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Title:Organizacijska klima v zdravstveni organizaciji in njen vpliv na delo zaposlenih
Authors:ID Oblak, Ema (Author)
ID Šprajc, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Oblak_Ema_2021.pdf (1,55 MB)
MD5: 69D7A7C50AA484A087126F3589015449
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/baddd941-4aa7-49cc-be6e-332e14fd93b8
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V magistrskem delu je obravnavana organizacijska klima ter zadovoljstvo zaposlenih v zdravstveni organizaciji. V Zdravstvenem domu Škofja Loka (ZD Škofja Loka) smo z anketnim vprašalnikom, ki je bil sestavljen s pomočjo standardnega anketnega vprašalnika Slovenska organizacijska klima (SiOK), izvedli raziskavo, v kateri smo ugotavljali, kako na zadovoljstvo zaposlenih vplivajo dejavniki, kot so izobrazba, vodstveni položaj, starost ter način vodenja. Na podlagi vprašalnika, ki je bil sestavljen iz petnajstih sklopov, so zaposleni trditve ocenjevali po 5-stopenjski Likertovi lestvici. Ugotovili smo, da so zaposleni v ZD Škofja Loka najbolj zadovoljni s sodelavci, s stalnostjo zaposlitve, kakovostjo opravljanja dela sodelavcev, da se zavedajo nujnosti sprememb, da so zavzeti za svoje delo, da zaposleni menijo, da so pomemben član oddelka, da si na svojem oddelku informacije izmenjujejo brez težav, da so samostojni pri opravljanju dela, da se v organizaciji pogovarjajo sproščeno, prijateljsko in enakopravno, da se zaposleni učijo drug od drugega in da se neposredne vodje držijo dogovorov. Najmanj so zaposleni zadovoljni z možnostjo izobraževanja in napredovanja v organizaciji, s plačilom za opravljeno delo in da se v praksi ne uporablja stimulativnega dela plač. Ne strinjajo se, da sta kakovost in količina dela v organizaciji enako pomembni, da je delovni rezultat hitro opažen in se pohvali; menijo, da cilji in politika organizacije niso jasni vsem zaposlenim, da se odločitve vodij ne sprejemajo pravočasno, da vodstvo ne motivira zaposlenih za kakovostno opravljanje dela, da o tem, kaj se dogaja na drugih enotah, ne dobijo dovolj informacij ter da inovativnost ni podprta in denarno nagrajena. S pomočjo ocenjevanja organizacijske klime ter zadovoljstva zaposlenih v ZD Škofja Loka smo s testiranjem hipotez prišli do naslednjih ugotovitev: – Zaposleni v ZD Škofja Loka vzdržujejo pozitivno organizacijsko klimo in so zadovoljni z notranjimi odnosi, odnosom do kakovosti dela zaposlenih, pripadnosti ZD Škofja Loka ter organiziranostjo. – Tisti z višjo izobrazbo so enako zadovoljni s sedanjim delom kot tisti z nižjo izobrazbo, razen pri vidiku zadovoljstva s stalnostjo zaposlitve, kjer so bolj zadovoljni tisti z nižjo izobrazbo. – Starost zaposlenih na zadovoljstvo vpliva samo pri vidiku zadovoljstva s stalnostjo zaposlitve, kjer ugotovimo, da so bolj zadovoljni starejši. – Način vodenja na motivacijo zaposlenih vpliva z vidika, da kjer vodje cenijo dobro opravljeno delo ter se dober delovni rezultat hitro opazi, tudi vodje sprejemajo utemeljene pripombe ter spodbujajo k sprejemanju odgovornosti ter pohvalijo dober delovni rezultat.
Keywords:Organizacijska klima, zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, zdravstvena organizacija.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78957 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:66178051 New window
Publication date in DKUM:08.06.2021
OBLAK, Ema, 2021, Organizacijska klima v zdravstveni organizaciji in njen vpliv na delo zaposlenih [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78957
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Title:Organizational climate in health organization and it's influence on employee's work
Abstract:The master' degree deals with the organizational climate and employee satisfaction in the health care organization. In the Škofja Loka Health Center (ZD Škofja Loka) we conducted a survey with a questionnaire, which was compiled with the help of a standard SiOK questionnaire, where we determined how factors such as education, management position, age and management style affect employee satisfaction. Questionnaire consisted fifteen sets of questions, which employees rated the claims on a 5-point Likert scale. We found that the employees of ZD Škofja Loka are most satisfied with their colleagues, with the continuity of employment, the quality of work employees, that they are aware of the need to change, that they are committed to their work, that employees consider themselves an important member of the department, that they share information in their department without difficulty, that they are independent in the performance of their work, that they communicate in a relaxed, friendly and equal way, that employees learn from each other and that direct managers stick to agreements. Employees are the least satisfied with the possibility of education and promotion in the organization, with the payment for the work done and that the stimulation part of the salaries is not used in practice. They do not agree that the quality and quantity of work in the organization are equally important, that the work result is quickly noticed and praised, they believe that the goals and policies of the organization are not clear to all employees, that managers decisions are not made in time, that they do not get enough information about what is happening in other units and that innovation is not supported and rewarded with money. With the help of assessing the organizational climate and employee satisfaction in ZD Škofja Loka, we came to the following finding by testing hypotheses: - The employees of ZD Škofja Loka maintain a positive organizational climate and are satisfied with the aspects of internal relations, attitudes towards the quality of work of employees, affiliation with ZD Škofja Loka and organization. - Those with higher education are equally satisfied with their current job as those with lower education, except in the aspect of satisfaction with the continuity of employment, where those with lower education are more satisfied. - The age of employees affects satisfaction only in the aspect of satisfaction with the continuity of employment, where we find that older people are more satisfied. - The way of leadership affects the motivation of employees from the point of view, that where managers appreciate a job well done and a good work results is quickly noticed, that managers also accept reasoned comments and encourage by accepting responsibility and praise a good work result.
Keywords:Organizational climate, employees’ satisfaction, health organization.


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