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Title:Vpliv epidemije Covid-19 na poslovanje in spletno nakupovanje v Zgornje Savinjski dolini
Authors:ID Goltnik, Urška (Author)
ID Deželak, Zdenko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: F413DB77A666296D3520674422C099C9
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/4d7af161-f2e0-4123-a3ed-5c5f73646b09
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Elektronsko poslovanje je način poslovanja, ki je v tem času trend. S sodobno informacijsko tehnologijo poteka poslovanje v večini podjetij. E- poslovanje zajema vse od nakupovanja prek spleta, prodajo proizvodov in storitev do komunikacije. Največ se pojavlja med podjetji ter podjetji in potrošniki Spletna trgovina je trenutno eden največjih prodajnih kanalov. V času epidemije so se mnogi trgovci poslužili spletne trgovine. Mnogim podjetjem strežniki »pregorevajo«, podaljšujejo se dostavni roki, zmanjkujejo zaloge, saj niso bili pripravljeni na takšno zanimanje. Ampak še vedno je potrebno biti pazljiv, saj so pogosto na vidiku spletne trgovine, ki so lažne, le da bi pridobili osebne podatke naivnih kupcev. Aktualna nalezljiva bolezen, zaradi katere je bila v Sloveniji 13. marca 2020 razglašena epidemija, se imenuje Covid-19. Pri večini obolelih se kaže s povišano temperaturo, kašljem in občutkom pomanjkanja zraka. Čas epidemije je svetu prinesel mnoge gospodarske in druge negativne posledice. Vsak posamezni je dolžan poskrbeti, da s svojim ravnanjem, ne ogroža zdravja drugih, zato je potrebno upoštevanje posebnih ukrepov, katere predlaga vlada RS. Na podlagi izdanih anket in pozneje analiziranih, smo ugotovili, kakšno je dejansko stanje v času epidemije in po petih mesecih v podjetju Otroški kotiček ter pri posameznikih.
Keywords:elektronsko poslovanje, spletno nakupovanje, Covid-19, koronavirus, epidemija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[U. Goltnik]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-77758 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:75265027 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.09.2021
GOLTNIK, Urška, 2020, Vpliv epidemije Covid-19 na poslovanje in spletno nakupovanje v Zgornje Savinjski dolini [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : U. Goltnik. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=77758
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Licensing start date:14.09.2020

Secondary language

Title:The impact of the covid-19 epidemic on the business and online shopping in the Upper Savinja valley
Abstract:E-commerce is a way of doing business that is nowadays a trend. With modern information technology, business is conducted in several companies. E-commerce encompasses everything from online shopping, selling products and communication services. It most often occurs among businesses and businesses and consumers. The online store is currently one of the largest sales channels. During the epidemic, many merchants resorted to online stores. Servers of many companies are "burning out", delivery times are being extended, stocks are running out because they were not ready for such a rush. But we still need to be careful because of the fake online shops, that just want to get the personal information of naive costumers. The current infectious disease, due to which an epidemic was declared in Slovenia on 13th March 2020, is called Covid-19. Symptoms of the infection are common to most patients and include fever, cough and shortness of breath. Epidemic brought many economic and other negative consequences to the world. Every individual is obliged to ensure that his or her actions do not endanger the health of others, so it is necessary to take into account the special measures proposed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. Based on the surveys that were later analysed, we determined the actual situation at the time of the epidemic and after five months after epidemic in the company Otroški kotiček and with individuals.
Keywords:E-commerce, online shopping, Covid-19, coronavirus, epidemic


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