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Title:Izterjava obveznosti na podlagi pomanjkljivo določenega izvršilnega naslova : doktorska disertacija
Authors:ID Merc, Irena (Author)
ID Rijavec, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ivanc, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DOK_Merc_Irena_2021.pdf (2,92 MB)
MD5: 330662B0D5AEB24CD95F7D00489B1A6C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/7aaec6de-7ee5-4927-80b4-65f5ff2dd5fd
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Disertacija obravnava problem nedoločenih izvršilnih naslovov ter analizira postopek izvršbe, kadar upnik predlaga izvršbo na podlagi pomanjkljivo določenega izvršilnega naslova. Problematika pomanjkljivo določenih izvršilnih naslovov se v večji meri pojavlja predvsem pri izvršilnih naslovih izdanih v delovnih sporih, ter pri izterjavi nedenarnih terjatev, težave pa lahko nastanejo tudi takrat, ko se v izvršilnem postopku v Republiki Sloveniji znajde tuj izvršilni naslov, v katerem je obveznost dolžnika določena v tuji valuti, ali pa so obresti določene tako, da se sklicujejo na tujo zakonodajo. V izvršilnem postopku velja temeljno načelo vezanosti na izvršilni naslov, ki ga imenujemo načelo formalne legalitete, zaradi katerega izvršilno sodišče ni upravičeno presojati, ali je konkretna terjatev v izvršilnem naslovu pravilno ugotovljena, temveč mora izvršbo dovoliti tako, kot izhaja iz izvršilnega naslova. Terjatev, ki je v izvršilnem naslovu pomanjkljivo navedena, je težko izvršiti, zato smo v doktorski disertaciji preučili predvsem možnosti za odpravo teh pomanjkljivosti. Ugotovili smo, da je presojo primernosti izvršilnega naslova za izvršbo treba opraviti v fazi dovolitve izvršbe, pri čemer se presoja primernosti nanaša tudi na obrestni del zahtevka. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da izvršilno sodišče ne sme samo pomensko določati obveznosti iz izvršilnega naslova, niti ne sme za namene razjasnitve vsebine terjatve postavljati izvedencev. Kadar je izvršilni naslov nedoločen, je neprimeren za izvršbo, zato mora sodišče upnikov predlog za izvršbo zavrniti. Zaključili smo, da zavrnitev upnikovega predloga zaradi neprimernosti izvršilnega naslova ne pomeni kršitve pravice do sodnega varstva. Izjemoma lahko izvršilni sodnik pomanjkljiv izrek izvršilnega naslova sam konkretizira, kadar so objektivno podani elementi za določitev obveznosti (npr. izvršilni sodnik sam konkretizira višino obrestne mere, kadar iz izreka tujega izvršilnega naslova izhaja sklicevanje na tuj zakon). Obravnavali smo tudi avstrijsko in hrvaško pravno ureditev ter ugotovili, da so avstrijski in hrvaški izvršilni naslovi v obrestnem delu veliko bolj določni kot slovenski izvršilni naslovi, ki vsebujejo le zapis »zakonske zamudne obresti«. V zvezi z izvrševanjem tujih izvršilnih naslovov smo ugotovili, da uporaba obveznih obrazcev, ki jih določajo evropske uredbe, zmanjšuje možnost, da tuj organ potrdi pomanjkljiv izvršilni naslov, vendar prihaja do težav predvsem pri izvršitvi obrestnega dela zahtevka, če le-ta ni dovolj preciziran v obrazcu. Zato bi bilo smiselno sprejeti skupna stališča glede zapisovanja obrestne mere. Po opravljeni primerjalno pravni analizi ureditve tožbe na dopolnitev izvršilnega naslova smo zaključili, da je pomanjkljivo določeno terjatev v izvršilnem naslovu mogoče dopolniti s t. i. »dopolnilnim izvršilnim naslovom«. Tožbo na dopolnitev izvršilnega naslova bi bilo treba z zakonodajno intervencijo po vzoru avstrijske pravne ureditve uvesti v slovenski pravni red.
Keywords:izvršilni naslov, načelo formalne legalitete, določnost tožbenega zahtevka, prisilna izvršba, zamudne obresti, izvršitev sodnih odločb
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[I. Merc]
Year of publishing:2021
Number of pages:250 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78493 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:65131011 New window
Publication date in DKUM:31.05.2021
MERC, Irena, 2021, Izterjava obveznosti na podlagi pomanjkljivo določenega izvršilnega naslova : doktorska disertacija [online]. Doctoral dissertation. Maribor : I. Merc. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78493
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Secondary language

Title:Enforcement of claims on the basis of an insufficiently determined enforcement title
Abstract:The dissertation addresses the issue of undetermined enforcement titles and analyses enforcement proceedings in which the creditor proposes enforcement based on an insufficiently determined enforcement title. The issue of insufficiently determined enforcement titles arises to a greater extent with enforcement titles issued in labour disputes, as well as with the enforcement of non-pecuniary claims, whereas the problem can also arise in those enforcement proceedings in the Republic of Slovenia that include a foreign enforcement title in which the debtor's obligation is determined in a foreign currency, or where the interest is specified by referring to foreign legislation. The enforcement proceedings are characterised by a basic principle under which the court of enforcement is bound by the enforcement title, the so-called principle of formal legality, due to which the court of enforcement is not authorised to assess whether a particular claim in enforcement title is correctly determined, but must instead permit the enforcement as stated in the enforcement title. It is difficult to implement an insufficiently determined claim under the enforcement title; therefore, the doctoral dissertation examined, in particular, the possibilities to remedy these shortcomings. We found that the assessment of the suitability of enforcement title for enforcement needs to be carried out at the stage of permitting enforcement, whereby the assessment of suitability includes the part of the claim containing interest. We also found that the court of enforcement may not itself determine the contents of obligations arising from the enforcement title, nor may it appoint experts to clarify the substance of the claim. If the enforcement title is undetermined, it is considered unsuitable for enforcement, and the court must thus reject the creditor's application for enforcement. We concluded that the rejection of the creditor's application on the grounds of enforcement title being unsuitable does not constitute a breach of the right to judicial protection. In exceptional cases, the enforcement judge may specify a defective operative part of enforcement title if the elements for determining the obligation are provided objectively (e.g., enforcement judge specifies the amount of interest rate if the operative part of a foreign enforcement title refers to foreign law). Furthermore, we examined Austrian and Croatian regulation and found that the parts of Austrian and Croatian enforcement titles containing interest are much more specific than Slovenian enforcement titles, which contain only a phrase "statutory default interest". In connection with the enforcement of foreign enforcement titles, we found that the use of mandatory forms set out in the European regulations reduces the possibility of a foreign authority confirming an insufficient enforcement title; however, the issues occur in particular when enforcing the part of the claim containing interest where it is insufficiently determined in the form. Therefore, it would be prudent to adopt common positions regarding the phrasing of the interest rate. Based on the comparative legal analysis of the regulation of action for supplementing the enforcement title, we concluded that an insufficiently determined claim in the enforcement title could be supplemented with the so-called "supplementary enforcement title". The action for supplementing the enforcement title should be introduced into Slovenian legal order by legislative intervention following the example of Austrian regulation.
Keywords:enforcement title, principle of formal legality, determination of the claim, compulsory execution, default interest, enforcement of judgments


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