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Title:Pravice intelektualne lastnine kot vir konkurenčne prednosti podjetja
Authors:ID Čelig, Ana Marija (Author)
ID Primec, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Celig_Ana_Marija_2021.pdf (2,38 MB)
MD5: C0086A0685AE0031907D7619C8B95B0B
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/5c9caec0-411d-4735-b437-cc478ea43b62
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Pravo intelektualne lastnine vključuje sistem pravnih instrumentov, ki ureja način pridobitve pravic intelektualne lastnine in zaščito pred nepooblaščeno uporabo. Države sprejemajo zakone o zaščiti intelektualne lastnine iz dveh glavnih razlogov. Prvi razlog je pravno izraziti moralne in ekonomske pravice ustvarjalcev v njihovih stvaritvah ter urediti pravice javnosti pri dostopu do teh stvaritev. Drugi razlog je v vladni politiki, da spodbuja k ustvarjalnost, in razširjanje stvaritev intelektualne lastnine ter spodbuja k pošteni trgovini za zagotavljanje gospodarskega in družbenega razvoja. Lastništvo znamke spada na podrčje intelektualne lastnine, zato je upravičeno do pravnega varstva. Brez registracije blagovna znamka ne uživa zaščite, in je to najbolj vidljivo v primeru zlorabe registrirane blagovne znamke. To pomeni, da je lažja borba in večja možnost povrnitve škode, kdaj je blagovna znamka registrirana in je lažje ugotoviti razloge sodnega postopka. Ime, logotip, simbol, nalepka ali druge prepoznavne značilnosti izdelkov in / ali storitev, danih na trg, se lahko zaščitijo z blagovno znamko, ki je oblika pravnega varstva tržne identitete izdelkov in storitev. Je opisan kot izdelek z dodatnimi dimenzijami in značilnostmi, ki ga ločuje od drugih izdelkov, ki ustrezajo enakim potrebam, te razlike pa so lahko racionalne in oprijemljive, ter simbolne, čustvene in nematerialne. Konkurenca na trgu blagovnih znamk je velika in vlada prava vojna na trgu blagovnih znamk. To je le nekaj dejstev, s katerimi se lastniki blagovnih znamk spopadajo in so zanje zelo pomembni. Vse to je zelo zanimivo in zaradi tega sem se v tem magistrskem delu odločala predstaviti blagovno znamko in jo prikazati kot konkurenčno prednost podjetja. Podjetje Kraš je največje hrvaško podjetje, ki proizvaja slaščičarske izdelke in ima vodilni položaj kot proizvajalec v regiji ter ima več kot 120 veljavnih mednarodnih blagovnih znamk, registriranih pri WIPO (The World Intellectual Property Organization), več kot 180 veljavnih nacionalnih blagovnih znamk, ki so registrirane pri DZIV (Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo), in na desetine nacionalnih blagovnih znamk, ki veljajo zunaj Republike Hrvaške. Glede na zelo široko paleto slaščičarskih izdelkov je odločitev za posamezno registracijo odvisna od tržne strategije upravljanja blagovne znamke, na katero se registracija nanaša, in tržnega potenciala izdelka. Primarna raziskava je bila v prispevku izvedena z namenom analize podjetja Kraš. Rezultati raziskave pa so pokazali, da je podjetje, ki ima svoje izdelke zaščitene z znamko, bolj konkurenčno zaradi večje prepoznavnosti in prodaje, in da je največja prednost registriranja izdelkov z blagovno znamko Kraš zmanjšanje možnosti posnemanja izdelkov konkurenčnih podjetij; da je najbolj znan izdelek Kraša Napolitanke in da je postopek registracije blagovne znamke Kraš zahteven, a dolgoročno donosen in podjetju zagotavlja tržni delež.
Keywords:intelektualna lastnina, konkurenčna prednost, blagovna znamka, trg
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:A. M. Čelig
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78599 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:69460483 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.07.2021
ČELIG, Ana Marija, 2021, Pravice intelektualne lastnine kot vir konkurenčne prednosti podjetja [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : A. M. Čelig. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78599
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Secondary language

Title:Intellectual property rigths as a source of competitive advantage of a company
Abstract:Intellectual property law includes a system of legal instruments that regulates the method of acquiring intellectual property rights and protection against unauthorized use. States pass intellectual property protection laws for two main reasons. The first reason is to legally express the moral and economic rights of creators in their creations and to regulate the rights of the public in accessing these creations. The second reason is in government policy to encourage creativity and the dissemination of intellectual property creations, and to promote fair trade to ensure economic and social development. Trademark ownership falls within the realm of intellectual property and is therefore entitled to legal protection. Without registration, a trademark does not enjoy protection, and this is most visible in the case of misuse of a registered trademark. This means that it is easier to fight and there is a greater chance of redress when the trademark is registered and it is easier to determine the reasons for litigation. The name, logo, symbol, label or other distinguishing features of products and / or services placed on the market may be protected by a trademark, which is a form of legal protection of the market identity of products and services. A product, protected with the brand, is described as a product with additional dimensions and characteristics that distinguishes it from other products that meet the same needs, and these differences can be rational and tangible, as well as symbolic, emotional and immaterial. There is a lot of competition in the brand market and there is a real war in the brand market. These are just a few facts that brand owners face and are very important to them. All this is very interesting and that is why in this master's thesis I decided to present the brand and show it as a competitive advantage of the company. Kraš is the largest Croatian confectionery company and has a leading position as a producer in the region and has more than 120 valid international trademarks registered with WIPO (The World Intellectual Property Organization), more than 180 valid national trademarks, which are registered with SIPO (State Intellectual Property Office), and dozens of national trademarks valid outside the Republic of Croatia. Given the very wide range of confectionery products, the decision for an individual registration depends on the marketing strategy of the brand to which the registration relates and the market potential of the product. The primary research in the paper was carried out for the purpose of analyzing the company Kraš. The results of the research showed that a company that has its products protected by a brand is more competitive due to greater visibility and sales, and that the biggest advantage of registering products with the Kraš brand is the reduction of the possibility of imitating products of competing companies; that the most famous product is Kraš Napolitanka and that the process of registering the Kraš brand is demanding, but profitable in the long run and gives the company a market share.
Keywords:intellectual property, competitive advantage, brand, market, trademark


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