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Title:Vloga spremljevalca otroka v vrtcu
Authors:ID Barle, Eva (Author)
ID Hmelak, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Barle_Eva_2021.pdf (1,19 MB)
MD5: A3F840EB295193CF7C505149AD36B4AC
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/8eeca434-9362-4f39-b804-cf243ddd148d
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Namen zaključnega dela z naslovom Vloga spremljevalca otroka v vrtcu je opredeliti vlogo spremljevalcev otrok v vrtcu in raziskati usposobljenost le-teh za izvajanje določenih nalog, s katerimi se srečujejo pri vsakodnevnem delu. V teoretičnem delu smo na začetku postavili zakonodajni okvir, ki opredeljuje spremljevalca otroka v slovenskem vzgojno-izobraževalnem prostoru, njegovo vlogo in naloge, s katerimi se srečuje v praksi, problematiko usposobljenosti in pričakovane osebnostne lastnosti spremljevalca otroka v vrtcu. Ker je za uspešno delo spremljevalca ključno sodelovanje, smo raziskali izzive in morebitne ovire pri sodelovanju s starši, vzgojiteljem in ostalimi strokovnimi delavci, ki so pomembno vključeni v delo z otrokom s posebnimi potrebami. Na koncu pa smo podrobneje predstavili tudi timsko delo, ki je kot tako vse bolj razširjeno v vzgoji in izobraževanju in predstavlja tudi ključ do uspešnega sodelovanja. Za namen empiričnega dela diplomske naloge smo pripravili dva anketna vprašalnika, enega namenjena spremljevalcem otroka v vrtcu, drugega pa za vzgojitelje, v katerih oddelke so vključeni otroci s posebnimi potrebami. Z omenjenima vprašalnikoma smo želeli raziskati, kako spremljevalci vidijo svojo vlogo v vrtcu in kakšna je njihova vloga skozi oči vzgojiteljev. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 81 pedagoških delavcev (32 spremljevalcev ter 49 vzgojiteljev).
Keywords:spremljevalec otroka, vrtec, sodelovanje, timsko delo
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[E. Barle]
Year of publishing:2021
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78316 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:63387395 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.05.2021
BARLE, Eva, 2021, Vloga spremljevalca otroka v vrtcu [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : E. Barle. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78316
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Secondary language

Title:The role of a child's assistant in the kindergarten
Abstract:The purpose of the final paper entitled “The Role of a Child's Assistant in Kindergarten” was to define the role of children's assistants in kindergarten and to investigate their ability to perform specific tasks that they encounter in their daily work. In the theoretical part, weI initially established the legislative framework that defines the child's assistant in the Slovenian educational space, his/her role and tasks encountered in practice, the issue of qualifications, and the expected personality traits of the child's assistant in kindergarten. As cooperation is key to successful work, we explored the challenges and potential obstacles in working with parents, educators, and other professionals who are significantly involved in working with a child with special needs. In the end, we also presented teamwork in greater detail, which is increasingly widespread in education and is also the key to successful cooperation. For the empirical part of the diploma thesis, we prepared two questionnaires, one intended for the child's assistants in kindergarten, and the other for the educators in whose departments the children with special needs are included. With the above-mentioned questionnaires, we wanted to investigate how the assistants see their role in kindergarten and their role through the educators' eyes. The research included 81 pedagogical workers (32 assistants and 49 educators).
Keywords:child's assistant, kindergarten, cooperation, teamwork


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