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Title:Elektronska redovalnica z vidika učiteljev, učencev in staršev
Authors:ID Klobasa, Tanja (Author)
ID Pšunder, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Klobasa_Tanja_2021.pdf (2,22 MB)
MD5: DDFF1FBDFC297DD0310B1162A68D4E55
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/f798e527-0a3e-4b4a-b0d9-e88c99f82b5f
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Živimo v času, ki ga zaznamuje stalni napredek in povečana uporaba informacijsko- komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT) v vsakdanjiku. Življenje brez uporabe IKT si težko predstavljamo. Informatizacija je s svojimi produkti, kot je elektronska redovalnica posegla tudi v šolstvo. Uvedba le te je tako v šole kot v domove prinesla tako pozitivne kot negativne spremembe. V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge najprej prikazujemo nekatere značilnosti vzgoje v družini. Nato pozornost posvetimo razvoju otrokove odgovornosti in samostojnosti ter prikažemo pomen sodelovanja staršev in šole ter njen vpliv na otrokovo učno uspeš-nost. V nadaljevanju pozornost namenimo informatizaciji in IKT ter spremembam, ki jih le ti prinašata v šolski prostor. Osredotočimo se na elektronsko redovalnico, njen pomen, zgradbo, ponudnike in varnost. V nalogi opozorimo tudi na pasti in negativne spremembe, ki jih informatizacija nosi s seboj in predstavimo nekatere dileme ob upo-rabi elektronske redovalnice. V empiričnem delu naloge nas zanima, kako učitelji, učenci in starši gledajo na uvedbo elektronske redovalnice, ali jo zaznavajo bolj v negativni ali pozitivni luči. Podrobneje nas zanima, kakšna so stališča učencev, učiteljev in staršev o vplivu elektronske redo-valnice na komunikacijo med učitelji in starši; na šolsko uspešnost in delo učencev; na samostojnost in odgovornost otrok ter na odnose med starši in učenci. Rezultati kažejo, da učitelji, učenci in starši v osnovi e-redovalnico zaznavajo kot pozitivno pridobitev. Raziskava tako kaže, da med učitelji glede na delovno dobo, med učenci glede na raz-red, med starši glede na razred otroka obstajajo nekatere statistično pomembne raz-like v pogledih na e-redovalnico.
Keywords:vzgoja v družini, odgovornost, samostojnost, intenzivno starševstvo, sodelovanje med šolo in starši, informatizacija, IKT, e-redovalnica, eAsistent, Lo.Polis
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Klobasa]
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78736 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:61773827 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.05.2021
KLOBASA, Tanja, 2021, Elektronska redovalnica z vidika učiteljev, učencev in staršev [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : T. Klobasa. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78736
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Secondary language

Title:Electronic gradebook from the percpective of teachers, students and parents
Abstract:We live in a time, marked by constant progress and increased use of information and communication technology (ICT) in our daily life. We can hardly imagine a life without the use of ICT. Computerisation with its products, like the electronic gradebook, has also interfered with education. The introduction of the electronic gradebook to schools and homes has caused positive and negative changes. In the theoretical part of the master’s thesis, firstly we present some of the cha-racteristics of education in the family. We then pay attention to the development of the child’s responsibility and independence, and show the importance of the coopera-tion of parents and the school, and its impact on the child’s learning success. We then focus on computerisation, ICT and changes they are causing in the school environment. We focus on the electronic gradebook, its importance, structure, providers and safety. In the thesis, we also emphasize the traps and negative changes, caused by computerisation. This is followed by the presentations of dilemmas, occurring with the use of the electronic gradebook. In the empirical part of the thesis, we are interested in the perspective of teachers, students and parents on the introduction of the electronic gradebook, if they perceive it as positive or negative. We are more thoroughly interested how teachers, students and parents assess the impact of the electronic gradebook on communication between teachers and parents; on the school success and work of students; on independence and responsibility of students, and on the relationship between parents and students. The results have shown that students, teachers and parents assess the electronic gra-debook as a positive acquisition. The research has also shown that there are some statistically significant differences in perspective on the e-gradebook between teachers in terms of their seniority, between students in terms of their grade, and between parents in terms of the grade of their child.
Keywords:education in the family, development of responsibility, cooperation between school and parents, educational communication technology (ECT), electronic gradebook


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