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Title:Zaščita in izkoriščanje avtorskih del v izobraževanju ter posledice njihovih kršitev
Authors:ID Vajksler, Katja (Author)
ID Bratina, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Vajksler_Katja_2020.pdf (890,27 KB)
MD5: EFCA4DD24EBA5D92478DE138B03352D0
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/83e9d5ae-a95f-4b44-9f0e-84ed12c71996
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Ustvarjalne dosežke je treba zavarovati in primerno nagraditi ter ljudi tako stimulirati k nadaljnjemu ustvarjanju. Avtorsko in sorodne pravice v Republiki Sloveniji ureja Zakon o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah. Na osnovi zakona se ustvarjalna dela, tudi s področja izobraževanja, uvrščajo med avtorska dela. Avtorskopravno varstvo vključuje stvaritve s področja književnosti, znanosti in umetnosti, ki so na kakršenkoli način izražene. Vsako avtorsko delo mora izpolnjevati pet osnovnih predpostavk. Te predpostavke so, da mora delo biti stvaritev, biti mora s področja književnosti, znanosti ali umetnosti, biti mora rezultat duhovnega izražanja, kar pomeni, da se morajo v njem odražati avtorjeve misli in občutki, izraženo mora biti na način, ki je človeku zaznaven, in mora biti individualno. Zakon o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah navaja odprto listo primerov, ki so najbolj tipični za avtorska dela. Na področju izobraževanja poznamo avtorska dela, ki jih v času izobraževanja ustvarijo učenci in študenti, in tista, ki jih za namene poučevanja ustvarijo učitelji in profesorji. Na nižjih stopnjah izobraževanja, na primer v osnovnih in srednjih šolah, je bolj malo del, ki bi kazala tolikšno mero ustvarjalnosti, da bi lahko izpolnjevala osnovne predpostavke avtorskega dela, na univerzah pa se od študentov zahteva, da za namene študija ustvarijo dela, ki pogosto izpolnjujejo vse predpostavke. Tipični primeri takih del so diplomska in magistrska dela ter doktorske disertacije. Na drugi strani pa so tista avtorska dela, ki jih ustvarijo profesorji za namene poučevanja, najbolj tipični primer tega pa so predavanja. Zakon o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah govorjena dela in s tem predavanja izrecno uvršča med avtorska. Pri delih profesorjev se pojavijo tudi vprašanja, ali so izpitna vprašanja avtorska dela. Pri vseh delih je treba paziti, da kroga avtorskih del ne širimo umetno, ne smemo pa jih avtomatično izločiti. Zaradi tega bo treba v vsakem posameznem primeru ocenjevati izpolnjenost osnovnih predpostavk avtorskega dela. Zakon o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah za namene izobraževanja določa izjeme od avtorske pravice. Uporaba avtorskih del je za namene izobraževanja prosta in avtorjevo dovoljenje za uporabo ni potrebno. Ob takšni uporabi pa je treba navesti vir in avtorstvo dela, saj se v nasprotnem primeru znajdemo na področju kršitev avtorskih pravic. Pri omejitvah gre za iskanje ravnotežja med interesi avtorja in družbenimi interesi do pretoka informacij in dostopa do znanja. Omejitve so dopustne le v razumni meri in v okviru predvidenega namena, primeri pa morajo biti določeni z zakonom. Prosta uporaba za namene pouka študentom dopušča uporabo avtorskih del, ne da bi se ti morali veliko ukvarjati z avtorskih pravom. Države članice Evropske unije pa ne določajo enakih omejitev avtorske pravice za namene izobraževanja, kot jih določa slovenski avtorski zakon.
Keywords:avtorska pravica, izobraževanje, izjeme od avtorske pravice, kršitve avtorskih pravic
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Vajksler]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-77851 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:42163971 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.12.2020
VAJKSLER, Katja, 2020, Zaščita in izkoriščanje avtorskih del v izobraževanju ter posledice njihovih kršitev [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : K. Vajksler. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=77851
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Secondary language

Title:The protection and exploitation of copyrighted works in education and the consequences of their violations
Abstract:Creative achievements need to be protected and appropriately rewarded for the purpose of stimulating people to continue creating. Copyright and related rights in the Republic of Slovenia are regulated by the Copyright and Related Rights Act. The law classifies creative works, including works in the field of education, as author's works. Copyright protection includes works from the fields of literature, science and art that are in any way expressed. Each author's work must meet five basic criteria. These criteria are that the work must be a creation, it must be from the field of literature, science or art, it must be the result of spiritual expression, which means that it must reflect the author's thoughts and feelings, it must be expressed in a way perceivable by man and must be individual. The Copyright and Related Rights Act lists an open list of cases that are most typical for copyrighted works. In the field of education, we know authorial works created by students during education and those created by teachers and professors for teaching purposes. At lower levels of education, such as primary and secondary schools, there are fewer works that show a degree of creativity to meet the basic criteria of copyright work, but universities on the other hand require students to create works for study purposes that often meet all the criteria of the author's work. Typical examples of such works are graduation theses, master's theses and doctoral dissertations. On the other hand, there are authorial works created by professors for teaching purposes and the most typical representative are lectures. The Copyright and Related Rights Act explicitly classifies spoken works and therefore lectures as copyrighted works. Concerning the works of professors also arise questions whether the examination questions are author's works. With all works we must be careful not to artificially expand the circle of authorial works, but not to exclude them automatically. Therefore, in each individual case, it will be necessary to assess the fulfilment of the basic criteria of the author's work. The Copyright and Related Rights Act provides exceptions to copyright for educational purposes. The use of copyrighted works is free for educational purposes and the author's permission for use is not required. In such use it is necessary to state the source and authorship of the work, because otherwise we find ourselves in the field of copyright infringement. Copyright exceptions are about finding a balance between the author's interests and social interests for information flow and access to knowledge. Copyright exceptions are permitted only to a reasonable extent and within the intended purpose and cases must be determined by law. Free use for teaching purposes allows students to use copyrighted works without having to deal with copyright. However, the Member States of the European Union do not all set the same restrictions on copyright for educational purposes as determined by Slovenian copyright law.
Keywords:copyright, education, copyright exceptions, copyright infringement


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