je lahko odločilna. Dobra pripravljenost in poučenost o kulturi tuje države predstavlja konkurenčno prednost podjetja. V diplomskem projektu raziskujemo elemente in pomen poznavanja kulture tuje države za mednarodno poslovanje. Osredotočamo se na poslovni kulturi Južne Koreje in Južne Afrike. Proučujemo posebnosti teh dveh poslovnih kultur s perspektive slovenskih mednarodnih tržnikov. Najprej izbrani državi na kratko predstavimo, nato pa se osredotočamo na njuni poslovni kulturi, vključno z načini sklepanja poslov in posebnostmi v poslovanju ter medsebojnem komuniciranju. V zadnjem poglavju opisujemo obstoječe sodelovanje in možnosti nadaljnjega povezovanja obeh izbranih držav s Slovenijo. Izbrani državi in njuni kulturi se medsebojno znatno razlikujeta, nobena izmed obravnavanih kultur tako ni podobna slovenski, zato je še toliko pomembnejše, da se s ciljem uspešnega sodelovanja z eno ali drugo državo slovenski mednarodni tržniki seznanijo s posebnostmi južnokorejske in južnoafriške poslovne kulture, njihovega načina poslovanja, vedenja, poslovnega bontona, komuniciranja ter se pripravijo na ustrezno odzivanje in morebitno potrebno prilagajanje.
Keywords:poslovna kultura, mednarodno poslovanje, Južna Koreja, Južna Afrika, poslovanje s Slovenijo
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-79071 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.09.2021
STOJNŠEK, Melani, 2021, Analiza poslovnih kultur Južne Koreje in Južne Afrike s perspektive slovenskih mednarodnih tržnikov [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=79071
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of business cultures of South Korea and South Africa from the perspective of Slovenian international marketing professionals
Abstract:At the time of globalization more and more companies are becoming global. The number of distribution paths and markets we can do business with is growing. For a company that wishes to do business in foreign markets and expand their sales or purchasing markets, it is vital to be familiar with the business culture of said markets. Each culture is different which brings out cultural differences. In international business dealings businessmen need to be sensitive to the cultural differences involved. Any mistakes made due to the lack of familiarization with the foreign culture, or the way business is conducted in a foreign market can be decisive. Readiness and education on a countries culture represents a competitive advantage for a company. In this diploma project we explore the elements and meanings behind the knowledge of a foreign countries’ culture for international business. We are focused mainly on the business culture of South Korea and South Africa. We study the special features of these two countries’ cultures from the perspective of Slovenian international businessmen. First, we have a short presentation of each country and then we focus on their business culture, including the way they conclude business and the special features of their business and communication. In the last chapter we describe the existing cooperation and the possibilities of future cooperation of both countries with Slovenia. The chosen countries and their cultures differ greatly from one another and neither one is similar to the Slovenian culture, which makes it all the more important that the Slovenian businessmen become familiar with the specialties of the South Korean and South African business culture, their way of conducting business, behavior, business manners, communication and are prepared to respond appropriately and possibly adjust their conduct in order to achieve the goal of successful cooperation and doing business with either country.
Keywords:business culture, international business, South Korea, South Africa, business with Slovenia


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