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Title:Fenofaze cvetenja za vrste travniške asociacije Onobrychido viciifoliae-brometum v Halozah
Authors:ID Vajda, Katja (Author)
ID Škornik, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Vajda_Katja_2020.pdf (3,89 MB)
MD5: 292C7BA205BDAFE7738F2EF60336E89C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/0fb7e40a-4206-4fbf-be8f-bbe748b81a39
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Abstract:V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali povezavo med fenofazo cvetenja vrst in njihovo CSR življenjsko strategijo na ekstenzivnih polsuhih traviščih asociacije Onobrychido viciifoliae-Brometum. Polsuha travišča so bila na območju Haloz v preteklosti zelo raziskana. Kljub temu raziskav in podatkov o fenologiji cvetenja vrst za omenjena travišča še nimamo. Za travišča v Veliki Varnici smo pridobili podatke o cvetenju (začetek, vrh in konec cvetenja) za vse popisane vrste. Na izbranih travniških poligonih smo zbrali 33 vegetacijskih popisov, skupaj smo popisali 89 rastlinskih vrst, za katere smo zbrali podatke 17 strategij po modelu CSR-strategij. Za ugotavljanje povezave časa cvetenja z življenjsko strategijo rastlin smo uporabili Excel program, t. i. C-S-R Signature CALCULATOR in COMPARATOR. Na osnovi CSR-strategij smo potrdili hipotezo, da imajo vrste z viškom cvetenja po opravljeni košnji izraženo R življenjsko strategijo (R-strategi). Zanje je značilna nižja rast in hitra obrast po motnji. Vzorec poudarjenega cvetenja ruderalk je povezan z redno košnjo, ki je prisotna s strani človeka konec meseca junija. Ugotovili smo, da so zgodaj cvetoče vrste (mesec cvetenja marec, april) v večjem deležu S-strategi. Hkrati smo ugotovili, da se C-strategi pojavljajo z viškom cvetenja v mesecu maju in juniju. V raziskavi smo na podlagi vzorčenja pokrovnosti rozet kukavičevk potrdili, da so obravnavani travniki številčno zelo bogati s predstavniki iz družine Orchidaceae. Zaključimo lahko, da je za ohranjanje ugodnega stanja travišč Natura 2000 habitatnega tipa 6210(*) na območju Haloz treba tudi v prihodnje zagotoviti ustrezno kmetijsko rabo.
Keywords:ekstenzivna travišča, asociacija Onobrychido viciifoliae-Brometum, fenofaze cvetenja, CSR življenjske strategije, Natura 2000, Orchidaceae
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Vajda]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-77929 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:35539203 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.11.2020
VAJDA, Katja, 2020, Fenofaze cvetenja za vrste travniške asociacije Onobrychido viciifoliae-brometum v Halozah [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : K. Vajda. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=77929
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:24.09.2020

Secondary language

Title:The flowering phenology of species from the grassland association Onobrychido viciifoliae-brometum in Haloze
Abstract:In the master's thesis we determined a connection between the phenological functional traits of flowering species and their CSR life strategy in extensive semi-dry grasslands of the Onobrychido viciifoliae-Brometum. Semi-dry grasslands in Haloze area were researched extensively in the past. However, we do not yet have research and data on phenological functional traits of flowering species for aforementioned grasslands. For grasslands in Velika Varnica, we obtained data on flowering (beginning, peak and end of flowering) for all listed species. We collected 33 vegetation relevés at selected meadow polygons, a total of 89 plant species for which we collected data for 17 strategies according to the CSR strategy model. To establish a connection between the flowering time and plant life strategy we used the Excel program so-called C-S-R Signature CALCULATOR and COMPARATOR. Based on CSR strategies, we confirmed the hypothesis that species with peak flowering after mowing have an expressed R life strategy (R-strategists). They are characterised by lower growth and rapid regeneration after the disturbance. The pattern of pronounced ruderal plant species flowering is associated with regular mowing at the end of June. We found that early-flowering species (flowering month March, April) are predominantly S-strategists. At the same time, we found that C-strategists appear with peak flowering in May and June. In the study, we confirmed on the basis of sampling the cover of orchid rosettes that the studied meadows are rich in representatives from the Orchidaceae family. We can conclude that in the order to maintain the favourable conservation status of Natura 2000 grasslands of habitat type 6210(*) in the Haloze area, it is necessary to ensure appropriate agricultural use in the future as well.
Keywords:extensive grasslands, association Onobrychido viciifoliae-Brometum, phenological functional traits, CSR plant strategies, Natura 2000, Orchidaceae


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