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Title:Učinek preventivnega programa
Authors:ID Bratina, Gregor (Author)
ID Topolšek, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Bratina_Gregor_2020.pdf (1,94 MB)
MD5: 11FE1BDBB78FC3EBECEF13525B2C8114
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d116ba0c-5fb1-4664-a908-40302b7002eb
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Raziskava v sklopu magistrskega dela je bila namenjena preučevanju učinka preventivnega programa »Še vedno vozim, vendar ne hodim«, ki ga izvaja VOZIM, Zavod za inovativno izobraževanje na področju prometne varnosti. Ciljna skupina so bili dijaki srednjih šol, ki so na začetku svoje vozniške poti. V sodelovanju z zavodom VOZIM smo osnovali anketni vprašalnik. Nato smo se odpravili na srednje šole, kjer smo izvedli anketiranje tik pred in takoj po koncu preventivnega programa. Tako smo preverjali stališča mladih o prometni varnosti pred izvedbo in jih primerjali s stališči po izvedbi preventivnega programa. Na ta način smo izmerili učinek samega programa. Med drugim smo želeli ugotoviti, katere spremembe bi lahko uvedli, da bi se učinkovitost programa še izboljšala in kateri načini podajanja informacij so imeli največji učinek na poslušalce. V času raziskave smo bili soočeni z nekaj omejitvami, ki so vplivale na rezultate. Predvsem je bil to čas izvajanja programa, čas, ki smo ga imeli na razpolago za preverjanje učinka, in nepripravljenost dijakov za reševanje anket. Glede na rezultate lahko le deloma potrdimo učinkovitost preventivnega programa. Rezultati so razkrili, da ima program potencial in pozitivne učinke na poslušalce, vendar pa zaradi že naštetih omejitev tega ne moremo z gotovostjo potrditi. V rezultatih je namreč prihajalo do precejšnjih odstopanj. Kljub temu pa je vzpodbudno, da je raziskava pokazala pozitivne smernice tovrstnega programa.
Keywords:prometna varnost, preventivni program, prometne nesreče, mladi vozniki, učinek
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[G. Bratina]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-77913 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:41079043 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.12.2020
BRATINA, Gregor, 2020, Učinek preventivnega programa [online]. Master’s thesis. Celje : G. Bratina. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=77913
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:23.09.2020

Secondary language

Title:Effect of preventive programme
Abstract:The master's research aimed to study the effect of the preventive programme »I still drive, but cannot walk« under VOZIM, Institute for innovative education, in a field of road safety. Target audience was high school students at the beginning of their driver's career. In collaboration with VOZIM, we have created a survey, which we have used in high schools where the programme took its place. We used the same survey twice, just before and right after the programme. In this way, we could examine a student's point of view on road safety before and after the programme. This is how we measured the effect of the programme. We have also wanted to explore new ways of presenting information to the public to further increase the effect of the programme. During our research, we faced many limitations that affected our results. Mainly those limitations were connected with the time of year when programme took place, time to measure the effect of the programme, and the unwillingness of students to take part in a survey. Based on the findings we can only partially confirm the effectiveness of the preventive programme. Results have shown a high potential of the programme and a positive effect on the audience but due to limitations, we cannot claim with certainty that the programme was effective because results differentiate too wide. Nevertheless, research has shown a positive guideline for the programme
Keywords:road safety, preventive programme, road accidents, young drivers, effect


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