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Title:Zadovoljstvo zaposlenih v telekomunikacijskem podjetju x
Authors:ID Manojlović, Svjetlana (Author)
ID Podbregar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Manojlovic_Svjetlana_2021.pdf (1,01 MB)
MD5: B2C16E62699EED0C20554F80AE9C2372
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/069394d5-8deb-4a50-8285-84eb6823078a
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Zadovoljstvo zaposlenih je temeljnega pomena za uspeh podjetja. Podjetje, ki vlaga v zaposlene, ima lahko bolj motivirane in bolj zadovoljne zaposlene, ki se medsebojno dobro razumejo. Posledično je medoddelčno sodelovanje boljše, zaposleni so bolj zavzeti na svojih delovnih mestih, kar prispeva k temu, da dosegajo boljše rezultate. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela so predstavljeni dejavniki in dimenzije zadovoljstva zaposlenih ter vzroki in vrste pojava fluktuacije. Dejavniki so razdeljeni na notranje in zunanje, medtem ko so dimenzije zadovoljstva zaposlenih opredeljene na možnosti napredovanja in izobraževanja, plače in nagrade, medsebojne odnose, motivacijo, delovni čas, delovne razmere in okolje, organizacijsko klimo in kulturo ter vodenje podjetja. V telekomunikacijskem podjetju X smo izvedli raziskavo, katere cilj je bil ugotoviti, kako so zaposleni zadovoljni na svojem delovnem mestu. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je v povprečju zadovoljna večina zaposlenih. Iz ankete same pa je razvidno, da sistem motiviranja v podjetju ni dobro zastavljen, saj se morajo zaposleni v večini motivitrati sami. Obenem se kaže tudi to, da si zaposleni želijo več spodbude oziroma primernega sistema glede napredovanja in več izobraževanja. V prihodnosti bi zato podjetje moralo v smislu zagotavljanja večjega zadovoljstva zaposlenih investirati v izobraževanja zaposlenih, saj le-ta prispevajo k boljši produktivnosti, kakovosti dela in motiviranosti. Jereb (1987, 17) je stopnje organiziranja izobraževalne dejavnosti razdelil na raziskovanje potreb (globalne, diferencirane), načrtovanje, programiranje, organizacija (oblike, metode, pripomočki, kadri, lokacija) ter vrednotenje (notranje, zunanje). To pomeni, da bi podjetje najprej moralo pripraviti raziskavo potreb, ki jo začne z letnimi razgovori z vsemi zaposlenimi. Na podlagi raziskave lahko potem pripravi načrt ter izvajanje izobraževanja. Prav tako bi zaposlenim lahko ponudili možnosti glede napredovanja, saj trenutno ne obstaja sistem napredovanja, razen, če zaposleni sami prosijo za to. Enako kot pri raziskovanju potreb glede izobraževanja mora podjetje narediti raziskavo tudi glede napredovanja. Za začetek bi podjetje lahko začelo izvajati letne razgovore z vsakim zaposlenim, ki bi moral potekati v stilu trenutnega zadovoljstva na trenutnem delovnem mestu ter kje se vidijo v prihodnosti oziroma če si želijo zamenjati delovno mesto ali pa so na tem zadovoljni. Tako lahko podjetje dobi jasen uvid v cilje in želje zaposlenega, dobi lahko jasen odgovor, ali želi zaposleni napredovati horizontalno ali vertikalno, in temu primerno tudi uredi sistem napredovanja. V Sloveniji imamo kar nekaj primerov dobrih praks, po katerih se lahko zgledujemo. V nadaljevanju so le-te predstavljene.
Keywords:− zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, − fluktuacija, − medsebojni odnosi, − motivacija.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-78291 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:66025475 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.06.2021
MANOJLOVIĆ, Svjetlana, 2020, Zadovoljstvo zaposlenih v telekomunikacijskem podjetju x [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 30 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=78291
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:01.12.2020

Secondary language

Title:Employee satisfaction in telecommunication company x
Abstract:Employee satisfaction is fundamental to the success of the company. A company investing in employees can have more motivated employees, better satisfied employees have a good understanding of each other. Then interdepartmental cooperation is better, better staffed and more engaged in their jobs, which contributes to better results. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis thus presents the factors in the dimensions of employee satisfaction and the causes in the types of occurrence of fluctuation. The factors are thus subdivided into external, external, when such satisfied employees are determined on the possibilities of advancement in education, salaries in rewards, mutual relations, motivation, working time, working conditions in the environment, organizational climate and culture, and business management. We conducted a survey at telecommunications company x and the goal was announced so that employees were satisfied at their place of work. The results of the survey showed that they were satisfied employees. The survey shows that the motivation system in the company did not stay well, since most employees motivate themselves. At the same time, it also shows that it wants associates who wish to sign more basic systems regarding the promotion of more employee training from other companies. In the future, therefore, the company had to detect a greater number of satisfied employees who were investigating employee training, as they contributed to higher productivity, quality delays in motivation. Jereb (1987, 17) organized educational activities that were divided into research needs (global, differentiated), planning, programming, organization (forms, methods, tools, personnel, location) and evaluation (international, external). To understand that the company should have done research on the needy who engaged in annual interviews with all employees. Based on the research, we can then prepare a plan for the implementation of education. This is precisely why employees can offer promotion opportunities, the site does not currently have existing promotion systems, and employees do not apply for it themselves. The same as with research they need in terms of education, companies also have to forecast efforts. For a start, the company could start having annual conversations with any employee who would make a moral move in the style of instant gratification at their current job and see themselves in the future and if they want to change jobs or be satisfied with that. Thus, the company can get a clear insight into the target and the employee, you can get a clear answer or they want the employees to progress horizontally or vertically in this case also arrange a promotion system. We have some of the best practices in Slovenia that we can see. The following is the only one presented.
Keywords:- Employees satisfaction, - Turnover, - Relationships, - Motivation.


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