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Title:Stališča učiteljev razrednega pouka do uporabe e-gradiv pri predmetu spoznavanje okolja
Authors:ID Šuligoj, Saša (Author)
ID Hus, Vlasta (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Suligoj_Sasa_2021.pdf (5,57 MB)
MD5: A0104DCB61A489687E7DA3940B243408
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/76b673d1-ca09-4e4e-8d57-c664efd09dc5
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Namen magistrske naloge je bil raziskati stališča učiteljev razrednega pouka do uporabe e-gradiv pri predmetu spoznavanje okolja. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni predmet spoznavanje okolja, informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija (IKT), njena vloga, učinki in načini uporabe v procesu izobraževanja, digitalna pismenost, sodobni učni mediji in njihova uporaba pri pouku, e-gradiva in njihova vloga v izobraževanju ter pri spoznavanju okolja. Predstavljenih je pet različnih e-gradiv, ki so namenjena uporabi pri spoznavanju okolja ter pregled temeljnih ugotovitev dosedanjih raziskav z omenjenega področja. V empiričnem delu smo raziskali stališča učiteljev do uporabe e-gradiv pri spoznavanju okolja, kako učitelji e-gradiva vključujejo v pouk, kakšno je njihovo mnenje glede lastne usposobljenosti za delo z e-gradivi ter kakšnih oblik dodatnega usposabljanja s tega področja si želijo. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so učitelji soglašali ali delno soglašali s trditvami. Najbolj so soglašali s trditvijo »Uporaba e-gradiv pri pouku spoznavanja okolja ne more nadomestiti lastne izkušnje raziskovanja in zaznavanja okolja.«, najmanj pa s trditvijo »Z uporabo e-gradiv pri pouku spoznavanja okolja spodbujamo emocionalni in socialni razvoj učencev.«. Večina učiteljev e-gradiva uporablja vsaj 1-krat ali 3-krat na mesec, najpogosteje pri obravnavi nove učne snovi in ponavljanju, najmanj pa pri preverjanju/ocenjevanju.Pouk z e-gradivi najpogosteje izvedejo v frontalni, najredkeje pa v individualni učni obliki. Najpogosteje jih v pouk vključijo pri obravnavi sklopov promet, čas in človek. Manj kot polovica učiteljev si želi e-gradiva pogosteje vključiti v pouk, kot najpogostejši razlog neuporabe pa so navedli pomanjkanje ustreznih e-gradiv. Pri pouku največkrat uporabijo e-gradivo portala Lilibi.si. Večina učiteljev je mnenja, da so za delo z e-gradivi ustrezno usposobljeni, v primeru dodatnih usposabljanj pa si le-teh najpogosteje želijo v obliki delavnic.
Keywords:e-gradiva, spoznavanje okolja, osnovna šola, stališča, učitelji
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Šuligoj]
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78873 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:63436803 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.05.2021
ŠULIGOJ, Saša, 2021, Stališča učiteljev razrednega pouka do uporabe e-gradiv pri predmetu spoznavanje okolja [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : S. Šuligoj. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78873
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Secondary language

Title:Opinion of primary school teachers on the use of e-material for environmental science
Abstract:The purpose of the master's thesis was to investigate the opinion of primary school teachers on the use of e-materials in Natural Science. The theoretical part presents the school subject Natural Science, Information and communication technology (ICT), its role, effects and methods of use in the educational process, digital literacy, modern learning media and their use in teaching, e-materials and their role in education and natural science. Five different e-materials are presented, which are intended for use in natural science and an overview of the basic findings of previous research in this field. In the empirical part, we explored the opinions of teachers on the use of e-materials in Natural Science, how teachers include e-materials in the classroom, what is their opinion about their ability to work with e-materials and what forms of additional training they want. The results of the survey showed that teachers agreed or partially agreed with the statements. They mostly agreed with the statement "The use of e-materials in Natural Science cannot replace their own experience of researching and perceiving the environment.", and the least with the statement "Using e-materials in Natural Science encourages emotional and social development of students.". Most teachers use e-materials at least once or 3 times a month, most often when dealing with new subject matter and repetition, and least when checking / assessing the knowledge. E-learning lessons are most often carried out in frontal method and rarely in individual method. They are most often included in lessons when dealing with traffic, time and human. Less than half of teachers want to include e-materials more often in the classroom, and the most common reason for not using them was the lack of appropriate e-materials. In class, they most often use e-material from the Lilibi.si portal. Most teachers are of the opinion that they are adequately trained to work with e-materials, and in the case of additional training, they most often want it in the form of workshops.
Keywords:e-materials, environmental/natural science, primary school, attitudes, teachers


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