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Title:Prenova spletne strani izvajalca tehničnih pregledov
Authors:ID Novak, Rosana (Author)
ID Rajkovič, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Novak_Rosana_2021.pdf (2,25 MB)
MD5: EFEB1818182EE2CE43863A2F0EAA80B7
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/496875bb-f501-4a3b-8cf0-f2a2528ca74e
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Podjetje nudi različne storitve, ki se med seboj povezujejo. Zaradi slabše predstavitve storitev in ne prilagojene spletne strani mobilnim napravam smo se odločili spletno stran posodobiti. Cilj je stranske storitve na spletni strani postaviti v ospredje in nadgraditi vsebino glavnih storitev. Potencialne stranke bi s tem na enem mestu opravile več storitev hkrati. Čakanje na opravljanje storitev se bo skrajšalo s prijavo na obveščanje s spletnim obrazcem. Obveščanje se bo samodejno poslalo na e-poštni naslov, ki je bil oddan na spletnem obrazcu, 14 dni pred potekom obveznih storitev. Obveščeni bo tako pravočasno prišel na obvezno opravljanje storitev in se tako izognil nepotrebnim stroškom. Prav tako bo na spletni strani kalkulator, s katerim pridobimo informativni izračun stroškov, da se lahko pripravimo na znesek, saj plačilo z gotovino prinaša dodaten popust. Z objektnim skriptnim programskim jezikom JavaScript sta bila izdelana spletni obrazec za obveščanje in kalkulator za informativni izračun stroškov. Celotno oblikovanje prototipa spletne strani je bilo izdelano ročno v Visual Studio Code. V sodelovanju s podjetjem načrtujemo zmanjšanje stroškov spletne strani. Tako so na spletni strani objavljene le lastne fotografije podjetja. V nadaljevanju bomo vključili članke podjetij, ki sodelujejo pri storitvah, in lokalne izvajalce, ki bi želeli promovirati svoje storitve. Do objave spletne strani v času izdelave zaključnega dela ni prišlo.
Keywords:spletna stran, tehnični pregled, mobilna naprava, HTML, JavaScript
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78786 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:57982723 New window
Publication date in DKUM:01.04.2021
NOVAK, Rosana, 2021, Prenova spletne strani izvajalca tehničnih pregledov [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78786
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Title:Website renovation for vehicle inspection service
Abstract:The company offers a variety of services connecting with each other. Due to poor presentation of the services and website, not adjusted to mobile devices, we decided to update the website. Our goal is to keep and upgrade the interpretation of the main services and to highlight and offer side services. This would bring more customers who would be provided with multiple services in one place. Queues would be reduced by e-notifications, sent automatically to the customer's e-mail address, provided 14 days before the mandatory services expire. [m1] This would give cutomers enough time for the mandatory execution of services to avoid unnecessary costs. The website would also be equipped with a calculator to obtain an informative calculation of costs which would help customers to prepare an exact amount of cash, as the cash payment brings an additional discount. A webform and a calculator were created using the JavaScript object programming language. The entire design of the prototype website was made manually in Visual Studio Code. In cooperation with the company, we plan to reduce the website's cost. It is equipped with their own photos for starters, later we will include articles or promotions of the company's business partners. Not yet published during this assignment.
Keywords:website, vehicle testing service, mobile device


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