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Title:Funkcionalizacija volne s polietilen iminom za povečanje adsorpcije kovin : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Flucher, Viktorija (Author)
ID Simonič, Marjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Fras Zemljič, Lidija (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Flucher_Viktorija_2020.pdf (3,17 MB)
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/28a66bd6-dccd-4cbf-99fb-aaf0d90a4b85
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Abstract:V magistrski nalogi smo hoteli pridobiti učinkovit sorbent za odstranjevanje težkih kovinskih ionov kot sta Zn(II) in Cu(II) iz odpadne vode. Surovo volno smo fizikalno modificirali z nanosom 1 % (m/V) in 2 % (m/V) makromolekularne raztopine polietilenimina, predhodno smo surovo volno in odpadno volno očistili nečistoč z 0,001 M HCl. Spremembe volnenih vlaken po funkcionalizaciji smo preverjali s FT-IR spektri in XPS spektri. Za kvantitativno določitev prisotnih amino in karboksilnih skupin na vlaknih smo izvedli potenciometrično titracijo. Učinkovitost sorpcije kovinskih ionov smo analizirali z AAS metodo. Določili smo kinetiko sorpcije psevdo-prvega in psevdo-drugega reda ter izoterme sorpcijskega procesa po Langmuirjevem, Freundlichovem modelu in Redlich-Petersonovem modelu. Desorpcijo kovinskih ionov smo izvedli z 0,01 M EDTA. Preučili smo vpliv kontaktnega časa in koncentracije kovinskih ionov. Z modifikacijo volne z enojnim nanosom 1 % (m/V) polietileniminom smo dosegli najvišjo koncentracijo protoniranih amino skupin (308,87 mmol/kg), najmanj je imela surova volna z 29, 7 mmol/kg in odpadna volna 142,15 mmol/kg. Maksimalno učinkovitost sorpcije Zn(II) na surovi volni pri kontaktnem času 3 h, koncentraciji 6,25 mg/l smo dosegli 95,5 % učinkovitost sorpcije in učinkovitost nad 94 % smo dosegli pri sorpciji Cu(II) pri koncentracijah 12,5 mg/l in 6,25 mg/l, po 3 h. Pri odpadni volni smo maksimalno učinkovitost sorpcije 34,4 % Zn(II) dosegli po 24 h in pri sorpciji Cu(II) je učinkovitost znašala 60,4 % po 3 h pri 6,25 mg/l. Pri fizikalno modificirani volni z nanosom 1 % in 2 % (m/V) makromolekularne raztopine polietilenimina pri pH 6 pa nismo dosegli izboljšane učinkovitosti, kar je moč pripisati disociacijskemu stanju polietilenimina in/ali steričnim oviram razvejanih verig le-tega. Najvišje koeficiente prileganja smo določili pri psevdo-drugem redu reakcije in Redlich-Petersonovemu modelu za adsrorpcijo. Desorpcija Zn(II) na surovi volni in odpadni volni je bila uspešna, medtem ko desorpcija Cu(II) na vlaknih ni bila uspešna. Izkazalo se je, da surova volna in tekstilno obdelana, izkazujeta potencial za učinkovit in trajnostni sorbent za odstranitev kovin iz odpadnih voda.
Keywords:volna, cink, baker, polietilenimin, redukcija težkih kovin, odpadna tekstilna volna, atomska absorpcijska spektroskopija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:[V. Flucher]
Year of publishing:2020
Number of pages:XI, 55 f.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78300 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:45270531 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.01.2021
Categories:KTFMB - FKKT
FLUCHER, Viktorija, 2020, Funkcionalizacija volne s polietilen iminom za povečanje adsorpcije kovin : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : V. Flucher. [Accessed 25 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78300
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Licensing start date:03.12.2020

Secondary language

Title:Functionalization of wool with polyethylene imine to enhance metal adsorption
Abstract:In this master's thesis, we wanted to obtain an effective sorbent for the removal of heavy metal ions such as Zn (II) and Cu (II) from wastewater. The raw wool was physically modified by applying 1% (w/V) and 2% (w/V) macromolecular solution with polyethyleneimine, previously the raw wool and waste textile wool were cleaned of impurities with 0,001 M HCl. Changes in wool fibres after functionalization were checked by FT-IR spectra and XPS spectra. Potentiometric titration was performed to quantify the amino and carboxyl groups present on the fibres. The sorption efficiency of metal ions was analysed by the AAS method. We determined the sorption kinetics of the pseudo-first and pseudo-second-order and the isotherms of the sorption process according to the Langmuir, Freundlich and Redlich-Peterson models. Sorption of metal ions was performed with 0.01 M EDTA. We studied the influence of contact time and metal ion concentration. By modifying the wool with a single application of 1 % (m/V) PEI, we achieved the highest concentration of protonated amino groups (308,87 mmol/kg), the least were determined on raw wool with 29,7 mmol/kg followed by waste wool with 142,15 mmol/kg. The maximum Zn (II) sorption efficiency of 95,5 % on raw wool at a contact time of 3 h and concentration of 6.25 mg/l was achieved. Efficiency above 94 % was achieved with Cu(II) sorption at initial concentrations of 12,5 mg/ l and 6,25 mg/l after 3 h. In the case of waste textile wool, the maximum efficiency of Zn(II) sorption was reached after 24 h at 34.4 % and for Cu(II) at 60,4 % with initial Cu(II) concentration 6,25 mg/l, after 3 h. In the case of physically modified wool with the application of 1 % and 2 % (w/V) macromolecular solution of polyethyleneimine at pH = 6, no improved efficiency was achieved, which can be attributed to the dissociative state of PEI and/or steric barriers of its branched chains. The best fitting equation was determined to be pseudo-second-order reaction and the Redlich-Peterson model very well represents the adsorption. Desorption of Zn(II) on raw wool and waste wool was successful, while the desorption of Cu (II) on either fibres was not. It has been shown that raw wool and textile-treated showed the potential to be an effective and sustainable sorbent for removing metals from wastewater or sludge.
Keywords:wool, zinc, copper, polyethyleneimine, heavy metal reduction, waste textile wool, atomic absorption spectroscopy


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