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Title:Eleonora Akvitanska: Žena dveh in mati treh kraljev
Authors:ID Koščak, Nikolaja (Author)
ID Ravnikar, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Koscak_Nikolaja_2021.pdf (2,20 MB)
MD5: 9993F0C7A2020D74E56E4D3467E135A1
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/7e50dbca-5ff1-49b6-bdd6-75fc73b6a762
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava življenje Eleonore Akvitanske, francoske in kasneje angleške kraljice. Eleonora Akvitanska se je rodila leta 1122 v Poitiersu. Ko je leta 1137 umrl njen oče, je kot njegova dedinja postala najbolj zaželena nevesta v Evropi. Julija 1137 se je poročila z Ludvikom VII. in postala francoska kraljica. Leta 1145 se je z možem odpravila na križarski pohod, ki se je izkazal za katastrofo, tako za križarje kot za Eleonoro in Ludvika, saj je bil njun zakon leta 1152 razveljavljen. Eleonora se je istega leta poročila s Henrikom Plantagenetom in leta 1154 sta postala kralj in kraljica Anglije. Imela sta osem otrok: 5 sinov in 3 hčerke. V Henrikovi odsotnosti je Eleonora vladala kot regentka in se podpisovala kot »Eleonora Akvitanska, po milosti božji, kraljica Anglije«. Do leta 1167 sta se Henrik in Eleonora povsem oddaljila in kraljica se je vrnila v Poitiers. Na svojem dvoru je spodbujala trubadurske pesnike, viteštvo in kavalirstvo. Leta 1173 so se Eleonorini sinovi uprli očetu. Eleonora, ki je sinove podpirala, je bila aretirana in zaprta. Izpuščena je bila leta 1189, ko je umrl njen mož, Henrik II. Nasledil ga je Eleonorin najljubši sin, Rihard Levjesrčni. Leta 1192 se je Rihard vračal iz tretje križarske vojne in bil na poti ujet. V ujetništvu je preživel leto in pol, njegova mati pa je odigrala ključno vlogo pri zbiranju denarja za odkupnino. Ko je Rihard leta 1199 umrl, je prestol prevzel Eleonorin najmlajši sin Ivan. V zadnjih letih življenja se je Eleonora kot nuna umaknila v samostan Fontevraud, v katerem je umrla leta 1204.
Keywords:Eleonora Akvitanska, kraljica, Plantagenet, Akvitanija, Rihard Levjesrčni
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Koščak]
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78882 New window
UDC:94(4)\"03/14\":929Akvitanska E.(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:59947523 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.04.2021
KOŠČAK, Nikolaja, 2021, Eleonora Akvitanska: Žena dveh in mati treh kraljev [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : N. Koščak. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78882
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Licensing start date:21.03.2021

Secondary language

Title:Eleanor of Aquitaine, wife to two and mother of three Kings
Abstract:The master thesis deals with the life of Eleanor of Aquitaine, French and later English Queen. Eleanor was born in 1122 in Poitiers. When her father died in 1137, she, as his heiress, became the most desired bride in Europe. In 1137 she married Louis VII. and became Queen of France. In 1145 Eleanor went on a Second Crusade with her husband. The crusade turned out to be a disaster, both for the crusaders and for the relationship between Louis and Eleanor. Their marriage was annulled in 1152. Two months later she married Henry Plantagenet and in 1154 they became King and Queen of England. They had 8 children together. When her husband was away, Eleanor ruled as regent as “Eleanor of Aquitaine, by the grace of God, Queen of England”. By 1167, the King and Queen grew increasingly estranged and she moved back to Poitiers. There she is reputed to have encouraged a culture of chivalry and knighthood. Her court was frequented by the most famous troubadours of the time. In 1173, Eleanor’s sons rose in revolt against their father. Eleanor, because she supported her sons, was captured and imprisoned. She was released from captivity in 1189, when her husband, Henry II, died. He was succeeded by Richard the Lionheart, Eleanor’s favourite son. On Richard’s return from the third crusade in 1192, he was captured and imprisoned for a year and a half. His mother played an instrumental role in collecting his ransom. Richard died in 1199 and was succeeded by Eleanor’s youngest son, John. Eleanor retired as a nun to the abbey of Fontevraud, where she died in 1204.
Keywords:Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen, Plantagenet, Aquitaine, Richard the Lionheart


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