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Title:Povezanost organizacijske kulture podjetja in osebnosti zaposlenih
Authors:ID Švarc, Rok (Author)
ID Šarotar Žižek, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Svarc_Rok_2021.pdf (2,71 MB)
MD5: AC1756E3B13B52130E6F6008343027C8
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/51d3c548-03b0-4866-834e-67561c827282
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V pričujočem magistrskem delu iščemo odgovor na vprašanji, ali organizacijska kultura vpliva na osebnost zaposlenih ter ali osebnost zaposlenih vpliva na organizacijsko kulturo. V prvem delu magistrskega dela razdelamo pojma organizacijske kulture in osebnosti. Organizacijska kultura je celovit sistem vrednot, norm, prepričanj, predstav in simbolov, ki določa na kak način se bodo vsi zaposleni obnašali in odzivali na probleme. Tvori jo zunanja plast, ki predstavlja vidne sestavine organizacijske kulture (legende, rituali, jezik, simboli) in nevidna plast (norme, vrednote, temeljne predpostavke). Funkcije organizacijske kulture so preprečevanje konfliktnih situacij, koordinacija in nadzor, povečanje motivacije, zmanjšanje negotovosti in konkurenčna prednost. Opisali smo več teorij, na podlagi katerih opredelimo tipe organizacijske kulture. To je Hofstedov model, Handyjeva tipologija, Dealova in Kennedyjeva tipologija in Ansoffova tipologija. Prav tako opišemo, kako se organizacijska kultura spreminja. Osebnost je celovit sistem relativno trajnih duševnih, vedenjskih in telesnih značilnosti, po katerih se razlikujemo med seboj. Osebnost tako zajema duševne značilnosti (osebnostne lastnosti, značilnosti duševnih procesov), telesne značilnosti (značilnosti telesnega videza, značilnosti bioloških procesov) in vedenjske značilnosti, zato se osebnost tudi definira kot psihofizična celota. Dejavniki, ki najbolj vplivajo na človekovo osebnost so dedni dejavniki, družinski dejavniki, kulturni dejavniki, družbeni dejavniki, pomembna pa je tudi samodejavnost. Najpomembnejše teorije osebnosti so Freudova teorija osebnosti, Allportova teorija osebnosti ter socialne teorije osebnosti. Med področja osebnostne strukture uvrščamo temperament, značaj, sposobnosti ter telesne značilnosti. Tipe osebnosti zaposlenih delimo glede na različne kategorije: glede na temperament razločujemo med sangvinikom, flegmatikom, melanholikom in kolerikom, glede na izbrane osebne pa so pomembni lokus kontrole, makiavelizem, samoučinkovitost in kreativnost. Prav tako lahko tipe zaposlenih delimo na 5 temeljnih dimenzij osebnosti in pri tem razločujemo med naslednjimi tipi: ekstravertnost, prijetnost, vestnost, nevroticizem in odprtost do sprememb. Organizacijska kultura vpliva na oblikovanje stališč in pogledov zaposlenih, stopnjo inovativnosti, motiviranosti in številne druge in s tem vpliva na določene segmente osebnosti. Tudi osebnost vpliva na organizacijsko kulturo podjetja. Ob ustanovitvi organizacije je organizacijska kultura odraz njenih ustanoviteljev. Ko organizacija raste, postane organizacijska kultura sestavljena iz skupka vseh osebnosti zaposlenih. Organizacija prenaša organizacijsko kulturo in tako spreminja svoje zaposlene v procesu socializacije. V procesu socializacije, ki je lahko usmerjena institucionalno ali individualno, se tako zaposleni seznanijo s prevladujočimi vrednotami in normami organizacije in jih prevzamejo. Organizacijska kultura tako vpliva na spremembe posameznikov in pridobivanje novih osebnostnih lastnosti, vendar so te manjše in niso tako velike, da bi se spremenila celotna osebnostna struktura posameznikov. Tudi osebnost zaposlenih spreminja organizacijsko kulturo, saj vsako njihovo spreminjanje organizacijske kulture, ne glede na to, ali organizacijsko kulturo spreminja vodstvo ali pa zaposleni, izhaja prav iz njihovih sposobnostih, značaja, pa tudi temperamenta.
Keywords:organizacijska kultura, osebnost, vpliv osebnosti na organizacijsko kulturo, vpliv organizacijske kulture na osebnost
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[R. Švarc]
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78817 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:69289987 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.07.2021
ŠVARC, Rok, 2021, Povezanost organizacijske kulture podjetja in osebnosti zaposlenih [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : R. Švarc. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78817
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Secondary language

Title:The Relationship between Organizational Culture of a Company and Personality of the Employees
Abstract:In this master’s thesis we are looking for answers to the questions of whether organizational culture affects the personality of employees and whether the personality of employees affects organizational culture. In the first part of the master’s thesis we discuss the concepts of organizational culture and personality. Organizational culture is a comprehensive system of values, norms, beliefs, perceptions, and symbols that determines how all employees will behave and respond to problems. It consists of the outer layer, which represents the visible components of organizational culture (legends, rituals, language, symbols) and the invisible layer (norms, values, fundamental assumptions). The functions of organizational culture are to prevent conflict, to coordinate and control, to increase motivation, to reduce uncertainty, and to gain competitive advantage. We have described several theories used as the basis for defining types of organizational culture. These are the Hofstede model, the Handy typology, the Deal and Kennedy typology, and the Ansoff typology. We also describe how organizational culture changes. Personality is a comprehensive system of relatively continuing mental, characteristics that describe behaviour and physical characteristics, all of which differentiate us from one another. Therefore, personality includes mental characteristics (personality traits, characteristics of mental processes), physical characteristics (characteristics of physical appearance, characteristics of biological processes) and characteristics that describe behaviour. For these reasons we also define personality as a psychophysical unity. Factors that most influence a person’s personality are hereditary factors, family factors, cultural factors, social factors, and, last but not least, self-activity. The most important theories of personality are Freud's theory of personality, Allport's theory of personality, and social theories of personality. Areas of personality structure include temperament, character, abilities and physical characteristics. The personality types of employees are divided according to different categories: according to temperament we distinguish between sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic and choleric, and according to selected personalities the locus of control, Machiavellianism, self-efficacy and creativity. We can also divide the types of employees into 5 basic traits of personality, distinguishing between the following types: extroversion, pleasantness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to change. Organizational culture influences the formation of attitudes and views of employees, the level of innovation, motivation and alike in many ways, and thus affects certain segments of personality. In addition, personality also influences the organizational culture of a company. At the start, at the establishment of an organization, the organizational culture is a reflection of its founders. However, as the organization grows, the organizational culture transforms into a collection of all employee personalities. The organization transmits the organizational culture and thus changes its employees in the process of socialization that can be oriented institutionally or individually. During the process of socialization, employees become acquainted with the prevailing values and norms of the organization and adopt. Organizational culture therefore influences the changes of individuals and the acquisition of new personality traits, which are not big so they do not to change the overall personality structure of individuals. The personality of employees also changes the organizational culture, because any change, regardless of whether the organizational culture is modified by the management or the employees, comes from their abilities, character and temperament.
Keywords:organizational culture, personality, influence of personality on organizational culture, influence of organizational culture on personality


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