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Title:Vpliv družbenih omrežij na delovna razmerja
Authors:ID Mehle, Dejan (Author)
ID Senčur Peček, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Mehle_Dejan_2021.pdf (848,04 KB)
MD5: 39D5980A51E3F726960AAF202E3CED42
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/503623db-f030-4ddf-8f9d-907ea51a29fc
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:V magistrskem delu so obravnavani različni pravni vidiki družbenih omrežij in njihov vpliv na delovna razmerja. V današnjem času se za namene zaposlovanja vse pogosteje uporabljajo družbena omrežja, ki služijo kot vir informacij za preverbo kandidatov za zaposlitev. Delodajalci želijo na ta način preveriti primernost kandidatov in se zaščititi pred morebitno poslovno škodo, vendar pri tem obstaja možnost neupravičene obdelave osebnih podatkov in prekomernega posega v zasebnost kandidatov, zato je treba dopustnost tovrstnih preverb obravnavati v vsakokratnem primeru. Pri vključitvi družbenih omrežij v delovni proces se izpostavlja predvsem vprašanje glede dopustnosti delodajalčeve naložitve uporabe družbenih omrežij med delovne obveznosti delavca, kar bo v največji meri odvisno od narave dela, ki ga delavec opravlja. V nasprotnem primeru tovrstna naložitev obveznosti načeloma ne bo možna. Eden izmed pomembnih vidikov predstavlja tudi nadzor delodajalca nad uporabo družbenih omrežij in z njim povezana pričakovana zasebnost delavca. Pri opredelitvi dopustnega nadzora delodajalca nam nekatere odgovore poda sodna praksa Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice, predvsem v sodbi Barbulescu, ki določa omejitve delodajalčevega nadzora in obenem določa smernice, ki jih morajo delodajalci pri nadzoru spoštovati. Posebna vloga je namenjena tudi objavam zaposlenih na družbenih omrežjih. Kot problematične se z vidika delodajalca izpostavljajo predvsem objave zaposlenih, ki škodujejo poslovnim interesom delodajalca ali kažejo na delavčevo kršitev delovnih obveznosti, zato jih bo delodajalec načeloma želel sankcionirati, največkrat z odpovedjo pogodbe o zaposlitvi. Na drugi strani se pri objavah zaposlenih izpostavlja pravica do svobode govora, v primeru razkritja informacij v javnem interesu pa v poštev prihaja tudi zaščita žvižgačev. Pri tem so v magistrskem delu obravnavani različni mednarodni viri, analiza tuje in slovenske pravne ureditve ter pripadajoča sodna praksa.
Keywords:preverba kandidatov za zaposlitev, obdelava osebnih podatkov, delovne obveznosti, nadzor na delovnem mestu, varstvo zasebnosti, prepoved škodljivih ravnanj, svoboda izražanja, odpoved pogodbe o zaposlitvi, žvižgaštvo
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78727 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:53812739 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.03.2021
MEHLE, Dejan, 2021, Vpliv družbenih omrežij na delovna razmerja [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78727
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Secondary language

Title:Social media impact on labour relations
Abstract:The master's thesis deals with various legal aspects of social media and their impact on employment relationships. Nowadays, social networks are increasingly used for employment purposes, which serve as a source of information to background check candidates. In such way, employers want to check the suitability of candidates and protect themselves from possible harm to business reputation, nevertheless there exist a possibility of unjustified processing of personal data and excessive invasion of candidates' privacy, so the admissibility of such background checks must be considered in each individual case. The inclusion of social networks in the work process raises the issue of the admissibility of the employer’s requests to use the social media as one of the employees’ employment obligations, which will generally depend on the nature of the work performed by the employee. On the other hand, if such requirement is not met the imposition of such obligations would not be possible. One of the important aspects is also the employer's monitoring over the use of social media and the associated expected privacy of the employee. The case law of the European Court of Human Rights gives us some answers in defining the admissible monitoring of an employer, especially in the Barbulescu judgment, which sets restrictions on employer’s permissibility on monitoring as well as sets out the guidelines that employers must follow while monitoring the social media of their own employees. A specific role is also intended for posts of employees on their social media networks. For employer, the most problematic are the social media posts of employees that indicate the harm of the business reputation or a violation of work obligations, so the employer will in principle want to sanction them, most often by terminating the employment contract. On the other hand, while regarding the social media posts of the employees, the emphasis should be put at the protection of the freedom of speech, as well as in the case of disclosure of information in the public interest, the protection of whistleblowers. The master's thesis includes various international sources, analysis of foreign and Slovenian legal regulations and corresponding case law.
Keywords:pre-employment screening of candidates, processing of personal data, workplace obligations, monitoring at workplace, protection of privacy, prohibition of gross misconduct, freedom of speech, termination of employment contract, whistleblowing


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